privacy policy
Status: 01.09.2023
- This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use and process your personal data, and how, in doing so, we comply with our legal obligations to you. Your privacy is important to us, and we are committed to protecting and safeguarding your data privacy rights.
- This Privacy Policy applies in respect of the personal data of the following categories of people: Candidates, Temporary Workers, Clients, Suppliers and Third Parties, People Whose Data We Receive, Website Users, Staff Alumni, and Visitors.
- If you are:
- a member of Hays' Staff, you should refer to the Hays' Staff Privacy Policy which is available on the Hays Intranet; or
- seeking employment with Hays internally, you should refer to the Recruits Privacy Policy.
- We are subject to applicable data protection legislation including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (the “GDPR”), and the UK GDPR. Please note that when we refer to the GDPR throughout this Privacy Policy, we are referring to both the GDPR and UK GDPR.
- The company responsible for your personal data (“Hays”, “we” or “us“) can be found here.
- It is important to point out that we may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Please just visit this page if you want to stay up to date, as we will post any changes here.
- If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our Privacy Policy, you may have legal rights and, where relevant, we have described these in this document.
- This Privacy Policy tells you a few things about how we use your personal data, and perhaps more importantly, what your rights are in relation to this (you have, for example, the right to ask us to delete or confirm the nature of information that we hold about you at any time, withdraw any consents that you may previously have given and/or lodge a complaint with our Data Protection Officer or a supervisory authority if you are not happy about something we have done).
- The Privacy Policy is broadly divided into two sections:
- Context-specific privacy information that applies to the different categories of person covered by this Privacy Policy, as follows:
- General privacy information that applies to all of the different categories of people covered by this Privacy Policy, including:
- Who do we share your personal data with?
- How do we safeguard your personal data?
- How long do we keep your personal data for?
- How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us?
- Who is responsible for processing your personal data when you access the Hays website?
- How do we store and transfer data internationally?
- Cookies Policy
- Use of third party services
- This Privacy Policy applies in relevant countries throughout our international network. Different countries may approach data privacy in slightly different ways and so we also have country-specific parts to this Privacy Policy. You can find country-specific provisions for your jurisdiction here. This allows us to ensure that we're complying with all applicable data privacy protections, no matter where you are.
- This Privacy Policy also contains a number of defined terms (which we distinguish by starting them with a capital letter), so we have included a Glossary at the end of this document.
- This Privacy Policy tells you a few things about how we use your personal data, and perhaps more importantly, what your rights are in relation to this (you have, for example, the right to ask us to delete or confirm the nature of information that we hold about you at any time, withdraw any consents that you may previously have given and/or lodge a complaint with our Data Protection Officer or a supervisory authority if you are not happy about something we have done).
- The Privacy Policy is broadly divided into two sections:
- Context-specific privacy information that applies to the different categories of person covered by this Privacy Policy, as follows:
- General privacy information that applies to all of the different categories of people covered by this Privacy Policy, including:
- Who do we share your personal data with?
- How do we safeguard your personal data?
- How long do we keep your personal data for?
- How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us?
- Who is responsible for processing your personal data when you access the Hays website?
- How do we store and transfer data internationally?
- Cookies Policy
- Use of third party services
- This Privacy Policy applies in relevant countries throughout our international network. Different countries may approach data privacy in slightly different ways and so we also have country-specific parts to this Privacy Policy. You can find country-specific provisions for your jurisdiction here. This allows us to ensure that we're complying with all applicable data privacy protections, no matter where you are.
- This Privacy Policy also contains a number of defined terms (which we distinguish by starting them with a capital letter), so we have included a Glossary at the end of this document.
Context-specific privacy information
Denne del af fortrolighedspolitikken gælder for Kandidater.
Kandidater omfatter personer, som Hays ikke tidligere har haft kontakt med, men som Hays med rimelighed vurderer ville være interesseret i, eller kunne drage fordel af, Hays’ tjenester og komme i betragtning til stillinger, der annonceres eller promoveres af Hays; herunder faste, deltids- og midlertidige stillinger samt freelancestillinger hos Hays’ Kunder(herunder personer, der ønsker en projekt/midlertidig ansættelse)). Kandidater omfatter også ansøgere til sådanne stillinger samt personer, der har fremsendt en uopfordret ansøgning til Hays, som ikke er relateret til et specifikt job, og/eller som har været i dialog med Hays om Hays’ tjenester og/eller stillinger, der annonceres eller promoveres af Hays. Selvstændige, , freelancere og medarbejdere hos leverandører, som foreslås til stillinger hos Hays’ Kunder som en del af et MSP-tilbud eller på anden vis, vil blive behandlet som Kandidater i henhold til denne politik.
Hvilken type typepersonoplysninger indsamler vi?
Ønsker du en mere detaljeret oversigt over, hvilke oplysninger vi indsamler om dig?? Her er en detaljeret oversigt over de oplysninger, som vi indsamler. Oplysningerne beskrevet nedenfor, er som tillæg til de personoplysninger, som vi ifølge loven skal behandle i enhver given situation.
Afhængigt af de relevante omstændigheder og gældende lokale love og krav, vil vi indsamle nogle af, eller alle de oplysninger anført nedenfor, for at kunne vurdere, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig, hvis vi med rimelighed mener, at du kunne være interesseret i eller kunne drage fordel af vores tjenester, og at tilbyde dig beskæftigelsesmuligheder, der er skræddersyet til dig og interesser.
I visse jurisdiktioner, er vi underlagt begrænsninger i forhold til behandling af nogle af de datatyper der er anført nedenfor. I sådanne tilfælde vil vi kun behandle dataene i disse jurisdiktioner i det omfang og under de omstændigheder, det er tilladt ved lov:
- Identifikation og kontaktoplysninger
- Navn;
- Alder/fødselsdato;
- CPR-nummer;
- Køn;
- Billede;
- Civilstatus;
- Nationalitet/statsborgerskab/fødselssted;
- Kontaktoplysninger;
- Oplysninger om personer der kan kontaktes i nødstilfælde/nærmeste pårørende
- En kopi af dit kørekort og/eller pas/ID-kort;
- Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse
- Uddannelsesoplysninger;
- Ansættelseshistorie;
- Nuværende stillingsbetegnelse/specialisering/industrisektor;
- Sprogfærdigheder;
- Referenceoplysninger;
- Immigrationsstatus (arbejdstilladelse påkrævet eller ej);
- Startdato eller tilgængelighedsdato;
- Oplysninger om forrige og nuværende lønpakke(r), pension(er) og frynsegoder;
- Oplysninger om arbejdstimer (ved tiltrædelse af en stilling);
- Oplysninger om dine interesser og behov i forbindelse med fremtidig ansættelse, herunder; direkte indsamlet og og udledte oplysninger fra, f.eks. de jobs, som du har kigget på eller artikler, som du har læst på vores hjemmeside eller fra links, du har klikket på, i e-mails fra os;
- Økonomiske oplysninger
- Bankoplysninger;
- Økonomiske oplysninger (hvis vi skal foretage finansielle baggrundschecks);
- CPR-nummer (eller tilsvarende i dit land) og evt. andre skattemæssige oplysninger;
- Oplysninger af særlig kategori
- Oplysninger om race eller etnisk oprindelse, seksuel orientering, religiøs eller anden lignende overbevisning og fysisk eller mental sundhed, herunder handicaprelaterede oplysninger, i hvert tilfælde med henblik på diversitetsovervågning;
- Seksuel orientering (i tilfælde hvor dette kan afledes af eksempelvis oplyste kontaktoplysninger på din nødkontakt);
- Oplysninger om fysisk eller mental sundhed, herunder handicaprelaterede oplysninger for at gøre os i stand til at foretage rimelige og sundhedsrelaterede justeringer, når vi skal bruge eller tilbyde arbejdsmiljø til dig i forbindelse med visse typer stillinger;
- Oplysninger om helbredsrelaterede oplysninger, der stammer fra eller i forbindelse med COVID-19 eller andre pandemier, hvis dette er påkrævet for en stilling, som du er interesseret i at søge, eller hvor du melder dig frivilligt, f.eks. et testresultat (uanset om det er positivt eller negativt) eller vaccinationshistorik (herunder medicinske tilstande relateret til eller som påvirker vaccination), hvor det er relevant;
- Under visse omstændigheder videooptagelser af Kandidater, der deltager i eller er til stede ved kurser eller møder, hvor enkeltpersoner har givet samtykke til optagelsen;
- Religiøse overbevisninger i forbindelse med planlægning af årlig ferie;
- Oplysninger om straffeattest
- Oplysninger om straffeattest, hvis det kræves til en stilling, som du er interesseret i at ansøge;
- Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger
- IP-adresse;
- Brugsoplysninger inklusiv datoer, tidspunkter og hvor ofte, du skaffer adgang til vores tjenester;
- Brugervalg (f.eks. markedsføringspræferencer);
- Brugerrapporter;
- Log- og fejlfindingsoplysninger;
- Enhedsoplysninger, når du installerer, tilgår eller bruger vores tjenester;
- Hjemmeside data, f.eks. sider, der er set, f.eks. Hays eller Kunders hjemmesider;
- Historik over e-mailengagement med Hays;
- Placeringsoplysninger (udledt af jobs, IP-adresse, applikationshistorik eller systemlagrede data);
- Kontoadgangsoplysninger (f.eks. PIN-numre til kontobekræftelsesformål);
- Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig
- Yderligere oplysninger, som din reference vælger at fortælle os om dig;
- Yderligere oplysninger, som vores Kunder eventuelt fortæller os om dig eller, som vi indhenter fra tredjeparts kilder, som f.eks. jobhjemmesider (som du har uploadet oplysninger til eller på anden måde er gjort tilgængelige for os);
- Oplysninger om dine interesser og behov i forbindelse med fremtidig ansættelse, indsamlet direkte fra f.eks. de jobs, som du har kigget på eller artikler, som du har læst på vores hjemmeside eller fra links, som du har klikket på, i e-mails fra os; og;
- Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os
- Enhver anden information, som du måtte give os, herunder f.eks. oplysninger om dine børnepasnings- eller omsorgsordninger (f.eks. når du godkender fradrag i lønnen for børnepasning, eller når du frivilligt giver disse oplysninger) og når du korresponderer med os via e-mail eller andet.
Vær venligst opmærksom på, at den ovenstående liste indeholdende kategorierne i forbindelse med de personoplysninger, som vi indsamler, ikke er udtømmende.
I det omfang du går ind på vores hjemmeside eller klikker på links i en e-mail fra os, vil vi også indsamle visse oplysninger fra dig. Ønsker du mere information om dette, henvises der til den kontekstspecifikke sektion af denne fortrolighedspolitik, der gælder for besøgende på vores hjemmeside.
Hvordan indsamler vi dine personlige oplysninger?
Vi indsamler primært Kandidatoplysninger på følgende måder:
- Personoplysninger som du, Kandidaten, giver os;
- Personoplysninger, som vi modtager fra andre kilder; og
- Personoplysninger, som vi indsamler automatisk.
Personoplysninger som, du giver os
- Hays har brug for at få kendskab til oplysninger om dig for at kunne yde sine tjenester til dig. Det vil gøre os i stand til at tilbyde dig de bedste muligheder, og spare dig tid idet du undgår at skulle undersøge jobs og serviceydelser, som er irrelevante for dig.
- Der findes adskillige måder, hvorpå du kan dele dine oplysninger med os. Dette kan omfatte:
- Indtaste dine oplysninger på Hays’ hjemmeside eller ved brug af en ansøgningsformular som en del af registreringsprocessen;
- Aflevere et fysisk CV til en af Hays’ begivenheder, jobmesser eller på et af vores kontor;
- Sende dit CV eller andre oplysninger i en e-mail til en konsulent fra Hays eller have en samtale med dem;
- Søge efter jobs gennem en jobdatabase på nettet, som omdirigerer dig til Hays’ hjemmeside;
- Indtaste dine personoplysninger på et microsite tilhørende Hays; eller
- Deltage i en konkurrence gennem et socialt medie som f.eks. Facebook eller Twitter (eller lignende).
- Typer af oplysninger, der modtages fra dig på denne måde, omfatter:
- Identifikation og kontaktoplysninger;
- Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse;
- Økonomiske oplysninger;
- Oplysninger af særlig kategori;
- Oplysninger om straffeattest, og
- Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os
som beskrevet i afsnittet med titlen ”Hvilken typetype personoplysninger indsamler vi?” ovenfor.
Personoplysninger, som vi modtager fra andre kilder
- Vi modtager også personoplysninger om Kandidater fra andre kilder. Afhængigt af de relevante omstændigheder og den gældende lokale lovgivning samt krav vil dette omfatte personoplysninger modtaget i følgende situationer:
- Når vi søger efter Kandidater via tredjepartskilder, såsom LinkedIn og andre jobsider, hvorfra vi indhenter dine personoplysninger, og/eller når vi udfører andre præ-rekrutteringsaktiviteter (se venligst afsnittet med titlen ”Præ-rekrutteringsaktiviteter” nedenfor);
- Dine referencer kan muligvis offentliggøre personoplysninger om dig;
- Vores Kunder, Leverandører, andre Kandidater og vores Kolleger i Hays (f.eks. i forbindelse med at de foretager en henvisning) kan dele personoplysninger om dig med os;
- Hvis vi modtager dine personoplysninger fra Facebook eller Twitter, hvis du ’synes godt om’ vores Facebook-side eller ’følger’ os på Twitter (eller indgår en lignende interaktion med os på en social medieplatform, hvor vi er til stede); og
- Hvis du blev henvist til os gennem en RPO eller en MSP-leverandør, deler de muligvis personoplysninger om dig, med os.
- De typer af oplysninger, som vi modtager om dig på denne måde, omfatter de oplysninger, som andre giver om dig, beskrevet i afsnittet med titlen ”Hvilken typetype personoplysninger indsamler vi?” ovenfor.
Personoplysninger, som vi indsamler automatisk
- Hvis du går ind på vores hjemmeside, læser eller klikker på en e-mail fra os, indsamler vi dine oplysninger automatisk (f.eks. via cookies eller pixels) eller ved at du formidler dem til os iht. lokal lovgivning og lokale krav. Hvis du ønsker mere information, henvises der til den kontekstspecifikke sektion af denne fortrolighedspolitik, der gælder for Besøgende på vores hjemmeside.
- De typer af oplysninger, som vi modtager om dig på denne måde, omfatter ”Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger”, som andre giver om dig, beskrevet i afsnittet med titlen ”Hvilken typetype personoplysninger indsamler vi?” ovenfor.
Hvordan bruger vi dine personoplysninger?
Vi anvender generelt Kandidatens oplysninger på fem måder:
- Præ-rekrutteringsaktiviteter;
- Rekrutteringsaktiviteter;
- Markedsføringsaktiviteter;
- Ligestillings rapportering og
- For at hjælpe os med at fastlægge, udøve eller forsvare retskrav.
- Under de rette omstændigheder vil vi også anvende Kandidatens data til profilering.
- Når vi udfører præ-rekrutteringsaktiviteter, anvender vi dine oplysninger til at finde ud af, om du kunne være interesseret i eller kunne drage fordel af vores tjenester, og til at vurdere, om og hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig. Hvis vi mener, vi kan hjælpe, vil vi bruge dine kontaktoplysninger til at komme i kontakt med dig og finde ud af, om du er interesseret i vores tjenester, underlagt eventuelle gældende love og krav.
- For at vi kan gøre dette, kan vi:
- Indsamle dine personoplysninger;
- Opbevare dine oplysninger (og ajourføring af dem efter behov) i vores database, så vi kan kontakte dig;
- Sende dig en e-mail for at informere dig om vores behandling af dine personoplysninger og for at henvise dig til denne fortrolighedspolitik;
- Gennemgå dine oplysninger for at finde ud af, om og hvordan vores tjenester kan hjælpe dig; og
- Kontakte dig angående vores tjenester.
- Nedenfor, er de forskellige måder, hvorpå vi vil bruge og behandle dine personoplysninger angivet - med det formål at afgøre, om vores tjenester ville være til gavn for dig, hvor det er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokale love og krav. Bemærk venligst, at listen ikke er udtømmende.
