Refrigeration Technician (m/k/d)

Om virksomheden
- A Great Place to Work – we have been officially certified in 2023!
- A young, dynamic, growing company
- A flat organization with an informal tone
- A workplace with good cohesion between motivated and team-oriented colleagues
- Are you a quality-conscious and travel-loving refrigeration technician? Do you think –80°C, cascade system, PLC control and full redundancy sounds interesting Then you now have the opportunity to join LOWENCO - one of the world's leading manufacturers of ultra-low temperature freezers for the pharmaceutical industrySee Tasks Below:
- Deliver top quality refrigeration products
- Plan the installation work at the customers, including ensuring that the containers ready for shipping
- Prepare the necessary documentation that accompanies our projects
- Contribute to the development of our refrigeration apprentices
- Actively participate in the development and optimisation of work processes and products
- You have the 4-year training as a refrigeration technician (certificate B or 1)
- You like to travel and are flexible
- As a person, you are quality conscious, structured and have an overview
- You are a team player but can also work independently
- You have a positive mind and a good mood
- Candidates need to be able to read, write and speak Danish & English as well as reside in Denmark
- A high degree of flexibility to plan your working day when you are not out with customers
- Focus on your professional and personal development – here we ensure that you have the courses that are relevant in relation to our customers. We hold annual and quarterly employee development interviews follow-ups.
- Salary according to qualifications, pension and health insurance
Om Hays
Vores mangeårige rekrutteringserfaring og vores ekspertviden om ingeniørarbejdsmarkedet gør os til en stærk partner for ingeniører og teknikere. Vi opretholder tætte relationer med kunder på tværs af alle brancher og kan derfor give ingeniørspecialister spændende projekter og attraktive jobmuligheder, der trækker på dine personlige interesser og erfaring. Som din professionelle ledsager støtter vi dig gennem hele forløbet, fra den første kontakt til den første dag på dit nye job – alt dette helt gratis. Tilmeld dig nu og glæd dig til mange interessante og egnede stillinger og projekter.
Ansættelsesproces til en fast eller midlertidig stilling
- Analyse af kvalifikationer
- Telefoninterview
- Kontakt med vores kunder
- Udarbejdelse af kontrakt med Hays
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1. Analyse af kvalifikationer
Vi foretager en detaljeret analyse af dine faglige kvalifikationer og ansøgningsdokumenter.
Kontaktperson hos Hays
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