Engineering Team Leader (m/k/d)

Om virksomheden
The company specializes in producing specialty chemicals for water treatment and various industrial processes. Their product range includes functional aluminates, poly aluminum chloride, and sodium aluminate, which are used in water purification, concrete, and paper pulp industries, as well as for eco-friendly deicing.
In addition to chemicals, Alumichem offers customized water and wastewater treatment systems for industrial and municipal applications, aquaculture sludge treatment solutions, and industrial paint systems. They also provide technical support and optimization services, along with innovation partnerships to develop new solutions. Committed to sustainability and innovation, Alumichem aims to improve water and air quality through their products and services.
Alumichem has around 70 employees of which 40 are in Denmark. The company generates an estimated revenue of approximately 4.5 million dollars. Alumichem operates in several countries, including Denmark, Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Germany and Ghana.
In addition to chemicals, Alumichem offers customized water and wastewater treatment systems for industrial and municipal applications, aquaculture sludge treatment solutions, and industrial paint systems. They also provide technical support and optimization services, along with innovation partnerships to develop new solutions. Committed to sustainability and innovation, Alumichem aims to improve water and air quality through their products and services.
Alumichem has around 70 employees of which 40 are in Denmark. The company generates an estimated revenue of approximately 4.5 million dollars. Alumichem operates in several countries, including Denmark, Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Germany and Ghana.
- Ensuring the successful completion of commercial engineering projects
- Working with design concepts to solve customer wastewater discharge and reuse objectives.
- Leading the design process from concept to commissioning in close collaboration with the rest of the team and stakeholders.
- Performing risk assessments, ensuring process and equipment complying with safety and quality standards.
- Line management of the Engineering team
- Streamline workflow processes and structure for the department by designing standard solutions to have a leading position in the market.Work tasks:
- Visiting customer sites to evaluate design opportunities.
- Evaluating and procuring equipment for process systems/plant.
- Developing and optimizing system design for growing client requirement.
- Being the anchor point for process flow diagrams, P&IDs, process control strategies, and layouts.
- Maintain project portfolio overview and financial status reports.
- Project planning and stakeholder management.
- Engineering degree (Chemical, Mechanical, or similar degree)
- 10+ years of experience with execution of engineering projects
- Relevant experience in managing and leading a team.
- A passion for collaborating in a team and cross-disciplinary environment.
- A desire to combine office work with occasional site work at our international customer sites.
- Experience in setting standards in workflows and workstyles across the team.Further, the below experience is desired:
- Experience with design tools for process engineering.
- Experience with CAD design tools (AutoCAD)
- Experience with water and sludge treatment processes and/or aquaculture.
- Experience with supervision, commissioning and/or operation of process plants.
- Experience with project management of EPC projects.
- Experience with English as the main business language.
By joining Alumichem, you are joining a company in a growth and exciting phase. Alumichem attracts strong talents from the market and you will be leading an exciting and dynamic team.
Om Hays
Vores mangeårige rekrutteringserfaring og vores ekspertviden om ingeniørarbejdsmarkedet gør os til en stærk partner for ingeniører og teknikere. Vi opretholder tætte relationer med kunder på tværs af alle brancher og kan derfor give ingeniørspecialister spændende projekter og attraktive jobmuligheder, der trækker på dine personlige interesser og erfaring. Som din professionelle ledsager støtter vi dig gennem hele forløbet, fra den første kontakt til den første dag på dit nye job – alt dette helt gratis. Tilmeld dig nu og glæd dig til mange interessante og egnede stillinger og projekter.
Ansættelsesproces til en fast eller midlertidig stilling
- Analyse af kvalifikationer
- Telefoninterview
- Kontakt med vores kunder
- Udarbejdelse af kontrakt med Hays
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1. Analyse af kvalifikationer
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