- I de fleste tilfælde vil vi bruge dine personoplysninger til nedenstående formål, hvis vi anser det for at være nødvendigt ifm. vores legitime interesser. Artikel 6(1)(f) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse angiver, at vi kan behandle dine oplysninger, hvis ”behandling er nødvendig for, at den dataansvarlige eller en tredjemand kan forfølge en legitim interesse, medmindre den registreredes interesser eller grundlæggende rettigheder og frihedsrettigheder, der kræver beskyttelse af personoplysninger, går forud herfor.”
- Vi mener ikke, at nogen af de aktiviteter, hvor vi beror på disse legitime interesser, forudindtager imod Kandidater på nogen måde. Du har dog ret til at gøre indsigelse mod, at vi behandler dine personoplysninger ud fra dette grundlag. Hvis du gerne vil vide mere om, hvordan du gør dette, henvises der til afsnittet ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Indsamling og behandling af data imens vi forsøger og i det omfang det er nødvendigt for at finde ud af, om du kunne være interesseret i eller drage fordel af Hays’ tjenester, herunder ved at: - indsamle oplysninger fra Kandidater og andre kilder som f.eks. oplysninger fra LinkedIn - opbevare Kandidaters oplysninger i databaser - vurdere data i forhold til ledige stillinger |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Legitime interesser, det er navnlig i vores og din interesse at vi vurderer, om du kan være interesseret i eller drage fordel af vores tjenester |
Indsamling og behandling af dine data i forbindelse med gennemgang af dine oplysninger for at finde ud af, hvordan Hays kan hjælpe |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er navnlig i vores og din interesse at vi identificerer, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med din jobsøgning |
Indsamling og behandling af dine data i forbindelse med kommunikationen med dig i forhold til Hays’ tjenester |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er navnlig i vores og din interesse at kontakte og korrespondere med dig som led i at yde dig vores tjenester |
- Vores primære arbejdsfelt er rekruttering – vi sætter de rette Kandidater i forbindelse med de rigtige jobs. Nedenfor har vi anført en række måder, hvorpå vi vil anvende og bearbejde dine personoplysninger til dette formål, når det er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning og lokale krav. Bemærk venligst, at listen ikke er udtømmende.
- I de fleste tilfælde vil vi bruge dine personoplysninger til nedenstående formål, hvis vi anser det for at være nødvendigt ifm. vores legitime interesser. Artikel 6(1)(f) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse angiver, at vi kan behandle dine oplysninger, hvis ”behandling er nødvendigt for at forfølge legitime interesser, som forfølges af os eller en tredjepart, undtagen hvor sådanne interesser tilsidesættes af dine interesser eller grundlæggende rettigheder og frihedsrettigheder, der kræver beskyttelse af personoplysninger.” Vi mener ikke, at nogen af de aktiviteter, som vores legitime interesser beror på, på nogen måde betinger Kandidater - faktisk hjælper de os med at tilbyde dig en mere skræddersyet, effektiv tjeneste. Du har dog ret til at gøre indsigelse mod, at vi behandler dine personoplysninger ud fra dette grundlag. Hvis du gerne vil vide mere om, hvordan du gør dette, henvises der til afsnittet ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Vi kan under visse omstændigheder behandle dine personoplysninger til formålene nedenfor, hvis det er nødvendigt for at vi kan levere en kontraktlig tjeneste til dig (eller for at opfylde en anmodning fra dig forud for indgåelse af en kontrakt). Artikel 6(1)(b) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse siger, at vi kan behandle dine data, hvis en sådan ”behandling er nødvendig af hensyn til opfyldelse af en kontrakt, som den registrerede er part i, eller af hensyn til gennemførelse af foranstaltninger, der træffes på den registreredes anmodning forud for indgåelse af en kontrakt.”
- Når vi behandler dine oplysninger til rekrutteringsaktiviteter baseret på dit samtykke, har du til enhver tid ret til at trække dit samtykke tilbage uden at det påvirker lovligheden af behandlingen baseret på et sådant samtykke, før samtykket trækkes tilbage ved at henvise til afsnittet med titlen ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, som du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Indsamling og behandling af data i løbet af og i det omfang det er nødvendigt for at levere tjenester til Kandidater og lette processen, herunder ved at: - Indsamle oplysninger fra Kandidater og andre kilder som f.eks. oplysninger fra LinkedIn - Opbevare Kandidaters oplysninger i databaser - Vurdere data i forhold til ledige stillinger - Sende Kandidaters oplysninger til Kunder for at søge jobs eller for at vurdere din egnethed til jobs - Gøre det muligt for Kandidater at indsende CV’er, ansøge jobs online eller at abonnere på notifikationer om jobs - Optage Kandidaters spørgsmål og svar-sessioner og/eller videointerviews for at understøtte vores tjenester (hvor optagelserne analyseres til uddannelses-/overvågningsformål og/eller deles med Kunder og ses via en sikker tredjepartsplatform) - Optage videooptagelser af Kandidaters deltagelse i kurser eller møder til interne uddannelse/overvågningsformål og/eller overvågning af interne compliance-standarder |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os (f.eks. oplysninger, som du fortæller os i en optagelse) - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Videooptagelser |
Vi vil bero på legitime interesser. Det er i vores og dine interesser, at vi yder dig vores tjenester, og at du modtager dem, for at vi kan fungere som en overskudsgivende virksomhed, og for at hjælpe dig og andre Kandidater med at finde beskæftigelse Hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på udførelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i det omfang, den behandlingsaktivitet, som vi søger at udføre, er nødvendigt af hensyn til kontrakten eller din anmodning I det omfang vi optager en video af dig, vil vi bede om dit samtykke, før vi begynder at optage, men vi vil bero på legitime interesser i forhold til vores brug af dataene til uddannelses-/overvågningsformål og til overvågning af compliance-standarder |
Behandling af Kandidatoplysninger for at lette løn- og faktureringsprocesser |
- Identifikation-og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Økonomiske oplysninger |
Legitime interesser, det er i vores og din interesse at: - sørge for, at vores virksomhed fungerer uden problemer, så vi fortsat kan tilbyde vores tjenester til Kandidater - sikre, at du får passende aflønning hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på opfyldelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag |
Indsamling og behandling af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med udførelsen af: - kundetilfredshedsundersøgelser - Hays markedsundersøgelse, som vi vil bruge til informationsgrundlag for vores marketingmateriale og andet informationsmateriale såsom whitepapers, rapporter og artikler (f.eks. vores løn guides) I det omfang nogen data offentliggøres, vil disse kun være i aggregeret/anonymiseret form |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er i vores interesse at: - forbedre og udvikle de tjenester, som vi yder til dig ved at tage hensyn til din feedback og inddrage denne i vores processer, hvor vi finder det nødvendigt - få et indblik i karrierer, mål og forhåbninger for de Kandidater, som vi yder tjenester til for at kunne markedsføre vores servicetilbud og hjælpe med at differentiere os på et konkurrencepræget marked |
Indsamling og behandling af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med kommunikation med Kandidater i relation til servicerelaterede spørgsmål og yde kundesupport ved at behandle anmodninger om support |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Vi vil bero på legitime interesser, det er i vores og din interesse at: - adressere eventuelle problemer, du har oplevet - forbedre og udvikle de tjenester, som vi yder til dig ved at tage hensyn til din feedback og inddrage denne i vores processer, hvor vi finder det nødvendigt Hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på opfyldelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i forhold til at bruge dine data i forbindelse med kommunikation relateret til vores tjenester med dig |
Behandling af Kandidatoplysninger for at gøre det muligt for dem at modtage tjenester i tilknytning til rekrutteringstjenester, såsom deltagelse i: - specialiseret online-kursus - interaktive funktioner i tjenester - rekrutteringsrelaterede tjenester via Hays App |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Visse automatisk indsamlede oplysninger, f.eks. Brugervalg og oplysninger om din brug af disse tjenester |
Vi vil bero på legitime interesser, det er i vores og din interesse at: - anbefale og give dig adgang til vores specialiserede online-kurser eller nogle af vores mere interaktive tjenester, da dette kan hjælpe med din jobsøgning - give dig den bedst mulige end to end-tjeneste og forbedre vores tjenesteog hjælpe med at differentiere os på et konkurrencepræget marked Hvis du har meldt dig til at modtage disse hjælpetjenester (enten separat eller fordi de er en del af de rekrutteringstjenester, som du allerede har tilmeldt dig) eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på udførelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i det omfang, den behandlingsaktivitet, som vi søger at udføre, er nødvendigt af hensyn til kontrakten eller din anmodning |
Behandling af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med udførelsen af Hays’ forpligtelser som følge af kontrakter indgået mellem Hays og tredjeparter i relation til Kandidaters rekruttering, såsom potentielle arbejdsgivere, som vi er forpligtet til at identificere de bedst egnede Kandidater til |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Økonomiske oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Vi vil bero på legitime interesser, og det er det i vores og din interesse at opfylde vores forpligtelser i henhold til aftaler med tredjeparter såsom potentielle arbejdsgivere, så vi kan hjælpe dig med at finde beskæftigelse Hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på udførelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i det omfang, den behandlingsaktivitet, som vi søger at udføre, er nødvendigt af hensyn til vores kontrakt med dig (samt tredjepart) |
Kontrollere de oplysninger, som Kandidaten har formidlet eller anmode om oplysninger (som f.eks. referencer, kvalifikationer og eventuelle strafbare forhold, hvis det er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokale love) |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Oplysninger om domme - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Ved oplysninger om domme og straffeattester, indhenter vi dit udtrykkelige samtykke. Ved alle andre typer data: - vilvi bero på det juridiske grundlag for legitime interesser, og det er i vores og din interesse at verificere, at alle de oplysninger, du har givet os, er sande og nøjagtige, og at indhente referencer om din tidligere adfærd som en del af processen med at finde job til dig - hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i løbet af at gøre dette, kan vi bero på udførelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i det omfang, at verificering af detaljer, som du har givet eller de anmodninger, vi skal fremsætte, for at gøre det nødvendige i forbindelse med vores kontrakt med dig. |
I visse jurisdiktioner kan der gøres brug af en webbaseret videoidentitetsbekræftelsesproces til at bekræfte en Kandidats identitet, hvis vi ikke møder dem personligt og dokumenterer denne proces |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger (inklusiv en kopi af kørekort og/eller pas/identitetskort) - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os - Videooptagelser |
I det omfang dette udføres i din jurisdiktion, vil vi bede om dit samtykke, før vi begynder at optage, men vi beror på betingelsen om legitime interesser (det er i vores legitime interesse at opretholde interne compliance-standarder) i forhold til vores brug af dataene, som vi registrerer for at bekræfte din identitet. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion, klik her |
Indsamling og behandling af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med udførelse af vurderings- og udviklingsaktiviteter såsom psykometriske evalueringer eller færdighedstests – for mere information i forhold til din jurisdiktion, klik her |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du giver eller vælger at fortælle os under evalueringen/færdighedstesten (i forbindelse med din præstation) |
Legitime interesser. Vi vurderer at det er i vores og dine interesser at kunne tilbyde dig services og ydelser fra vores evaluering- og udviklingsafdelinger, hovedsageligt i relation til psykologiske vurderinger og undersøgelser, evalueringscentre, kompetencestyring, reorganisering, ledelsesudvikling, karriereudvikling, mobilitet, outplacement, karriereskift og coaching. |
- Vi vil af og til sende dig informationer, som vi mener du kunne finde interessant, eller bede om din hjælp til at forbinde andre Kandidater med jobmuligheder. Især vil vi bruge dine data til de nedenstående formål, hvor det er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning og lokale krav. Bemærk venligst, at listen ikke er udtømmende.
- Vi har brug for dit udtrykkelige samtykke til visse aspekter af disse aktiviteter eller tilkendegivet interesse (som vi vil forklare yderligere nedenfor). Bemærk venligst, at vi i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi opererer, overholder yderligere lokale lovkrav vedrørende samtykke til at modtage markedsføringsmaterialer. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
- Tilkendegivet interesse er en specifik type samtykke, der gælder, når vi har indhentet dine kontaktoplysninger fra en forhenværende interaktion, hvor du har været i kontakt med os (for eksempel ved at informere en af vores konsulenter om, at du er interesseret i vores tjenester, indsende en jobansøgning eller CV, eller registrering til en ledig stilling, der skal besættes). Ved en tilkendegivet interesse vil vi antage, at du har givet dit samtykke, medmindre du gør indsigelse eller fravælger (vi vil minde dig om din ret til at gøre dette og give dig mulighed for at framelde dig i en hver e-markedsføringsbesked vi sender ud). Dette er fordelagtigt for dig, da det giver os mulighed for at give dig information, som vi vurderer, er interessant for dig – herunder andre jobforslag relateret til tidligere stillinger du har ansøgt eller kigget på. Det øger sandsynligheden for at vi finder en ny stilling til dig betydeligt. Vi vil bruge dine personoplysninger til at sende dig e-marketingmateriale med dit samtykke, hvis vi vurderer, at det er i vores legitime interesse.
- For andre typer e-markedsføring skal vi indhente dit udtrykkelige samtykke. Hvis du ikke er tilfreds med vores tilgang til markedsføring, har du til enhver tid ret til at fravælge eller trække dit samtykke tilbage og du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du gør dette ved at se afsnittet med titlen ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, som du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik. Ingen er perfekt, selv om vi gør vores bedste. Vi informerer dig om at, selv om du fravalgte at modtage vores markedsføringsmeddelelser gennem vores præferencecenter, så er det stadig muligt, at dine oplysninger genfindes via offentlige kilder i en uafhængig markedsføringskampagne. Vi gør vores bedste for at sikre, at det ikke sker, og beklager meget, hvis det gør. I disse tilfælde beder vi dig blot om at fravælge igen.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Vi gør brug af Kandidaters data til at udføre marketingaktiviteter med henblik på at promovere vores tjenester gennem digitale kanaler, herunder i relation til at: - markedsføre hele vores sortiment af tjenester (fuldtid, vikar, kontrakt, jobformidling og udsendelse, MSP-programmer og RPO-tjenester) til dig - sende Kandidater nærmere oplysninger om rapporter, reklamer, tilbud, etablering af netværk og begivenheder samt generelle oplysninger om industrisektorer, som vi eventuelt mener, kunne have din interesse - give Kandidater oplysninger om visse rabatter og tilbud, som du er berettiget til takket være dit forhold med Hays |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Hvis vi har indhentet dine kontaktoplysninger fra en begivenhed, hvor du tidligere har været i kontakt med os, og vi e-markedsfører vores egne relaterede tjenester, vil vi bero på tilkendegivet interesse-samtykke, hvis vi mener, at det lovlige grundlag for legitime interesser gælder, navnlig hvis vi ønsker at kontakte dig for at fortælle dig om vores tjenester, og vi mener, at det ville være i din interesse at høre om lignende tjenester som dem, du allerede har udtrykt interesse for Under alle andre omstændigheder vil vi indhente dit samtykke |
Indsamling af data via cookies eller tracking pixels og brug af data til at vise brugerne Hays’ annoncer og andet indhold på andre hjemmesider, f.eks. Facebook |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Vi indhenter dit samtykke via Cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside Hvis du foretrækker, at vi ikke bruger dine oplysninger på den måde, bedes du slå indstillingen ”Reklamecookies” fra (vi henviser til vores Cookiepolitik). Selv når du har slået reklamecookies fra, er det stadig muligt at du eventuelt ser en reklame fra Hays, men i så fald er den ikke rettet personligt mod dig, men i stedet mod et anonymt publikum Bemærk venligst, at hvis du tilgår Hays’ tjenester på tværs af flere enheder, skal du muligvis justere dine indstillinger (f.eks. hvis du vil slå annonceringscookies fra) via Cookiepræferencelinket på hver af dine enheder |
Look-a-like-målretning og anden datadrevet markedsføring: Levering af lister over visse Kandidatoplysninger til Facebook og Google for at gøre det muligt for dem at finde en målgruppe af personer med lignende karakteristika eller demografi som disse Kandidater (som ikke inkluderer disse Kandidater) til Hays’ markedsføringsformål. Facebooks politik gør det er irreversibelt at adskille sådanne lister før brug, matche de adskilte data mod deres egne kunder, generere look-a-like-publikummet, derefter slette den originale liste og ikke bruge den til noget andet formål. Vi vil ikke have adgang til identiteten af nogen i look-a-like-publikummet, medmindre de vælger at klikke på annoncerne. |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger (annonce-id ’er) |
Vi indhenter dit tilvalgssamtykke til indsamling af reklame-id ’er via Cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside. Vi deler disse annonceringsidentifikatorer med Facebook og Google, baseret på legitim juridisk grundlag, i og med det i vores interesse at identificere og målrette annoncer til potentielle kunder, der deler karakteristika eller demografi med vores eksisterende Kunder, medmindre vi er forpligtet i henhold til lokal lovgivning at indhente dit samtykke, i sådan tilfælde indhenter vi et sådant samtykke via vores samtykkestyringsværktøj |
Visning af uddrag fra Kandidaters profiler til salgsfremmende formål på Hays’ hjemmeside(er) for at give eksempler på succeshistorier |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Yderligere oplysninger, du vælger at fortælle os (vi kan bede dig om yderligere detaljer med henblik på den historie, vi fortæller om dig) |
Vi vil altid bede om dit udtrykkelige samtykke, før vi præsenterer dig på denne måde på hjemmesiden |
Brug af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med service- og marketingkommunikation via WhatsApp |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Vi vil sikre, at du har tilmeldt dig (og derfor givet dit samtykke) gennem en af en række kanaler: - når du tilmelder dig WhatsApp-jobnotifikationer på hjemmesiden - indsende en tilkendegivelse direkte til en af vores WhatsApp-kanaler - ved at klikke videre på en tilmeldingsknap på en invitations e-mail. |
Data af særlig kategori
- Vi forpligter os til at sikre, at vores rekrutteringsprocesser stemmer overens med vores politik om lige muligheder og derfor vil vi behandle visse følsomme/særlige kategoridata om dig for at lette dette. Hvor det måtte være relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning og lokale krav bruger vi disse oplysninger anonymiseret for at sikre, at vi overholder vores politik om lige muligheder.
- Vi vil indsamle andre følsomme/særlige kategoridata om dig, såsom helbredsrelaterede oplysninger eller religiøst tilhørsforhold, hvis dette er passende i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning: Artikel 9(2)(b) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse giver os mulighed for at gøre dette, hvor behandlingen er ”nødvendig for at udføre forpligtelserne og udøve vores eller dine specifikke rettigheder ... inden for beskæftigelse og social sikring og lovgivning om social beskyttelse”, så længe det er tilladt ved lov.
- Vi kan også indsamle oplysninger om eventuelle strafbare forhold/domme, hvis det er relevant i overensstemmelse med lokale love, som kan kræve dit samtykke. Hvis du ikke er tilfreds med dette, har du til enhver tid ret til at fravælge eller trække dit samtykke tilbage og du kan finde ud af, hvordan du gør dette ved at se afsnittet med titlen ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, som du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Bemærk venligst, at i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning, gælder der andre regler for de pågældende følsomme/særlig data af særlig kategori. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Indsamling og analyse af Kandidatoplysninger for at vurdere og sikre vores overholdelse af ligestillingsforpligtelser | Oplysninger om etnisk oprindelse, religiøst eller lignede tilhørsforhold og fysisk/mentalt helbred, herunder oplysninger om handicap |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, hvis vores behandling er nødvendig med det formål (og vi har en legitim interesse i) at holde øje med eksistensen eller fraværet af lige muligheder, eller behandling mellem grupper af mennesker - og lokale love giver os mulighed for at behandle dine data på denne måde uden at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Deling af Kandidatoplysninger (der er blevet indsamlet for at vurdere og sikre vores overholdelse af ligestillingsforpligtelser) med Kunder (herunder til deres interne eller eksterne revisorer), hvor dette er kontraktligt påkrævet, eller kunden specifikt anmoder om sådanne oplysninger for at gøre dem i stand til at overholde deres egne ansættelsesprocesser | Oplysninger om etnisk oprindelse, religiøst eller lignede tilhørsforhold og fysisk/mentalt helbred, herunder oplysninger om handicap | Vi vil indhente dit udtrykkelige samtykke, før vi deler dine data på denne måde |
Behandling af sygehistorie/sundhedsrelaterede data for at foretage rimelige justeringer under rekrutteringsprocessen | Sygehistorik/fysiske eller mentale helbredsrelaterede data |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, hvis vi har en legitim interesse i og det er nødvendigt for os at behandle dine data til sundheds- og socialformål (f.eks. for at vurdere en medarbejders eller potentiel medarbejders arbejdsevne for en arbejdsgiver) og lokale love tillader os at behandle dine data på denne måde uden at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Behandling af sundhedsrelaterede data til hvornår vi skal bruge eller tilbyde arbejdsmiljø til Kandidater i forbindelse med visse typer stillinger (f.eks. undervisning, sygepleje eller natarbejde) | Sygehistorik/fysiske eller mentale helbredsrelaterede data |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, hvis vi har en legitim interesse i og det er nødvendigt for os at behandle dine data til sundheds- og socialformål (f.eks. levering af sundhedspleje eller behandling) og lokale love tillader os at behandle dine data på denne måde uden at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Behandling af helbredsrelaterede oplysninger, der stammer fra eller i forbindelse med COVID-19 eller andre pandemier, hvor dette er påkrævet for en stilling, som du er interesseret i at søge, eller hvor du er frivillig | Testresultater (uagtet om de er positive eller negative), eller vaccinationshistorik (herunder medicinske tilstande relateret til eller som påvirker vaccination), hvor det er relevant |
Vi beror på legitime interesser. Vi vurderer at det er i vores og din interesse, at vi indsamler og deler dine helbredsrelaterede oplysninger, hvis dette er påkrævet for en stilling, som du er interesseret i at søge. Vi kan også bero på de vitale interesser og de offentlige interessers lovlige grundlag, nemlig at beskytte mod alvorlige grænseoverskridende trusler mod sundheden. Vi kan behandle dine helbreds- og rejserelaterede oplysninger i henhold til artikel 9(2)(i) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse for at gøre det muligt for os at behandle helbredsrelaterede oplysninger, der stammer fra eller er i forbindelse med COVID-19-pandemien for at forhindre spredning af og vurdere risikoen for COVID-19 og andre smitsomme vira og sygdomme. Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Behandling af oplysninger om domme og strafbare forhold ved udførelse af baggrundstjek |
Oplysninger om eventuelle domme og strafbare forhold oplyst af Kandidaten på Kandidatansøgningsformularen. Oplysninger om eventuelle domme opnået via baggrundstjek, som vi er forpligtet til at udføre, hvor det er nødvendigt for os for at overholde vores juridiske forpligtelser i forbindelse med en Kandidats søgen efter arbejde (f.eks. hvis vi foreslår en Kandidat til visse stillinger, hvor en bestemt type baggrundstjek kræves) |
Vi vil indhente dit udtrykkelige samtykke i Kandidatansøgningsformularen, men hvor lokal lovgivning tillader os det, kan vi være nødt til at anmode om et tjek af Offentliggørelse og Udelukkelse (eller tilsvarende gældende tjek i din jurisdiktion) uden dit samtykke, hvor dette er nødvendigt for os for at overholde vores juridiske forpligtelser i forbindelse med din jobsøgning. |
Behandling af visse typer Kandidatoplysninger for at beregne retten til årlig ferie |
- Sygehistorik/sundhedsrelaterede data - Religiøs tilknytning |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, behandlingen er nødvendig med henblik på (og vi har en legitim interesse i) at udføre forpligtelserne og udøve Hays’ specifikke rettigheder inden for beskæftigelses- og socialsikringsområdet og lov om social beskyttelse og lokale love tillader os at behandle dine data på denne måde uden først at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Behandling af følsomme/særlige kategorier af personoplysninger om enkeltpersoner forbundet med Kandidater, for eksempel: - hvor en Kandidat oplyser dette til os i forbindelse med at give oplysninger om pårørende - at give den relevante Kandidat adgang til visse fordele |
Oplysninger om seksuel orientering og fysisk eller mental sundhed, herunder handicaprelaterede oplysninger |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, hvis behandlingen er nødvendig med henblik på (og vi har en legitim interesse i) at udføre forpligtelserne og udøve Hays’ specifikke rettigheder inden for beskæftigelses- og socialsikringsområdet og lov om social beskyttelse og lokale love tillader os at behandle dine data på denne måde uden først at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
For at hjælpe os med at fastlægge, fremsætte eller forsvare retskrav
- Af og til er det nødvendigt for os at behandle personoplysninger, i relation til legitime interesser og juridisk grundlag og, når dette er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning og lokale krav, også data af særlig kategori i forbindelse med fremsættelse og forsvar af retskrav. Artikel 9(2)(f) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse tillader dette, når behandling ”er nødvendigt for fastlæggelsen, udøvelsen eller forsvaret af juridiske krav eller når domstole handler i deres juridiske kapacitet”.
- Dette vil opstå, for eksempel, når vi har brug for at indhente juridisk rådgivning i forbindelse med retssager eller er forpligtet ved lov til at bevare eller videregive visse oplysninger som en del af den juridiske proces.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Bevaring, deling og anden behandling af Kandidatoplysninger for at fastlægge, fremsætte eller forsvare juridiske krav |
De faktiske oplysninger, der anvendes, afhænger af de faktiske omstændigheder, men kan omfatte et af følgende: - Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Oplysninger af særlig kategori - Oplysninger om domme/strafbare forhold - Økonomiske oplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er i vores interesse at søge og modtage juridisk rådgivning, hvis vi har brug for det, og at beskytte os selv i forbindelse med retssager og andre tvister. I det usandsynlige tilfælde, at vi bliver nødt til at behandle oplysninger af særlig kategori eller oplysninger om domme og/eller strafbare forhold til dette formål, vil vi kun gøre det, hvor lokal lovgivning tillader os at behandle sådanne data for at etablere, fremsætte eller forsvare retskrav |
Profilering, algoritmer og automatiseret beslutningstagning
- Profilering er en form for behandlingsaktivitet, som gør os i stand til bedre at forstå de oplysninger, vi indsamler om dig, for at hjælpe os med at udvikle en personlig ”profil” til dig. Det hjælper os med at få en bedre ide om, hvordan du foretrækker at interagere med os og vores tjenester, hvilken type anmodninger du ønsker fra os, og selvfølgelig de ting, du ikke kan lide. Formålet med denne personlige profil er at gøre os i stand til at yde den bedst mulige tjeneste til dig og maksimere chancerne for, at vi hurtigt og effektivt vil kunne være i stand til at give dig adgang til indhold, der med stor sandsynlighed vil være relevant og nyttigt for dig.
- Vi vil bruge profileringsmetoder i forhold til dine personoplysninger, hvis vi vurderer, at dette er nødvendigt af hensyn til vores legitime interesser som beskrevet i tabellen nedenfor. Er du ikke tilfreds med dette, har du til enhver tid ret til at protestere og du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du gør dette ved at se afsnittet med titlen ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, som du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Af og til benytter vi også automatiserede systemer såsom filtreringsværktøjer eller mere komplekse værktøjer, der bruger et element af kunstig intelligens, såsom algoritmer eller maskinlæring (inklusiv dem, der leveres af tredjeparter), for at hjælpe os med hurtigt, effektivt og mere præcist at analysere data vi har om dig og andre Kandidater samt data, vi har om vores Kunders behov. Dette hjælper os i sidste ende med at træffe beslutninger baseret på disse data. Dette kan omfatte anvendelse af værktøjer, der bruger algoritmer (såsom filtreringsværktøjer eller maskinlæring) på Kandidatens personoplysninger for at hjælpe os med at komme med den bedst mulige shortlist til en bestemt stilling. En sådan teknologi har til formål at reducere den tid, der er nødvendig for at overveje, hvornår Kandidater er bedst egnede til relevante job. Dette skulle gøre rekrutteringsprocessen mere effektiv, hvilket, håber vi, vil forbedre din samlede oplevelse med os.
- Efterhånden som ny og bedre teknologi bliver mere udbredt, kan nogle af vores profileringsaktiviteter og vores behandlingsaktiviteter, der bruger automatiserede systemer som dem, der er beskrevet ovenfor, udgøre automatiseret beslutningstagning i henhold til artikel 22 i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse. Dette betyder en proces, hvor en beslutning træffes ved hjælp af automatiserede midler med begrænset eller endda ingen menneskelig indgriben i beslutningsprocessen. Vi vil kun bruge automatiseret beslutningstagning i forbindelse med dine personoplysninger, hvor vi vurderer, at dette er nødvendigt for at gennemføre de præ-kontraktuelle skridt, der er taget på din anmodning.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Indsamling af data via personaliseringscookies/-pixels og brug af disse data til profileringsformål, så vi kan vise Kandidater både målrettet og personligt tilpasset indhold. Dette vil omfatte: - personalisering af Kandidaternes hjemmesideoplevelse, herunder i forhold til de stillinger, de bliver gjort opmærksomme på, når de besøger hjemmesiden - at komme med anbefalinger til redaktionelt indhold, som vi mener kan være af interesse for Kandidater (f.eks. rapporter om udviklingen i deres branche) - personalisering af det marketingindhold, som Kandidater modtager via hjemmesiden, e-mail og andre marketingkanaler (hvor de har givet sit samtykke til denne markedsføring) Disse personaliseringscookies/-pixels bruges til at forstå, hvordan Kandidater interagerer med hjemmesiden ved at registrere deres besøg på hjemmesiden, de sider, de har besøgt, de interaktioner, de har foretaget, og de links, de har fulgt. Vi vil bruge disse oplysninger til at forstå, hvad de kan være interesseret i og skræddersy det, vi viser og sender til dem i overensstemmelse hermed |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os Mere specifikt vil dette omfatte: - Personoplysninger og oplysninger om Kandidatens jobsøgning (dvs. som indsendt via formular eller hentet fra vores systemer) - Oplysninger om Kandidaters interaktion med hjemmesiden (f.eks. ansøgninger, besøg på hjemmesider) og andre oplysninger hentet fra systemerne (f.eks. stillingsbetegnelse, tidligere ansøgninger) - Placeringsdata – enten udledt fra job-, IP- eller applikationshistorik eller systemlagrede data - Digitale identifikatorer – IP-adresse, personaliseringscookies - Webbrowserdata, data fra indsendte formularer og e-mail engagement data - Markedsføringspræferencer |
Vi indhenter dit samtykke via Cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside, før vi placerer personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed og aktiverer denne funktionalitet Hvis du ikke ønsker at give dit samtykke til, at vi placerer en personaliseringscookie på din enhed, skal du deaktivere ”Funktionalitetscookies” og ”Annoncecookies” (se vores Cookiepolitik) Bemærk venligst, at hvis du tilgår Hays’ tjenester på tværs af flere enheder skal du muligvis justere dine indstillinger via Cookiepræference linket på hver af dine enheder. Uanset vores indsamling af samtykke forud for placering af personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed, vil vi bero på den legitime interessebetingelse i forhold til de personaliseringsaktiviteter, som vi efterfølgende udfører Vi mener, at det er i vores interesse (og nogle gange din interesse) at: - øge engagementet med, og forbedre oplevelsen af at bruge vores tjenester ved at øge relevansen af det indhold, du ser på tværs af Hays-hjemmesider og e-mail kampagner - øge antallet af ansøgninger, konverteringsrater og anvendeligheden af ansøgninger ved at give dig skræddersyede jobanbefalinger - opfordre dig til at vende tilbage til vores hjemmeside ved at gøre denne yderst nyttige oplevelse mulig - reducere hjemmesidens afvisningsprocent - øge e-mail-engagement raten (dvs. den hyppighed, hvormed brugere klikker videre) |
Vi kan registrere og analysere Kandidaters webbaserede adfærd ved hjælp af forskellige dataelementer, f.eks. antal læste/søgte jobannoncer online, antal og type læste artikler, antal webbesøg, medlemskab af ”talentpuljer”/segmenter – se nedenfor) for at tildele en Kandidat en vægtet ”tilnærmelighedsscore” med henblik på at give indsigt i Kandidaters behov og give Hays mulighed for at følge op, hvor det er nødvendigt Konsulenter vil bruge disse scoringer som en del af de shortlisting- og rangordningsaktiviteter, der er beskrevet mere detaljeret nedenfor og som en faktor i beslutningen om, hvorvidt de skal henvende sig til/vise stillinger til en Kandidat, hvilket vil hjælpe til at supplere andre data, som Hays har om Kandidaten. Vores indsamling af webbaserede data vil være afhængige af de personaliseringscookies/-pixels, som vi placerer på din enhed som en del af personaliseringsaktiviteterne som beskrevet ovenfor |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Vi indhenter dit samtykke via cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside, før vi placerer personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed Hvis du ikke ønsker at give dit samtykke til, at vi placerer en personaliseringscookie på din enhed, skal du deaktivere ”Funktionalitetscookies” og ”Annoncecookies” (se vores Cookiepolitik) Bemærk venligst, at hvis du tilgår Hays’ tjenester på tværs af flere enheder skal du muligvis justere dine indstillinger via Cookie-præferencelinket på hver af dine enheder Bemærk dog, at vi stadig kan udføre engagementsscoringsaktiviteter, selvom en tilpasningscookie ikke er placeret på din enhed (f.eks. kan vi overveje de oplysninger, vi allerede har om dig i vores systemer med henblik på at tildele dig en engagementsscore, selv hvis du har fravalgt tilpasningscookien) Uanset vores indsamling af samtykke forud for placering af personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed, vil vi bero på den legitime interessebetingelse i forhold til at tildele dig en tilnærmelighedsscore og vores efterfølgende brug af denne score Vi mener, at det er i vores legitime interesse at tildele dig en engagementsscore for at hjælpe vores konsulenter med at træffe beslutninger i forhold til at foreslå relevante stillinger og sende relevant kommunikation til dig
Vi kan bruge de data, som vi indsamler via personaliseringscookies/-pixels, f.eks. webbaseret adfærd, såsom detaljer om Kandidaters interaktioner med hjemmesiden (f.eks. applikationer, hjemmesidebesøg), til at berige Kandidatoplysninger og eksisterende profiler om dem, som vi allerede har i vores systemer |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Vi indhenter dit samtykke via cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside, før vi placerer personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed Hvis du ikke ønsker at give dit samtykke til, at vi placerer en personaliseringscookie på din enhed, skal du deaktivere ”Funktionalitetscookies” og ”Annoncecookies” (se vores Cookiepolitik) Bemærk venligst, at hvis du tilgår Hays’ tjenester på tværs af flere enheder skal du muligvis justere dine indstillinger via Cookie-præferencelinket på hver af dine enheder Uanset vores indsamling af samtykke forud for placering af personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed, vil vi bero på den legitime interessebetingelse i forhold til at bruge data, som vi indsamler om dig til at berige din eksisterende profil i vores systemer Vi mener, at det er i vores legitime interesse at berige de data, vi har om dig for at hjælpe vores konsulenter med at træffe beslutninger i forhold til at foreslå relevante stillinger og sende relevant kommunikation til dig |
Analyse af Kandidatoplysninger ved løbende at spore og overvåge deres erfaring og kontoaktivitet for at profilere dem og allokere dem i ”talentpuljer” baseret på deres egenskaber og adfærd (f.eks. tidligere stillinger, færdigheder, brancheerfaring, placering, når en Kandidat er villig til at arbejde) Talentpuljer bruges som et middel til at administrere Kandidatdatabasen, placere Kandidater i stillinger og markedsføre til Kandidater Tildelingen af Kandidater til talentpuljer er en fuldautomatisk proces og kan involvere brug af bots |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser. Vi vurderer at det er i vores interesse at bruge profileringsmetoder til at placere dig og din Kandidatprofil i grupper eller segmenter med andre Kandidater, baseret på dine interesser, vaner, egenskaber og/eller præferencer for at: - hjælpe os med at optimere matchningen af Kandidatprofiler til stillinger og forbedre rekrutteringscyklussens effektivitet - tillade os at holde styr på, om vi til enhver tid har nok egnede Kandidater til at opfylde vores forretningsbehov og vores Kunders behov - hjælpe vores konsulenter med at træffe beslutninger i forhold til at foreslå relevante stillinger og sende relevant kommunikation til dig |
Vi kan bruge profileringsmetoder i forhold til Kandidatoplysninger, så vi kan: - placere dem og andre egnede Kandidater på shortlister til bestemte stillinger baseret på foreskrevne kriterier, som vil gøre det muligt for vores konsulenter at identificere de mest passende Kandidater til stillinger på den mest effektive måde; og - anbefale stillinger baseret på hvordan en Kandidats interesser, vaner, egenskaber og/eller præferencer rangerer i forhold til andre Kandidater Vores hensigt er, at sådanne aktiviteter (som kan indebære brug af automatiserede processer til at profilere, udvælge, screene, rangere, bedømme, udvælge og/eller foreslå Kandidater til stillinger) skal supplere i stedet for fuldstændig at erstatte vores konsulenters aktivitet |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er navnlig i vores interesse at bruge profileringsmetoder til at placere dig og din Kandidatprofil i grupper eller segmenter med andre Kandidater, baseret på dine interesser, vaner, egenskaber og/eller præferencer for at: - hjælpe os med at optimere matchningen af Kandidatprofiler til stillinger og forbedre rekrutteringscyklussens effektivitet - hjælpe vores konsulenter med at træffe beslutninger i forhold til at foreslå relevante stillinger til dig Hvis disse shortlisting- og rangordningsaktiviteter svarer til automatiseret beslutningstagning med henblik på artikel 22 i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse, vil vi kun udføre disse aktiviteter, hvor vi anser dette for at være nødvendigt for fuldførelsen af præ-kontraktuelle trin, der er taget på din anmodning. Vi mener, det er rimeligt at antage, at du som Kandidat håber på at indgå en ansættelseskontrakt, og at du ved at bruge vores tjenester, beder os om at tage de nødvendige trin til dette formål. Sådanne trin kan for eksempel omfatte at kontrollere, at du opfylder visse krav til en bestemt stilling. Hvis rollen er meget populær, er vi formentlig nødt til at tjekke kvalifikationerne for et stort antal potentielle Kandidater – vi kan derfor bruge automatiseret beslutningstagning til at filtrere denne pulje af Kandidater ned til et mere overskueligt antal. |
Overholdelse af en juridisk forpligtelse
- I nogle tilfælde vil vi bruge dine personoplysninger til at overholde vores juridiske forpligtelser. Artikel 6(1)(c) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse siger, at vi kan behandle dine data, hvor det ”er nødvendigt for at overholde en juridisk forpligtelse, som (vi) er underlagt”.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Adgang til, bevarelse og videregivelse af Kandidatoplysninger, hvis der er en gyldig juridisk anmodning fra en forordning, retshåndhævelse myndighed eller hvis vi på anden vis har en juridisk pligt til at gøre dette |
De faktiske oplysninger, der anvendes, afhænger af de faktiske omstændigheder, men kan omfatte et af følgende: - Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Økonomiske oplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig |
Overholdelse af en juridisk forpligtelse, herunder hvor: - vi har modtaget en retskendelse om at videregive oplysninger med henblik på retssager i forbindelse med civil- og handelssager - vi er tvunget af retshåndhævende myndigheder til at levere data i forbindelse med en strafferetslig efterforskning - vi skal overholde vores forpligtelser i henhold til forbrugerlovgivningen, for eksempel konkurrencelovgivningen - vi skal overholde vores forpligtelser i henhold til selskabslovgivningen og skattelovgivningen, for eksempel for at give detaljer om dit vederlag og betalt skat - vi skal overholde vores forpligtelser i henhold til databeskyttelseslovgivningen - vi skal overholde vores forpligtelser i henhold til ansættelseslovgivningen (f.eks. dem, der kræver, at vi registrerer det antal timer, du har arbejdet) |
Bevarelse og deling af Kandidatoplysninger med andre, herunder retshåndhævende myndigheder, og for at svare på juridiske anmodninger, når vi ikke er tvunget til det af gældende lovgivning, men i god tro mener, at det er påkrævet ved lov i den relevante jurisdiktion |
De faktiske oplysninger, der anvendes, afhænger af de faktiske omstændigheder, men kan omfatte et af følgende: - Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Økonomiske oplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig |
Selv hvor vi ikke er juridisk forpligtet til at behandle dine data, vil vi under visse omstændigheder have en legitim interesse i at samarbejde med retshåndhævende myndigheder og andre organer for at bistå f.eks. med forebyggelse og afsløring af kriminalitet |
Behandling af Kandidatoplysninger ved verificering af dokumenter og oplysninger, leveres og anmodes om af Kandidater for at bevise, at de har ret til at arbejde i en bestemt jurisdiktion |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger (f.eks. en kopi af dit pas og adressebevis) - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse (f.eks. immigrationsstatus og arbejdstilladelse, hvis relevant) - Økonomiske oplysninger (f.eks. CPR-nummer eller tilsvarende i dit land) |
Vi behandler dine data, hvor det er nødvendigt for at vi kan overholde vores juridiske forpligtelser i forhold til at sikre, at du har ret til at arbejde i en bestemt jurisdiktion |
Deling af data
- Vi deler dine personoplysninger med diverse parter, på diverse måder og af diverse årsager. Vi deler primært dine oplysninger med fremtidige arbejdsgivere for at øge dine chancer for at få det job, som du ønsker. Medmindre du angiver andet, deler vi også dine oplysninger med nogen af vores koncernselskaber og associerede tredjeparter som f.eks. vores serviceudbydere, hvis vi mener, at det vil hjælpe os med at yde dig den bedst mulige service og maksimere dine chancer for at få det, du ønsker.
- Ønsker du en komplet liste over, hvem vi vil dele dine personoplysninger med, se venligst afsnittet ”Hvem deler vi dine personoplysninger med” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Videregivelse af Kandidatoplysninger til de modtagere, der er anført i afsnittet ”Hvem deler vi dine personoplysninger med”, herunder overførsel, opbevaring og behandling af sådanne data uden for Storbritannien/Det Europæiske Økonomiske Samarbejdsområde til de formål, der er anført i de foregående tabeller |
De faktiske oplysninger, der anvendes, afhænger af de faktiske omstændigheder, men kan omfatte et af følgende: - Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Økonomiske oplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Data af særlig kategori - Oplysninger om domme - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
- Videregivelsen er nødvendig (f.eks. til potentielle arbejdsgivere) for at indgå og udføre eventuelle kontrakter, som vi har indgået med dig (se afsnittet Rekrutteringsaktiviteter ovenfor) - Videregivelsen (f.eks. til skatte-, revisions- eller andre myndigheder) er nødvendig for at overholde en juridisk forpligtelse, som vi er underlagt (se afsnittet Overholdelse af en juridisk forpligtelse ovenfor) - Videregivelsen (f.eks. til vores professionelle rådgivere) er nødvendig for at hjælpe os med at fastlægge, fremsætte eller forsvare retskrav - Vi har indhentet dit samtykke (f.eks. når vi deler dine data af særlig kategori med Kunder (herunder til deres interne eller eksterne revisorer), hvor dette er kontraktligt påkrævet, eller Kunden specifikt anmoder om sådanne oplysninger for at sætte dem i stand til at overholde deres egne ansættelsesprocesser - Offentliggørelsen er nødvendig af sundheds- og socialplejeformål (f.eks. til en arbejdsmiljøspecialist for at muliggøre ydelse af støtte under rekrutteringsprocessen, hvis en Kandidat lider af en helbredstilstand eller et handicap) - Videregivelse er nødvendig for at opfylde forpligtelserne og fremsætte Hays’ specifikke rettigheder inden for ansættelses- og socialsikringsområdet og social beskyttelsesret (f.eks. på koncernintern basis ved vurdering og effektuering af din ret til årlig ferie/visse ydelser) - Videregivelse er nødvendig af hensyn til ’legitime interesser’, som vi forfølger (som beskrevet i tabellerne ovenfor) |
Denne del af fortrolighedspolitikken gælder for Kandidater.
Kandidater omfatter personer, som Hays ikke tidligere har haft kontakt med, men som Hays med rimelighed vurderer ville være interesseret i, eller kunne drage fordel af, Hays’ tjenester og komme i betragtning til stillinger, der annonceres eller promoveres af Hays; herunder faste, deltids- og midlertidige stillinger samt freelancestillinger hos Hays’ Kunder(herunder personer, der ønsker en projekt/midlertidig ansættelse)). Kandidater omfatter også ansøgere til sådanne stillinger samt personer, der har fremsendt en uopfordret ansøgning til Hays, som ikke er relateret til et specifikt job, og/eller som har været i dialog med Hays om Hays’ tjenester og/eller stillinger, der annonceres eller promoveres af Hays. Selvstændige, , freelancere og medarbejdere hos leverandører, som foreslås til stillinger hos Hays’ Kunder som en del af et MSP-tilbud eller på anden vis, vil blive behandlet som Kandidater i henhold til denne politik.
Hvilken type typepersonoplysninger indsamler vi?
Ønsker du en mere detaljeret oversigt over, hvilke oplysninger vi indsamler om dig?? Her er en detaljeret oversigt over de oplysninger, som vi indsamler. Oplysningerne beskrevet nedenfor, er som tillæg til de personoplysninger, som vi ifølge loven skal behandle i enhver given situation.
Afhængigt af de relevante omstændigheder og gældende lokale love og krav, vil vi indsamle nogle af, eller alle de oplysninger anført nedenfor, for at kunne vurdere, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig, hvis vi med rimelighed mener, at du kunne være interesseret i eller kunne drage fordel af vores tjenester, og at tilbyde dig beskæftigelsesmuligheder, der er skræddersyet til dig og interesser.
I visse jurisdiktioner, er vi underlagt begrænsninger i forhold til behandling af nogle af de datatyper der er anført nedenfor. I sådanne tilfælde vil vi kun behandle dataene i disse jurisdiktioner i det omfang og under de omstændigheder, det er tilladt ved lov:
- Identifikation og kontaktoplysninger
- Navn;
- Alder/fødselsdato;
- CPR-nummer;
- Køn;
- Billede;
- Civilstatus;
- Nationalitet/statsborgerskab/fødselssted;
- Kontaktoplysninger;
- Oplysninger om personer der kan kontaktes i nødstilfælde/nærmeste pårørende
- En kopi af dit kørekort og/eller pas/ID-kort;
- Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse
- Uddannelsesoplysninger;
- Ansættelseshistorie;
- Nuværende stillingsbetegnelse/specialisering/industrisektor;
- Sprogfærdigheder;
- Referenceoplysninger;
- Immigrationsstatus (arbejdstilladelse påkrævet eller ej);
- Startdato eller tilgængelighedsdato;
- Oplysninger om forrige og nuværende lønpakke(r), pension(er) og frynsegoder;
- Oplysninger om arbejdstimer (ved tiltrædelse af en stilling);
- Oplysninger om dine interesser og behov i forbindelse med fremtidig ansættelse, herunder; direkte indsamlet og og udledte oplysninger fra, f.eks. de jobs, som du har kigget på eller artikler, som du har læst på vores hjemmeside eller fra links, du har klikket på, i e-mails fra os;
- Økonomiske oplysninger
- Bankoplysninger;
- Økonomiske oplysninger (hvis vi skal foretage finansielle baggrundschecks);
- CPR-nummer (eller tilsvarende i dit land) og evt. andre skattemæssige oplysninger;
- Oplysninger af særlig kategori
- Oplysninger om race eller etnisk oprindelse, seksuel orientering, religiøs eller anden lignende overbevisning og fysisk eller mental sundhed, herunder handicaprelaterede oplysninger, i hvert tilfælde med henblik på diversitetsovervågning;
- Seksuel orientering (i tilfælde hvor dette kan afledes af eksempelvis oplyste kontaktoplysninger på din nødkontakt);
- Oplysninger om fysisk eller mental sundhed, herunder handicaprelaterede oplysninger for at gøre os i stand til at foretage rimelige og sundhedsrelaterede justeringer, når vi skal bruge eller tilbyde arbejdsmiljø til dig i forbindelse med visse typer stillinger;
- Oplysninger om helbredsrelaterede oplysninger, der stammer fra eller i forbindelse med COVID-19 eller andre pandemier, hvis dette er påkrævet for en stilling, som du er interesseret i at søge, eller hvor du melder dig frivilligt, f.eks. et testresultat (uanset om det er positivt eller negativt) eller vaccinationshistorik (herunder medicinske tilstande relateret til eller som påvirker vaccination), hvor det er relevant;
- Under visse omstændigheder videooptagelser af Kandidater, der deltager i eller er til stede ved kurser eller møder, hvor enkeltpersoner har givet samtykke til optagelsen;
- Religiøse overbevisninger i forbindelse med planlægning af årlig ferie;
- Oplysninger om straffeattest
- Oplysninger om straffeattest, hvis det kræves til en stilling, som du er interesseret i at ansøge;
- Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger
- IP-adresse;
- Brugsoplysninger inklusiv datoer, tidspunkter og hvor ofte, du skaffer adgang til vores tjenester;
- Brugervalg (f.eks. markedsføringspræferencer);
- Brugerrapporter;
- Log- og fejlfindingsoplysninger;
- Enhedsoplysninger, når du installerer, tilgår eller bruger vores tjenester;
- Hjemmeside data, f.eks. sider, der er set, f.eks. Hays eller Kunders hjemmesider;
- Historik over e-mailengagement med Hays;
- Placeringsoplysninger (udledt af jobs, IP-adresse, applikationshistorik eller systemlagrede data);
- Kontoadgangsoplysninger (f.eks. PIN-numre til kontobekræftelsesformål);
- Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig
- Yderligere oplysninger, som din reference vælger at fortælle os om dig;
- Yderligere oplysninger, som vores Kunder eventuelt fortæller os om dig eller, som vi indhenter fra tredjeparts kilder, som f.eks. jobhjemmesider (som du har uploadet oplysninger til eller på anden måde er gjort tilgængelige for os);
- Oplysninger om dine interesser og behov i forbindelse med fremtidig ansættelse, indsamlet direkte fra f.eks. de jobs, som du har kigget på eller artikler, som du har læst på vores hjemmeside eller fra links, som du har klikket på, i e-mails fra os; og;
- Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os
- Enhver anden information, som du måtte give os, herunder f.eks. oplysninger om dine børnepasnings- eller omsorgsordninger (f.eks. når du godkender fradrag i lønnen for børnepasning, eller når du frivilligt giver disse oplysninger) og når du korresponderer med os via e-mail eller andet.
Vær venligst opmærksom på, at den ovenstående liste indeholdende kategorierne i forbindelse med de personoplysninger, som vi indsamler, ikke er udtømmende.
I det omfang du går ind på vores hjemmeside eller klikker på links i en e-mail fra os, vil vi også indsamle visse oplysninger fra dig. Ønsker du mere information om dette, henvises der til den kontekstspecifikke sektion af denne fortrolighedspolitik, der gælder for besøgende på vores hjemmeside.
Hvordan indsamler vi dine personlige oplysninger?
Vi indsamler primært Kandidatoplysninger på følgende måder:
- Personoplysninger som du, Kandidaten, giver os;
- Personoplysninger, som vi modtager fra andre kilder; og
- Personoplysninger, som vi indsamler automatisk.
Personoplysninger som, du giver os
- Hays har brug for at få kendskab til oplysninger om dig for at kunne yde sine tjenester til dig. Det vil gøre os i stand til at tilbyde dig de bedste muligheder, og spare dig tid idet du undgår at skulle undersøge jobs og serviceydelser, som er irrelevante for dig.
- Der findes adskillige måder, hvorpå du kan dele dine oplysninger med os. Dette kan omfatte:
- Indtaste dine oplysninger på Hays’ hjemmeside eller ved brug af en ansøgningsformular som en del af registreringsprocessen;
- Aflevere et fysisk CV til en af Hays’ begivenheder, jobmesser eller på et af vores kontor;
- Sende dit CV eller andre oplysninger i en e-mail til en konsulent fra Hays eller have en samtale med dem;
- Søge efter jobs gennem en jobdatabase på nettet, som omdirigerer dig til Hays’ hjemmeside;
- Indtaste dine personoplysninger på et microsite tilhørende Hays; eller
- Deltage i en konkurrence gennem et socialt medie som f.eks. Facebook eller Twitter (eller lignende).
- Typer af oplysninger, der modtages fra dig på denne måde, omfatter:
- Identifikation og kontaktoplysninger;
- Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse;
- Økonomiske oplysninger;
- Oplysninger af særlig kategori;
- Oplysninger om straffeattest, og
- Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os
som beskrevet i afsnittet med titlen ”Hvilken typetype personoplysninger indsamler vi?” ovenfor.
Personoplysninger, som vi modtager fra andre kilder
- Vi modtager også personoplysninger om Kandidater fra andre kilder. Afhængigt af de relevante omstændigheder og den gældende lokale lovgivning samt krav vil dette omfatte personoplysninger modtaget i følgende situationer:
- Når vi søger efter Kandidater via tredjepartskilder, såsom LinkedIn og andre jobsider, hvorfra vi indhenter dine personoplysninger, og/eller når vi udfører andre præ-rekrutteringsaktiviteter (se venligst afsnittet med titlen ”Præ-rekrutteringsaktiviteter” nedenfor);
- Dine referencer kan muligvis offentliggøre personoplysninger om dig;
- Vores Kunder, Leverandører, andre Kandidater og vores Kolleger i Hays (f.eks. i forbindelse med at de foretager en henvisning) kan dele personoplysninger om dig med os;
- Hvis vi modtager dine personoplysninger fra Facebook eller Twitter, hvis du ’synes godt om’ vores Facebook-side eller ’følger’ os på Twitter (eller indgår en lignende interaktion med os på en social medieplatform, hvor vi er til stede); og
- Hvis du blev henvist til os gennem en RPO eller en MSP-leverandør, deler de muligvis personoplysninger om dig, med os.
- De typer af oplysninger, som vi modtager om dig på denne måde, omfatter de oplysninger, som andre giver om dig, beskrevet i afsnittet med titlen ”Hvilken typetype personoplysninger indsamler vi?” ovenfor.
Personoplysninger, som vi indsamler automatisk
- Hvis du går ind på vores hjemmeside, læser eller klikker på en e-mail fra os, indsamler vi dine oplysninger automatisk (f.eks. via cookies eller pixels) eller ved at du formidler dem til os iht. lokal lovgivning og lokale krav. Hvis du ønsker mere information, henvises der til den kontekstspecifikke sektion af denne fortrolighedspolitik, der gælder for Besøgende på vores hjemmeside.
- De typer af oplysninger, som vi modtager om dig på denne måde, omfatter ”Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger”, som andre giver om dig, beskrevet i afsnittet med titlen ”Hvilken typetype personoplysninger indsamler vi?” ovenfor.
Hvordan bruger vi dine personoplysninger?
Vi anvender generelt Kandidatens oplysninger på fem måder:
- Præ-rekrutteringsaktiviteter;
- Rekrutteringsaktiviteter;
- Markedsføringsaktiviteter;
- Ligestillings rapportering og
- For at hjælpe os med at fastlægge, udøve eller forsvare retskrav.
- Under de rette omstændigheder vil vi også anvende Kandidatens data til profilering.
- Når vi udfører præ-rekrutteringsaktiviteter, anvender vi dine oplysninger til at finde ud af, om du kunne være interesseret i eller kunne drage fordel af vores tjenester, og til at vurdere, om og hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig. Hvis vi mener, vi kan hjælpe, vil vi bruge dine kontaktoplysninger til at komme i kontakt med dig og finde ud af, om du er interesseret i vores tjenester, underlagt eventuelle gældende love og krav.
- For at vi kan gøre dette, kan vi:
- Indsamle dine personoplysninger;
- Opbevare dine oplysninger (og ajourføring af dem efter behov) i vores database, så vi kan kontakte dig;
- Sende dig en e-mail for at informere dig om vores behandling af dine personoplysninger og for at henvise dig til denne fortrolighedspolitik;
- Gennemgå dine oplysninger for at finde ud af, om og hvordan vores tjenester kan hjælpe dig; og
- Kontakte dig angående vores tjenester.
- Nedenfor, er de forskellige måder, hvorpå vi vil bruge og behandle dine personoplysninger angivet - med det formål at afgøre, om vores tjenester ville være til gavn for dig, hvor det er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokale love og krav. Bemærk venligst, at listen ikke er udtømmende.
- I de fleste tilfælde vil vi bruge dine personoplysninger til nedenstående formål, hvis vi anser det for at være nødvendigt ifm. vores legitime interesser. Artikel 6(1)(f) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse angiver, at vi kan behandle dine oplysninger, hvis ”behandling er nødvendig for, at den dataansvarlige eller en tredjemand kan forfølge en legitim interesse, medmindre den registreredes interesser eller grundlæggende rettigheder og frihedsrettigheder, der kræver beskyttelse af personoplysninger, går forud herfor.”
- Vi mener ikke, at nogen af de aktiviteter, hvor vi beror på disse legitime interesser, forudindtager imod Kandidater på nogen måde. Du har dog ret til at gøre indsigelse mod, at vi behandler dine personoplysninger ud fra dette grundlag. Hvis du gerne vil vide mere om, hvordan du gør dette, henvises der til afsnittet ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Indsamling og behandling af data imens vi forsøger og i det omfang det er nødvendigt for at finde ud af, om du kunne være interesseret i eller drage fordel af Hays’ tjenester, herunder ved at: - indsamle oplysninger fra Kandidater og andre kilder som f.eks. oplysninger fra LinkedIn - opbevare Kandidaters oplysninger i databaser - vurdere data i forhold til ledige stillinger |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Legitime interesser, det er navnlig i vores og din interesse at vi vurderer, om du kan være interesseret i eller drage fordel af vores tjenester |
Indsamling og behandling af dine data i forbindelse med gennemgang af dine oplysninger for at finde ud af, hvordan Hays kan hjælpe |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er navnlig i vores og din interesse at vi identificerer, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med din jobsøgning |
Indsamling og behandling af dine data i forbindelse med kommunikationen med dig i forhold til Hays’ tjenester |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er navnlig i vores og din interesse at kontakte og korrespondere med dig som led i at yde dig vores tjenester |
- Vores primære arbejdsfelt er rekruttering – vi sætter de rette Kandidater i forbindelse med de rigtige jobs. Nedenfor har vi anført en række måder, hvorpå vi vil anvende og bearbejde dine personoplysninger til dette formål, når det er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning og lokale krav. Bemærk venligst, at listen ikke er udtømmende.
- I de fleste tilfælde vil vi bruge dine personoplysninger til nedenstående formål, hvis vi anser det for at være nødvendigt ifm. vores legitime interesser. Artikel 6(1)(f) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse angiver, at vi kan behandle dine oplysninger, hvis ”behandling er nødvendigt for at forfølge legitime interesser, som forfølges af os eller en tredjepart, undtagen hvor sådanne interesser tilsidesættes af dine interesser eller grundlæggende rettigheder og frihedsrettigheder, der kræver beskyttelse af personoplysninger.” Vi mener ikke, at nogen af de aktiviteter, som vores legitime interesser beror på, på nogen måde betinger Kandidater - faktisk hjælper de os med at tilbyde dig en mere skræddersyet, effektiv tjeneste. Du har dog ret til at gøre indsigelse mod, at vi behandler dine personoplysninger ud fra dette grundlag. Hvis du gerne vil vide mere om, hvordan du gør dette, henvises der til afsnittet ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Vi kan under visse omstændigheder behandle dine personoplysninger til formålene nedenfor, hvis det er nødvendigt for at vi kan levere en kontraktlig tjeneste til dig (eller for at opfylde en anmodning fra dig forud for indgåelse af en kontrakt). Artikel 6(1)(b) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse siger, at vi kan behandle dine data, hvis en sådan ”behandling er nødvendig af hensyn til opfyldelse af en kontrakt, som den registrerede er part i, eller af hensyn til gennemførelse af foranstaltninger, der træffes på den registreredes anmodning forud for indgåelse af en kontrakt.”
- Når vi behandler dine oplysninger til rekrutteringsaktiviteter baseret på dit samtykke, har du til enhver tid ret til at trække dit samtykke tilbage uden at det påvirker lovligheden af behandlingen baseret på et sådant samtykke, før samtykket trækkes tilbage ved at henvise til afsnittet med titlen ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, som du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Indsamling og behandling af data i løbet af og i det omfang det er nødvendigt for at levere tjenester til Kandidater og lette processen, herunder ved at: - Indsamle oplysninger fra Kandidater og andre kilder som f.eks. oplysninger fra LinkedIn - Opbevare Kandidaters oplysninger i databaser - Vurdere data i forhold til ledige stillinger - Sende Kandidaters oplysninger til Kunder for at søge jobs eller for at vurdere din egnethed til jobs - Gøre det muligt for Kandidater at indsende CV’er, ansøge jobs online eller at abonnere på notifikationer om jobs - Optage Kandidaters spørgsmål og svar-sessioner og/eller videointerviews for at understøtte vores tjenester (hvor optagelserne analyseres til uddannelses-/overvågningsformål og/eller deles med Kunder og ses via en sikker tredjepartsplatform) - Optage videooptagelser af Kandidaters deltagelse i kurser eller møder til interne uddannelse/overvågningsformål og/eller overvågning af interne compliance-standarder |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os (f.eks. oplysninger, som du fortæller os i en optagelse) - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Videooptagelser |
Vi vil bero på legitime interesser. Det er i vores og dine interesser, at vi yder dig vores tjenester, og at du modtager dem, for at vi kan fungere som en overskudsgivende virksomhed, og for at hjælpe dig og andre Kandidater med at finde beskæftigelse Hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på udførelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i det omfang, den behandlingsaktivitet, som vi søger at udføre, er nødvendigt af hensyn til kontrakten eller din anmodning I det omfang vi optager en video af dig, vil vi bede om dit samtykke, før vi begynder at optage, men vi vil bero på legitime interesser i forhold til vores brug af dataene til uddannelses-/overvågningsformål og til overvågning af compliance-standarder |
Behandling af Kandidatoplysninger for at lette løn- og faktureringsprocesser |
- Identifikation-og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Økonomiske oplysninger |
Legitime interesser, det er i vores og din interesse at: - sørge for, at vores virksomhed fungerer uden problemer, så vi fortsat kan tilbyde vores tjenester til Kandidater - sikre, at du får passende aflønning hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på opfyldelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag |
Indsamling og behandling af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med udførelsen af: - kundetilfredshedsundersøgelser - Hays markedsundersøgelse, som vi vil bruge til informationsgrundlag for vores marketingmateriale og andet informationsmateriale såsom whitepapers, rapporter og artikler (f.eks. vores løn guides) I det omfang nogen data offentliggøres, vil disse kun være i aggregeret/anonymiseret form |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er i vores interesse at: - forbedre og udvikle de tjenester, som vi yder til dig ved at tage hensyn til din feedback og inddrage denne i vores processer, hvor vi finder det nødvendigt - få et indblik i karrierer, mål og forhåbninger for de Kandidater, som vi yder tjenester til for at kunne markedsføre vores servicetilbud og hjælpe med at differentiere os på et konkurrencepræget marked |
Indsamling og behandling af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med kommunikation med Kandidater i relation til servicerelaterede spørgsmål og yde kundesupport ved at behandle anmodninger om support |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Vi vil bero på legitime interesser, det er i vores og din interesse at: - adressere eventuelle problemer, du har oplevet - forbedre og udvikle de tjenester, som vi yder til dig ved at tage hensyn til din feedback og inddrage denne i vores processer, hvor vi finder det nødvendigt Hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på opfyldelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i forhold til at bruge dine data i forbindelse med kommunikation relateret til vores tjenester med dig |
Behandling af Kandidatoplysninger for at gøre det muligt for dem at modtage tjenester i tilknytning til rekrutteringstjenester, såsom deltagelse i: - specialiseret online-kursus - interaktive funktioner i tjenester - rekrutteringsrelaterede tjenester via Hays App |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Visse automatisk indsamlede oplysninger, f.eks. Brugervalg og oplysninger om din brug af disse tjenester |
Vi vil bero på legitime interesser, det er i vores og din interesse at: - anbefale og give dig adgang til vores specialiserede online-kurser eller nogle af vores mere interaktive tjenester, da dette kan hjælpe med din jobsøgning - give dig den bedst mulige end to end-tjeneste og forbedre vores tjenesteog hjælpe med at differentiere os på et konkurrencepræget marked Hvis du har meldt dig til at modtage disse hjælpetjenester (enten separat eller fordi de er en del af de rekrutteringstjenester, som du allerede har tilmeldt dig) eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på udførelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i det omfang, den behandlingsaktivitet, som vi søger at udføre, er nødvendigt af hensyn til kontrakten eller din anmodning |
Behandling af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med udførelsen af Hays’ forpligtelser som følge af kontrakter indgået mellem Hays og tredjeparter i relation til Kandidaters rekruttering, såsom potentielle arbejdsgivere, som vi er forpligtet til at identificere de bedst egnede Kandidater til |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Økonomiske oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Vi vil bero på legitime interesser, og det er det i vores og din interesse at opfylde vores forpligtelser i henhold til aftaler med tredjeparter såsom potentielle arbejdsgivere, så vi kan hjælpe dig med at finde beskæftigelse Hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i forbindelse hermed, kan vi bero på udførelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i det omfang, den behandlingsaktivitet, som vi søger at udføre, er nødvendigt af hensyn til vores kontrakt med dig (samt tredjepart) |
Kontrollere de oplysninger, som Kandidaten har formidlet eller anmode om oplysninger (som f.eks. referencer, kvalifikationer og eventuelle strafbare forhold, hvis det er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokale love) |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Oplysninger om domme - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Ved oplysninger om domme og straffeattester, indhenter vi dit udtrykkelige samtykke. Ved alle andre typer data: - vilvi bero på det juridiske grundlag for legitime interesser, og det er i vores og din interesse at verificere, at alle de oplysninger, du har givet os, er sande og nøjagtige, og at indhente referencer om din tidligere adfærd som en del af processen med at finde job til dig - hvis du har indgået eller er ved at indgå en kontrakt med os, eller hvis du fremsætter en anmodning i løbet af at gøre dette, kan vi bero på udførelsen af et kontraktretligt grundlag i det omfang, at verificering af detaljer, som du har givet eller de anmodninger, vi skal fremsætte, for at gøre det nødvendige i forbindelse med vores kontrakt med dig. |
I visse jurisdiktioner kan der gøres brug af en webbaseret videoidentitetsbekræftelsesproces til at bekræfte en Kandidats identitet, hvis vi ikke møder dem personligt og dokumenterer denne proces |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger (inklusiv en kopi af kørekort og/eller pas/identitetskort) - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os - Videooptagelser |
I det omfang dette udføres i din jurisdiktion, vil vi bede om dit samtykke, før vi begynder at optage, men vi beror på betingelsen om legitime interesser (det er i vores legitime interesse at opretholde interne compliance-standarder) i forhold til vores brug af dataene, som vi registrerer for at bekræfte din identitet. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion, klik her |
Indsamling og behandling af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med udførelse af vurderings- og udviklingsaktiviteter såsom psykometriske evalueringer eller færdighedstests – for mere information i forhold til din jurisdiktion, klik her |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du giver eller vælger at fortælle os under evalueringen/færdighedstesten (i forbindelse med din præstation) |
Legitime interesser. Vi vurderer at det er i vores og dine interesser at kunne tilbyde dig services og ydelser fra vores evaluering- og udviklingsafdelinger, hovedsageligt i relation til psykologiske vurderinger og undersøgelser, evalueringscentre, kompetencestyring, reorganisering, ledelsesudvikling, karriereudvikling, mobilitet, outplacement, karriereskift og coaching. |
- Vi vil af og til sende dig informationer, som vi mener du kunne finde interessant, eller bede om din hjælp til at forbinde andre Kandidater med jobmuligheder. Især vil vi bruge dine data til de nedenstående formål, hvor det er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning og lokale krav. Bemærk venligst, at listen ikke er udtømmende.
- Vi har brug for dit udtrykkelige samtykke til visse aspekter af disse aktiviteter eller tilkendegivet interesse (som vi vil forklare yderligere nedenfor). Bemærk venligst, at vi i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi opererer, overholder yderligere lokale lovkrav vedrørende samtykke til at modtage markedsføringsmaterialer. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
- Tilkendegivet interesse er en specifik type samtykke, der gælder, når vi har indhentet dine kontaktoplysninger fra en forhenværende interaktion, hvor du har været i kontakt med os (for eksempel ved at informere en af vores konsulenter om, at du er interesseret i vores tjenester, indsende en jobansøgning eller CV, eller registrering til en ledig stilling, der skal besættes). Ved en tilkendegivet interesse vil vi antage, at du har givet dit samtykke, medmindre du gør indsigelse eller fravælger (vi vil minde dig om din ret til at gøre dette og give dig mulighed for at framelde dig i en hver e-markedsføringsbesked vi sender ud). Dette er fordelagtigt for dig, da det giver os mulighed for at give dig information, som vi vurderer, er interessant for dig – herunder andre jobforslag relateret til tidligere stillinger du har ansøgt eller kigget på. Det øger sandsynligheden for at vi finder en ny stilling til dig betydeligt. Vi vil bruge dine personoplysninger til at sende dig e-marketingmateriale med dit samtykke, hvis vi vurderer, at det er i vores legitime interesse.
- For andre typer e-markedsføring skal vi indhente dit udtrykkelige samtykke. Hvis du ikke er tilfreds med vores tilgang til markedsføring, har du til enhver tid ret til at fravælge eller trække dit samtykke tilbage og du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du gør dette ved at se afsnittet med titlen ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, som du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik. Ingen er perfekt, selv om vi gør vores bedste. Vi informerer dig om at, selv om du fravalgte at modtage vores markedsføringsmeddelelser gennem vores præferencecenter, så er det stadig muligt, at dine oplysninger genfindes via offentlige kilder i en uafhængig markedsføringskampagne. Vi gør vores bedste for at sikre, at det ikke sker, og beklager meget, hvis det gør. I disse tilfælde beder vi dig blot om at fravælge igen.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Vi gør brug af Kandidaters data til at udføre marketingaktiviteter med henblik på at promovere vores tjenester gennem digitale kanaler, herunder i relation til at: - markedsføre hele vores sortiment af tjenester (fuldtid, vikar, kontrakt, jobformidling og udsendelse, MSP-programmer og RPO-tjenester) til dig - sende Kandidater nærmere oplysninger om rapporter, reklamer, tilbud, etablering af netværk og begivenheder samt generelle oplysninger om industrisektorer, som vi eventuelt mener, kunne have din interesse - give Kandidater oplysninger om visse rabatter og tilbud, som du er berettiget til takket være dit forhold med Hays |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Hvis vi har indhentet dine kontaktoplysninger fra en begivenhed, hvor du tidligere har været i kontakt med os, og vi e-markedsfører vores egne relaterede tjenester, vil vi bero på tilkendegivet interesse-samtykke, hvis vi mener, at det lovlige grundlag for legitime interesser gælder, navnlig hvis vi ønsker at kontakte dig for at fortælle dig om vores tjenester, og vi mener, at det ville være i din interesse at høre om lignende tjenester som dem, du allerede har udtrykt interesse for Under alle andre omstændigheder vil vi indhente dit samtykke |
Indsamling af data via cookies eller tracking pixels og brug af data til at vise brugerne Hays’ annoncer og andet indhold på andre hjemmesider, f.eks. Facebook |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Vi indhenter dit samtykke via Cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside Hvis du foretrækker, at vi ikke bruger dine oplysninger på den måde, bedes du slå indstillingen ”Reklamecookies” fra (vi henviser til vores Cookiepolitik). Selv når du har slået reklamecookies fra, er det stadig muligt at du eventuelt ser en reklame fra Hays, men i så fald er den ikke rettet personligt mod dig, men i stedet mod et anonymt publikum Bemærk venligst, at hvis du tilgår Hays’ tjenester på tværs af flere enheder, skal du muligvis justere dine indstillinger (f.eks. hvis du vil slå annonceringscookies fra) via Cookiepræferencelinket på hver af dine enheder |
Look-a-like-målretning og anden datadrevet markedsføring: Levering af lister over visse Kandidatoplysninger til Facebook og Google for at gøre det muligt for dem at finde en målgruppe af personer med lignende karakteristika eller demografi som disse Kandidater (som ikke inkluderer disse Kandidater) til Hays’ markedsføringsformål. Facebooks politik gør det er irreversibelt at adskille sådanne lister før brug, matche de adskilte data mod deres egne kunder, generere look-a-like-publikummet, derefter slette den originale liste og ikke bruge den til noget andet formål. Vi vil ikke have adgang til identiteten af nogen i look-a-like-publikummet, medmindre de vælger at klikke på annoncerne. |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger (annonce-id ’er) |
Vi indhenter dit tilvalgssamtykke til indsamling af reklame-id ’er via Cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside. Vi deler disse annonceringsidentifikatorer med Facebook og Google, baseret på legitim juridisk grundlag, i og med det i vores interesse at identificere og målrette annoncer til potentielle kunder, der deler karakteristika eller demografi med vores eksisterende Kunder, medmindre vi er forpligtet i henhold til lokal lovgivning at indhente dit samtykke, i sådan tilfælde indhenter vi et sådant samtykke via vores samtykkestyringsværktøj |
Visning af uddrag fra Kandidaters profiler til salgsfremmende formål på Hays’ hjemmeside(er) for at give eksempler på succeshistorier |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Yderligere oplysninger, du vælger at fortælle os (vi kan bede dig om yderligere detaljer med henblik på den historie, vi fortæller om dig) |
Vi vil altid bede om dit udtrykkelige samtykke, før vi præsenterer dig på denne måde på hjemmesiden |
Brug af Kandidatoplysninger i forbindelse med service- og marketingkommunikation via WhatsApp |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Vi vil sikre, at du har tilmeldt dig (og derfor givet dit samtykke) gennem en af en række kanaler: - når du tilmelder dig WhatsApp-jobnotifikationer på hjemmesiden - indsende en tilkendegivelse direkte til en af vores WhatsApp-kanaler - ved at klikke videre på en tilmeldingsknap på en invitations e-mail. |
Data af særlig kategori
- Vi forpligter os til at sikre, at vores rekrutteringsprocesser stemmer overens med vores politik om lige muligheder og derfor vil vi behandle visse følsomme/særlige kategoridata om dig for at lette dette. Hvor det måtte være relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning og lokale krav bruger vi disse oplysninger anonymiseret for at sikre, at vi overholder vores politik om lige muligheder.
- Vi vil indsamle andre følsomme/særlige kategoridata om dig, såsom helbredsrelaterede oplysninger eller religiøst tilhørsforhold, hvis dette er passende i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning: Artikel 9(2)(b) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse giver os mulighed for at gøre dette, hvor behandlingen er ”nødvendig for at udføre forpligtelserne og udøve vores eller dine specifikke rettigheder ... inden for beskæftigelse og social sikring og lovgivning om social beskyttelse”, så længe det er tilladt ved lov.
- Vi kan også indsamle oplysninger om eventuelle strafbare forhold/domme, hvis det er relevant i overensstemmelse med lokale love, som kan kræve dit samtykke. Hvis du ikke er tilfreds med dette, har du til enhver tid ret til at fravælge eller trække dit samtykke tilbage og du kan finde ud af, hvordan du gør dette ved at se afsnittet med titlen ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, som du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Bemærk venligst, at i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning, gælder der andre regler for de pågældende følsomme/særlig data af særlig kategori. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Indsamling og analyse af Kandidatoplysninger for at vurdere og sikre vores overholdelse af ligestillingsforpligtelser | Oplysninger om etnisk oprindelse, religiøst eller lignede tilhørsforhold og fysisk/mentalt helbred, herunder oplysninger om handicap |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, hvis vores behandling er nødvendig med det formål (og vi har en legitim interesse i) at holde øje med eksistensen eller fraværet af lige muligheder, eller behandling mellem grupper af mennesker - og lokale love giver os mulighed for at behandle dine data på denne måde uden at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Deling af Kandidatoplysninger (der er blevet indsamlet for at vurdere og sikre vores overholdelse af ligestillingsforpligtelser) med Kunder (herunder til deres interne eller eksterne revisorer), hvor dette er kontraktligt påkrævet, eller kunden specifikt anmoder om sådanne oplysninger for at gøre dem i stand til at overholde deres egne ansættelsesprocesser | Oplysninger om etnisk oprindelse, religiøst eller lignede tilhørsforhold og fysisk/mentalt helbred, herunder oplysninger om handicap | Vi vil indhente dit udtrykkelige samtykke, før vi deler dine data på denne måde |
Behandling af sygehistorie/sundhedsrelaterede data for at foretage rimelige justeringer under rekrutteringsprocessen | Sygehistorik/fysiske eller mentale helbredsrelaterede data |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, hvis vi har en legitim interesse i og det er nødvendigt for os at behandle dine data til sundheds- og socialformål (f.eks. for at vurdere en medarbejders eller potentiel medarbejders arbejdsevne for en arbejdsgiver) og lokale love tillader os at behandle dine data på denne måde uden at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Behandling af sundhedsrelaterede data til hvornår vi skal bruge eller tilbyde arbejdsmiljø til Kandidater i forbindelse med visse typer stillinger (f.eks. undervisning, sygepleje eller natarbejde) | Sygehistorik/fysiske eller mentale helbredsrelaterede data |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, hvis vi har en legitim interesse i og det er nødvendigt for os at behandle dine data til sundheds- og socialformål (f.eks. levering af sundhedspleje eller behandling) og lokale love tillader os at behandle dine data på denne måde uden at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Behandling af helbredsrelaterede oplysninger, der stammer fra eller i forbindelse med COVID-19 eller andre pandemier, hvor dette er påkrævet for en stilling, som du er interesseret i at søge, eller hvor du er frivillig | Testresultater (uagtet om de er positive eller negative), eller vaccinationshistorik (herunder medicinske tilstande relateret til eller som påvirker vaccination), hvor det er relevant |
Vi beror på legitime interesser. Vi vurderer at det er i vores og din interesse, at vi indsamler og deler dine helbredsrelaterede oplysninger, hvis dette er påkrævet for en stilling, som du er interesseret i at søge. Vi kan også bero på de vitale interesser og de offentlige interessers lovlige grundlag, nemlig at beskytte mod alvorlige grænseoverskridende trusler mod sundheden. Vi kan behandle dine helbreds- og rejserelaterede oplysninger i henhold til artikel 9(2)(i) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse for at gøre det muligt for os at behandle helbredsrelaterede oplysninger, der stammer fra eller er i forbindelse med COVID-19-pandemien for at forhindre spredning af og vurdere risikoen for COVID-19 og andre smitsomme vira og sygdomme. Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Behandling af oplysninger om domme og strafbare forhold ved udførelse af baggrundstjek |
Oplysninger om eventuelle domme og strafbare forhold oplyst af Kandidaten på Kandidatansøgningsformularen. Oplysninger om eventuelle domme opnået via baggrundstjek, som vi er forpligtet til at udføre, hvor det er nødvendigt for os for at overholde vores juridiske forpligtelser i forbindelse med en Kandidats søgen efter arbejde (f.eks. hvis vi foreslår en Kandidat til visse stillinger, hvor en bestemt type baggrundstjek kræves) |
Vi vil indhente dit udtrykkelige samtykke i Kandidatansøgningsformularen, men hvor lokal lovgivning tillader os det, kan vi være nødt til at anmode om et tjek af Offentliggørelse og Udelukkelse (eller tilsvarende gældende tjek i din jurisdiktion) uden dit samtykke, hvor dette er nødvendigt for os for at overholde vores juridiske forpligtelser i forbindelse med din jobsøgning. |
Behandling af visse typer Kandidatoplysninger for at beregne retten til årlig ferie |
- Sygehistorik/sundhedsrelaterede data - Religiøs tilknytning |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, behandlingen er nødvendig med henblik på (og vi har en legitim interesse i) at udføre forpligtelserne og udøve Hays’ specifikke rettigheder inden for beskæftigelses- og socialsikringsområdet og lov om social beskyttelse og lokale love tillader os at behandle dine data på denne måde uden først at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
Behandling af følsomme/særlige kategorier af personoplysninger om enkeltpersoner forbundet med Kandidater, for eksempel: - hvor en Kandidat oplyser dette til os i forbindelse med at give oplysninger om pårørende - at give den relevante Kandidat adgang til visse fordele |
Oplysninger om seksuel orientering og fysisk eller mental sundhed, herunder handicaprelaterede oplysninger |
Vi vil behandle dine personoplysninger på denne måde, hvis behandlingen er nødvendig med henblik på (og vi har en legitim interesse i) at udføre forpligtelserne og udøve Hays’ specifikke rettigheder inden for beskæftigelses- og socialsikringsområdet og lov om social beskyttelse og lokale love tillader os at behandle dine data på denne måde uden først at indhente dit samtykke Hvis lokal lovgivning kræver, at vi indhenter dit samtykke, vil vi gøre dette |
For at hjælpe os med at fastlægge, fremsætte eller forsvare retskrav
- Af og til er det nødvendigt for os at behandle personoplysninger, i relation til legitime interesser og juridisk grundlag og, når dette er relevant og i overensstemmelse med lokal lovgivning og lokale krav, også data af særlig kategori i forbindelse med fremsættelse og forsvar af retskrav. Artikel 9(2)(f) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse tillader dette, når behandling ”er nødvendigt for fastlæggelsen, udøvelsen eller forsvaret af juridiske krav eller når domstole handler i deres juridiske kapacitet”.
- Dette vil opstå, for eksempel, når vi har brug for at indhente juridisk rådgivning i forbindelse med retssager eller er forpligtet ved lov til at bevare eller videregive visse oplysninger som en del af den juridiske proces.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Bevaring, deling og anden behandling af Kandidatoplysninger for at fastlægge, fremsætte eller forsvare juridiske krav |
De faktiske oplysninger, der anvendes, afhænger af de faktiske omstændigheder, men kan omfatte et af følgende: - Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Oplysninger af særlig kategori - Oplysninger om domme/strafbare forhold - Økonomiske oplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er i vores interesse at søge og modtage juridisk rådgivning, hvis vi har brug for det, og at beskytte os selv i forbindelse med retssager og andre tvister. I det usandsynlige tilfælde, at vi bliver nødt til at behandle oplysninger af særlig kategori eller oplysninger om domme og/eller strafbare forhold til dette formål, vil vi kun gøre det, hvor lokal lovgivning tillader os at behandle sådanne data for at etablere, fremsætte eller forsvare retskrav |
Profilering, algoritmer og automatiseret beslutningstagning
- Profilering er en form for behandlingsaktivitet, som gør os i stand til bedre at forstå de oplysninger, vi indsamler om dig, for at hjælpe os med at udvikle en personlig ”profil” til dig. Det hjælper os med at få en bedre ide om, hvordan du foretrækker at interagere med os og vores tjenester, hvilken type anmodninger du ønsker fra os, og selvfølgelig de ting, du ikke kan lide. Formålet med denne personlige profil er at gøre os i stand til at yde den bedst mulige tjeneste til dig og maksimere chancerne for, at vi hurtigt og effektivt vil kunne være i stand til at give dig adgang til indhold, der med stor sandsynlighed vil være relevant og nyttigt for dig.
- Vi vil bruge profileringsmetoder i forhold til dine personoplysninger, hvis vi vurderer, at dette er nødvendigt af hensyn til vores legitime interesser som beskrevet i tabellen nedenfor. Er du ikke tilfreds med dette, har du til enhver tid ret til at protestere og du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du gør dette ved at se afsnittet med titlen ”Hvordan kan du få adgang til, ændre eller trække de personoplysninger, som du har givet os tilbage” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Af og til benytter vi også automatiserede systemer såsom filtreringsværktøjer eller mere komplekse værktøjer, der bruger et element af kunstig intelligens, såsom algoritmer eller maskinlæring (inklusiv dem, der leveres af tredjeparter), for at hjælpe os med hurtigt, effektivt og mere præcist at analysere data vi har om dig og andre Kandidater samt data, vi har om vores Kunders behov. Dette hjælper os i sidste ende med at træffe beslutninger baseret på disse data. Dette kan omfatte anvendelse af værktøjer, der bruger algoritmer (såsom filtreringsværktøjer eller maskinlæring) på Kandidatens personoplysninger for at hjælpe os med at komme med den bedst mulige shortlist til en bestemt stilling. En sådan teknologi har til formål at reducere den tid, der er nødvendig for at overveje, hvornår Kandidater er bedst egnede til relevante job. Dette skulle gøre rekrutteringsprocessen mere effektiv, hvilket, håber vi, vil forbedre din samlede oplevelse med os.
- Efterhånden som ny og bedre teknologi bliver mere udbredt, kan nogle af vores profileringsaktiviteter og vores behandlingsaktiviteter, der bruger automatiserede systemer som dem, der er beskrevet ovenfor, udgøre automatiseret beslutningstagning i henhold til artikel 22 i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse. Dette betyder en proces, hvor en beslutning træffes ved hjælp af automatiserede midler med begrænset eller endda ingen menneskelig indgriben i beslutningsprocessen. Vi vil kun bruge automatiseret beslutningstagning i forbindelse med dine personoplysninger, hvor vi vurderer, at dette er nødvendigt for at gennemføre de præ-kontraktuelle skridt, der er taget på din anmodning.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Indsamling af data via personaliseringscookies/-pixels og brug af disse data til profileringsformål, så vi kan vise Kandidater både målrettet og personligt tilpasset indhold. Dette vil omfatte: - personalisering af Kandidaternes hjemmesideoplevelse, herunder i forhold til de stillinger, de bliver gjort opmærksomme på, når de besøger hjemmesiden - at komme med anbefalinger til redaktionelt indhold, som vi mener kan være af interesse for Kandidater (f.eks. rapporter om udviklingen i deres branche) - personalisering af det marketingindhold, som Kandidater modtager via hjemmesiden, e-mail og andre marketingkanaler (hvor de har givet sit samtykke til denne markedsføring) Disse personaliseringscookies/-pixels bruges til at forstå, hvordan Kandidater interagerer med hjemmesiden ved at registrere deres besøg på hjemmesiden, de sider, de har besøgt, de interaktioner, de har foretaget, og de links, de har fulgt. Vi vil bruge disse oplysninger til at forstå, hvad de kan være interesseret i og skræddersy det, vi viser og sender til dem i overensstemmelse hermed |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os Mere specifikt vil dette omfatte: - Personoplysninger og oplysninger om Kandidatens jobsøgning (dvs. som indsendt via formular eller hentet fra vores systemer) - Oplysninger om Kandidaters interaktion med hjemmesiden (f.eks. ansøgninger, besøg på hjemmesider) og andre oplysninger hentet fra systemerne (f.eks. stillingsbetegnelse, tidligere ansøgninger) - Placeringsdata – enten udledt fra job-, IP- eller applikationshistorik eller systemlagrede data - Digitale identifikatorer – IP-adresse, personaliseringscookies - Webbrowserdata, data fra indsendte formularer og e-mail engagement data - Markedsføringspræferencer |
Vi indhenter dit samtykke via Cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside, før vi placerer personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed og aktiverer denne funktionalitet Hvis du ikke ønsker at give dit samtykke til, at vi placerer en personaliseringscookie på din enhed, skal du deaktivere ”Funktionalitetscookies” og ”Annoncecookies” (se vores Cookiepolitik) Bemærk venligst, at hvis du tilgår Hays’ tjenester på tværs af flere enheder skal du muligvis justere dine indstillinger via Cookiepræference linket på hver af dine enheder. Uanset vores indsamling af samtykke forud for placering af personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed, vil vi bero på den legitime interessebetingelse i forhold til de personaliseringsaktiviteter, som vi efterfølgende udfører Vi mener, at det er i vores interesse (og nogle gange din interesse) at: - øge engagementet med, og forbedre oplevelsen af at bruge vores tjenester ved at øge relevansen af det indhold, du ser på tværs af Hays-hjemmesider og e-mail kampagner - øge antallet af ansøgninger, konverteringsrater og anvendeligheden af ansøgninger ved at give dig skræddersyede jobanbefalinger - opfordre dig til at vende tilbage til vores hjemmeside ved at gøre denne yderst nyttige oplevelse mulig - reducere hjemmesidens afvisningsprocent - øge e-mail-engagement raten (dvs. den hyppighed, hvormed brugere klikker videre) |
Vi kan registrere og analysere Kandidaters webbaserede adfærd ved hjælp af forskellige dataelementer, f.eks. antal læste/søgte jobannoncer online, antal og type læste artikler, antal webbesøg, medlemskab af ”talentpuljer”/segmenter – se nedenfor) for at tildele en Kandidat en vægtet ”tilnærmelighedsscore” med henblik på at give indsigt i Kandidaters behov og give Hays mulighed for at følge op, hvor det er nødvendigt Konsulenter vil bruge disse scoringer som en del af de shortlisting- og rangordningsaktiviteter, der er beskrevet mere detaljeret nedenfor og som en faktor i beslutningen om, hvorvidt de skal henvende sig til/vise stillinger til en Kandidat, hvilket vil hjælpe til at supplere andre data, som Hays har om Kandidaten. Vores indsamling af webbaserede data vil være afhængige af de personaliseringscookies/-pixels, som vi placerer på din enhed som en del af personaliseringsaktiviteterne som beskrevet ovenfor |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Vi indhenter dit samtykke via cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside, før vi placerer personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed Hvis du ikke ønsker at give dit samtykke til, at vi placerer en personaliseringscookie på din enhed, skal du deaktivere ”Funktionalitetscookies” og ”Annoncecookies” (se vores Cookiepolitik) Bemærk venligst, at hvis du tilgår Hays’ tjenester på tværs af flere enheder skal du muligvis justere dine indstillinger via Cookie-præferencelinket på hver af dine enheder Bemærk dog, at vi stadig kan udføre engagementsscoringsaktiviteter, selvom en tilpasningscookie ikke er placeret på din enhed (f.eks. kan vi overveje de oplysninger, vi allerede har om dig i vores systemer med henblik på at tildele dig en engagementsscore, selv hvis du har fravalgt tilpasningscookien) Uanset vores indsamling af samtykke forud for placering af personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed, vil vi bero på den legitime interessebetingelse i forhold til at tildele dig en tilnærmelighedsscore og vores efterfølgende brug af denne score Vi mener, at det er i vores legitime interesse at tildele dig en engagementsscore for at hjælpe vores konsulenter med at træffe beslutninger i forhold til at foreslå relevante stillinger og sende relevant kommunikation til dig
Vi kan bruge de data, som vi indsamler via personaliseringscookies/-pixels, f.eks. webbaseret adfærd, såsom detaljer om Kandidaters interaktioner med hjemmesiden (f.eks. applikationer, hjemmesidebesøg), til at berige Kandidatoplysninger og eksisterende profiler om dem, som vi allerede har i vores systemer |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger |
Vi indhenter dit samtykke via cookie-præferencelinket på vores hjemmeside, før vi placerer personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed Hvis du ikke ønsker at give dit samtykke til, at vi placerer en personaliseringscookie på din enhed, skal du deaktivere ”Funktionalitetscookies” og ”Annoncecookies” (se vores Cookiepolitik) Bemærk venligst, at hvis du tilgår Hays’ tjenester på tværs af flere enheder skal du muligvis justere dine indstillinger via Cookie-præferencelinket på hver af dine enheder Uanset vores indsamling af samtykke forud for placering af personaliseringscookies/-pixels på din enhed, vil vi bero på den legitime interessebetingelse i forhold til at bruge data, som vi indsamler om dig til at berige din eksisterende profil i vores systemer Vi mener, at det er i vores legitime interesse at berige de data, vi har om dig for at hjælpe vores konsulenter med at træffe beslutninger i forhold til at foreslå relevante stillinger og sende relevant kommunikation til dig |
Analyse af Kandidatoplysninger ved løbende at spore og overvåge deres erfaring og kontoaktivitet for at profilere dem og allokere dem i ”talentpuljer” baseret på deres egenskaber og adfærd (f.eks. tidligere stillinger, færdigheder, brancheerfaring, placering, når en Kandidat er villig til at arbejde) Talentpuljer bruges som et middel til at administrere Kandidatdatabasen, placere Kandidater i stillinger og markedsføre til Kandidater Tildelingen af Kandidater til talentpuljer er en fuldautomatisk proces og kan involvere brug af bots |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser. Vi vurderer at det er i vores interesse at bruge profileringsmetoder til at placere dig og din Kandidatprofil i grupper eller segmenter med andre Kandidater, baseret på dine interesser, vaner, egenskaber og/eller præferencer for at: - hjælpe os med at optimere matchningen af Kandidatprofiler til stillinger og forbedre rekrutteringscyklussens effektivitet - tillade os at holde styr på, om vi til enhver tid har nok egnede Kandidater til at opfylde vores forretningsbehov og vores Kunders behov - hjælpe vores konsulenter med at træffe beslutninger i forhold til at foreslå relevante stillinger og sende relevant kommunikation til dig |
Vi kan bruge profileringsmetoder i forhold til Kandidatoplysninger, så vi kan: - placere dem og andre egnede Kandidater på shortlister til bestemte stillinger baseret på foreskrevne kriterier, som vil gøre det muligt for vores konsulenter at identificere de mest passende Kandidater til stillinger på den mest effektive måde; og - anbefale stillinger baseret på hvordan en Kandidats interesser, vaner, egenskaber og/eller præferencer rangerer i forhold til andre Kandidater Vores hensigt er, at sådanne aktiviteter (som kan indebære brug af automatiserede processer til at profilere, udvælge, screene, rangere, bedømme, udvælge og/eller foreslå Kandidater til stillinger) skal supplere i stedet for fuldstændig at erstatte vores konsulenters aktivitet |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
Legitime interesser, det er navnlig i vores interesse at bruge profileringsmetoder til at placere dig og din Kandidatprofil i grupper eller segmenter med andre Kandidater, baseret på dine interesser, vaner, egenskaber og/eller præferencer for at: - hjælpe os med at optimere matchningen af Kandidatprofiler til stillinger og forbedre rekrutteringscyklussens effektivitet - hjælpe vores konsulenter med at træffe beslutninger i forhold til at foreslå relevante stillinger til dig Hvis disse shortlisting- og rangordningsaktiviteter svarer til automatiseret beslutningstagning med henblik på artikel 22 i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse, vil vi kun udføre disse aktiviteter, hvor vi anser dette for at være nødvendigt for fuldførelsen af præ-kontraktuelle trin, der er taget på din anmodning. Vi mener, det er rimeligt at antage, at du som Kandidat håber på at indgå en ansættelseskontrakt, og at du ved at bruge vores tjenester, beder os om at tage de nødvendige trin til dette formål. Sådanne trin kan for eksempel omfatte at kontrollere, at du opfylder visse krav til en bestemt stilling. Hvis rollen er meget populær, er vi formentlig nødt til at tjekke kvalifikationerne for et stort antal potentielle Kandidater – vi kan derfor bruge automatiseret beslutningstagning til at filtrere denne pulje af Kandidater ned til et mere overskueligt antal. |
Overholdelse af en juridisk forpligtelse
- I nogle tilfælde vil vi bruge dine personoplysninger til at overholde vores juridiske forpligtelser. Artikel 6(1)(c) i Den Generelle Forordning om Databeskyttelse siger, at vi kan behandle dine data, hvor det ”er nødvendigt for at overholde en juridisk forpligtelse, som (vi) er underlagt”.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Adgang til, bevarelse og videregivelse af Kandidatoplysninger, hvis der er en gyldig juridisk anmodning fra en forordning, retshåndhævelse myndighed eller hvis vi på anden vis har en juridisk pligt til at gøre dette |
De faktiske oplysninger, der anvendes, afhænger af de faktiske omstændigheder, men kan omfatte et af følgende: - Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Økonomiske oplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig |
Overholdelse af en juridisk forpligtelse, herunder hvor: - vi har modtaget en retskendelse om at videregive oplysninger med henblik på retssager i forbindelse med civil- og handelssager - vi er tvunget af retshåndhævende myndigheder til at levere data i forbindelse med en strafferetslig efterforskning - vi skal overholde vores forpligtelser i henhold til forbrugerlovgivningen, for eksempel konkurrencelovgivningen - vi skal overholde vores forpligtelser i henhold til selskabslovgivningen og skattelovgivningen, for eksempel for at give detaljer om dit vederlag og betalt skat - vi skal overholde vores forpligtelser i henhold til databeskyttelseslovgivningen - vi skal overholde vores forpligtelser i henhold til ansættelseslovgivningen (f.eks. dem, der kræver, at vi registrerer det antal timer, du har arbejdet) |
Bevarelse og deling af Kandidatoplysninger med andre, herunder retshåndhævende myndigheder, og for at svare på juridiske anmodninger, når vi ikke er tvunget til det af gældende lovgivning, men i god tro mener, at det er påkrævet ved lov i den relevante jurisdiktion |
De faktiske oplysninger, der anvendes, afhænger af de faktiske omstændigheder, men kan omfatte et af følgende: - Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Økonomiske oplysninger - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig |
Selv hvor vi ikke er juridisk forpligtet til at behandle dine data, vil vi under visse omstændigheder have en legitim interesse i at samarbejde med retshåndhævende myndigheder og andre organer for at bistå f.eks. med forebyggelse og afsløring af kriminalitet |
Behandling af Kandidatoplysninger ved verificering af dokumenter og oplysninger, leveres og anmodes om af Kandidater for at bevise, at de har ret til at arbejde i en bestemt jurisdiktion |
- Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger (f.eks. en kopi af dit pas og adressebevis) - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse (f.eks. immigrationsstatus og arbejdstilladelse, hvis relevant) - Økonomiske oplysninger (f.eks. CPR-nummer eller tilsvarende i dit land) |
Vi behandler dine data, hvor det er nødvendigt for at vi kan overholde vores juridiske forpligtelser i forhold til at sikre, at du har ret til at arbejde i en bestemt jurisdiktion |
Deling af data
- Vi deler dine personoplysninger med diverse parter, på diverse måder og af diverse årsager. Vi deler primært dine oplysninger med fremtidige arbejdsgivere for at øge dine chancer for at få det job, som du ønsker. Medmindre du angiver andet, deler vi også dine oplysninger med nogen af vores koncernselskaber og associerede tredjeparter som f.eks. vores serviceudbydere, hvis vi mener, at det vil hjælpe os med at yde dig den bedst mulige service og maksimere dine chancer for at få det, du ønsker.
- Ønsker du en komplet liste over, hvem vi vil dele dine personoplysninger med, se venligst afsnittet ”Hvem deler vi dine personoplysninger med” i afsnittet Generelle oplysninger om beskyttelse af personoplysninger i denne fortrolighedspolitik.
- Bemærk venligst, at vi overholder andre lokale lovkrav i visse jurisdiktioner, hvor vi driver forretning. For yderligere oplysninger om din jurisdiktion skal du klikke her.
Hvorfor og hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger | Typer af anvendte personoplysninger | Anvendt retsgrundlag |
Videregivelse af Kandidatoplysninger til de modtagere, der er anført i afsnittet ”Hvem deler vi dine personoplysninger med”, herunder overførsel, opbevaring og behandling af sådanne data uden for Storbritannien/Det Europæiske Økonomiske Samarbejdsområde til de formål, der er anført i de foregående tabeller |
De faktiske oplysninger, der anvendes, afhænger af de faktiske omstændigheder, men kan omfatte et af følgende: - Identifikation- og kontaktoplysninger - Økonomiske oplysninger - Oplysninger om uddannelse og beskæftigelse - Data af særlig kategori - Oplysninger om domme - Automatisk indsamlede oplysninger - Oplysninger, som andre giver om dig - Yderligere oplysninger, som du vælger at fortælle os |
- Videregivelsen er nødvendig (f.eks. til potentielle arbejdsgivere) for at indgå og udføre eventuelle kontrakter, som vi har indgået med dig (se afsnittet Rekrutteringsaktiviteter ovenfor) - Videregivelsen (f.eks. til skatte-, revisions- eller andre myndigheder) er nødvendig for at overholde en juridisk forpligtelse, som vi er underlagt (se afsnittet Overholdelse af en juridisk forpligtelse ovenfor) - Videregivelsen (f.eks. til vores professionelle rådgivere) er nødvendig for at hjælpe os med at fastlægge, fremsætte eller forsvare retskrav - Vi har indhentet dit samtykke (f.eks. når vi deler dine data af særlig kategori med Kunder (herunder til deres interne eller eksterne revisorer), hvor dette er kontraktligt påkrævet, eller Kunden specifikt anmoder om sådanne oplysninger for at sætte dem i stand til at overholde deres egne ansættelsesprocesser - Offentliggørelsen er nødvendig af sundheds- og socialplejeformål (f.eks. til en arbejdsmiljøspecialist for at muliggøre ydelse af støtte under rekrutteringsprocessen, hvis en Kandidat lider af en helbredstilstand eller et handicap) - Videregivelse er nødvendig for at opfylde forpligtelserne og fremsætte Hays’ specifikke rettigheder inden for ansættelses- og socialsikringsområdet og social beskyttelsesret (f.eks. på koncernintern basis ved vurdering og effektuering af din ret til årlig ferie/visse ydelser) - Videregivelse er nødvendig af hensyn til ’legitime interesser’, som vi forfølger (som beskrevet i tabellerne ovenfor) |
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Temporary Workers.
Temporary Workers include someone who becomes employed or engaged by Hays for the purposes of undertaking temporary work for a Client or other Hays group company. If you are a Temporary Worker, we will also continue to process your personal data as a Candidate throughout the duration of your temporary work assignment and thereafter, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. The question of whether and the extent to which the Recruits Privacy Policy and the Staff Privacy Policy apply to you as a Temporary Worker depends on local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here. Temp Relationship means our contractual relationship with Temporary Workers while they are employed or engaged directly by us.
What kind of personal information do we collect?
If we employ or engage you as a Temporary Worker directly, we will, depending on the relevant circumstances and applicable local laws and requirements, collect some or all of the information listed below (in addition to the data collected about Candidates) in order to ensure that our Temp Relationship runs smoothly and that we are able to comply with our contractual and other duties to each other, and to our Clients, as part of our Temp Relationship and our duties to third parties such as tax authorities and government agencies. In some jurisdictions, we are restricted from processing some of the data outlined below. In such cases, we will only process the data in those jurisdictions to the extent and under the circumstances permitted by law:
- Temporary worker information
- Staff number/social security number/other identifier;
- Location of your workplace at the Client;
- Details of any complaints, whether brought by or against you or in which you are or have been otherwise involved;
- Details of any leave you take or request during our Temp Relationship;
- Details of travel undertaken;
- Details of resident/work permit;
- Where applicable:
- Details of any grievance or disciplinary matters, whether brought by or against you or in which you are or have been otherwise involved; and
- Information about your performance in your role during our Temp Relationship, including details of any bonuses or promotions you receive performance assessments and other information that relates to your employment, your interaction with colleagues and employment-related issues that arise; and
- Special category information
- Details of any sickness absence including health-related information.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
A number of elements of the items listed above are required to enable us to fulfil our contractual duties to you or to others. Some, for example your social security number (or equivalent) are required by statute or other laws. Other items may simply be needed to ensure that our Temp Relationship can run smoothly, or to run our business.
Depending on the type of personal data in question and the grounds on which we may be processing it, should you decline to provide us with such data, we may not be able to fulfil our contractual requirements or, in extreme cases, may not be able to continue with our Temp Relationship.
How do we collect you personal data?
If we employ or engage you as a Temporary Worker directly, we collect your data (in addition to the data already collected about Candidates) in the following ways:
- Personal data that you give to us; and
- Personal data that we receive from other sources.
Below are some more details about each of these methods.
Personal data you give to us
Hays needs to know certain information about you in order to fulfil our obligations to you, to ensure that you are properly fulfilling your obligations to us, and to ensure that we are both fulfilling our obligations to others. This information will enable us to operate a usual Temp Relationship, along with all that entails.
There are numerous ways that you can share your information with us in addition to the information you share as a Candidate. Where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, these may include:
- when you complete registration forms at the beginning of our Temp Relationship; or
- in meetings or communications with your consultant, our HR team or other colleagues.
The types of information that we receive from you in this way include:
- Temporary worker information; and
- Special category information,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we receive from other sources
We also receive personal data about you from other sources. Depending on the relevant circumstances and applicable local laws and requirements, these may include personal data received in the following situations:
- if you were referred to us through a recruitment agency or other work agencies, they may have shared personal information about you with us;
- information obtained about you from third party service providers who undertook background checks about you on our behalf at the start of our Temp Relationship;
- your colleagues may share personal information about you with us;
- medical professionals may (in appropriate and limited circumstances) share personal information about you with us;
- your pension and benefits providers may share relevant personal information about you with us; and
- other third parties like your local tax authority may share your personal data with us.
The types of information that we receive about you in this way include:
- Temporary worker information; and
- Special category information,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
If we employ or engage you as a Temporary Worker directly, we use your data for the following purposes:
- To ensure the smooth running of our Temp Relationship, including all of the activities that need to be undertaken in a usual relationship of that type, such as:
- facilitating payroll and invoicing processes, if relevant to your jurisdiction;
- determining the terms on which you work during your Temp Relationship;
- keeping a record of any promotions, salary rises or bonuses you are awarded; and
- Assessing your performance.
Some more detailed information about the way in which your data is processed can be found in the Recruits Privacy Policy. For example, during the on-boarding process with Hays, Temporary Workers will be treated in a similar way as recruits for Hays roles and their personal data during the recruitment process for such roles will be processed in the ways described in the Recruits Privacy Policy. Depending on the applicable local laws, we appreciate that you are not a 'Recruit' in the sense of that Policy but given that we use the data in a similar way, for the same purposes, we thought you wouldn’t mind having a quick look at that policy if you were interested in a greater level of detail.
The question of whether and the extent to which the Recruits Privacy Policy and the Staff Privacy Policy apply to you as a Temporary Worker depends on local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Temp Relationship Activities
- We've listed below various ways in which we will use and process your personal data in connection with our Temp Relationship, where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if it is necessary for us to carry out our obligations under a contract that we have entered into with you or if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests.
- Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.”
- Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.”
- We don't think that any of the activities in relation to which we rely on the legitimate interests condition prejudice Temporary Workers in any way – in fact, they help us to offer you a more tailored, efficient service. However, you do have the right to object to us processing your personal data on this basis. If you would like to know more about how to do so, please refer to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- When we process your information for recruitment activities based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on such consent before the consent is withdrawn. You can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to facilitate the Temp Relationship, including by: - Facilitating payroll and invoicing processes - Determining the terms on which Temporary Workers work during the Temp Relationship - Storing Temporary Worker details on database (including start dates and duration of the length of assignment, hours worked during assignments, and (in some jurisdictions) records of any promotions, salary rises or bonuses awarded) - Assessing Temporary Workers' performance - Giving Temporary Workers feedback in relation to assignments - Managing absences |
- Temporary worker information - Special category information |
If you have entered into a Temp Relationship with us, we will rely on the performance of a contract legal basis to the extent that the processing activity that we are seeking to conduct is necessary for the purposes of the contract that we have entered into with you We will otherwise rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to facilitate the Temp Relationship If we need to process your special category data (e.g. details of any sickness absence including health-related information), we will process your personal data in this way if we have a legitimate interest in and it is necessary for us to process your data for health and social care purposes and local laws allow us to process your data in this way without obtaining your consent. If local law requires us to obtain your consent, we will do so. |
Sharing of data
- If we employ or engage you directly as a Temporary Worker, we may share your personal data with a number of additional parties in order to ensure the smooth running of our Temp Relationship. For example, we may share your personal data with appropriate colleagues within Hays (this may include colleagues in overseas offices), with a Client and, if appropriate, medical professionals such as your GP or an occupational health specialist (for instance, for the purpose of any work adjustment assessments if applicable).
- We will generally rely on the same legal bases referred to in the section addressing Temp Relationship Activities above depending on the context.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Temporary Workers.
Temporary Workers include someone who becomes employed or engaged by Hays for the purposes of undertaking temporary work for a Client or other Hays group company. If you are a Temporary Worker, we will also continue to process your personal data as a Candidate throughout the duration of your temporary work assignment and thereafter, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. The question of whether and the extent to which the Recruits Privacy Policy and the Staff Privacy Policy apply to you as a Temporary Worker depends on local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here. Temp Relationship means our contractual relationship with Temporary Workers while they are employed or engaged directly by us.
What kind of personal information do we collect?
If we employ or engage you as a Temporary Worker directly, we will, depending on the relevant circumstances and applicable local laws and requirements, collect some or all of the information listed below (in addition to the data collected about Candidates) in order to ensure that our Temp Relationship runs smoothly and that we are able to comply with our contractual and other duties to each other, and to our Clients, as part of our Temp Relationship and our duties to third parties such as tax authorities and government agencies. In some jurisdictions, we are restricted from processing some of the data outlined below. In such cases, we will only process the data in those jurisdictions to the extent and under the circumstances permitted by law:
- Temporary worker information
- Staff number/social security number/other identifier;
- Location of your workplace at the Client;
- Details of any complaints, whether brought by or against you or in which you are or have been otherwise involved;
- Details of any leave you take or request during our Temp Relationship;
- Details of travel undertaken;
- Details of resident/work permit;
- Where applicable:
- Details of any grievance or disciplinary matters, whether brought by or against you or in which you are or have been otherwise involved; and
- Information about your performance in your role during our Temp Relationship, including details of any bonuses or promotions you receive performance assessments and other information that relates to your employment, your interaction with colleagues and employment-related issues that arise; and
- Special category information
- Details of any sickness absence including health-related information.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
A number of elements of the items listed above are required to enable us to fulfil our contractual duties to you or to others. Some, for example your social security number (or equivalent) are required by statute or other laws. Other items may simply be needed to ensure that our Temp Relationship can run smoothly, or to run our business.
Depending on the type of personal data in question and the grounds on which we may be processing it, should you decline to provide us with such data, we may not be able to fulfil our contractual requirements or, in extreme cases, may not be able to continue with our Temp Relationship.
How do we collect you personal data?
If we employ or engage you as a Temporary Worker directly, we collect your data (in addition to the data already collected about Candidates) in the following ways:
- Personal data that you give to us; and
- Personal data that we receive from other sources.
Below are some more details about each of these methods.
Personal data you give to us
Hays needs to know certain information about you in order to fulfil our obligations to you, to ensure that you are properly fulfilling your obligations to us, and to ensure that we are both fulfilling our obligations to others. This information will enable us to operate a usual Temp Relationship, along with all that entails.
There are numerous ways that you can share your information with us in addition to the information you share as a Candidate. Where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, these may include:
- when you complete registration forms at the beginning of our Temp Relationship; or
- in meetings or communications with your consultant, our HR team or other colleagues.
The types of information that we receive from you in this way include:
- Temporary worker information; and
- Special category information,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we receive from other sources
We also receive personal data about you from other sources. Depending on the relevant circumstances and applicable local laws and requirements, these may include personal data received in the following situations:
- if you were referred to us through a recruitment agency or other work agencies, they may have shared personal information about you with us;
- information obtained about you from third party service providers who undertook background checks about you on our behalf at the start of our Temp Relationship;
- your colleagues may share personal information about you with us;
- medical professionals may (in appropriate and limited circumstances) share personal information about you with us;
- your pension and benefits providers may share relevant personal information about you with us; and
- other third parties like your local tax authority may share your personal data with us.
The types of information that we receive about you in this way include:
- Temporary worker information; and
- Special category information,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
If we employ or engage you as a Temporary Worker directly, we use your data for the following purposes:
- To ensure the smooth running of our Temp Relationship, including all of the activities that need to be undertaken in a usual relationship of that type, such as:
- facilitating payroll and invoicing processes, if relevant to your jurisdiction;
- determining the terms on which you work during your Temp Relationship;
- keeping a record of any promotions, salary rises or bonuses you are awarded; and
- Assessing your performance.
Some more detailed information about the way in which your data is processed can be found in the Recruits Privacy Policy. For example, during the on-boarding process with Hays, Temporary Workers will be treated in a similar way as recruits for Hays roles and their personal data during the recruitment process for such roles will be processed in the ways described in the Recruits Privacy Policy. Depending on the applicable local laws, we appreciate that you are not a 'Recruit' in the sense of that Policy but given that we use the data in a similar way, for the same purposes, we thought you wouldn’t mind having a quick look at that policy if you were interested in a greater level of detail.
The question of whether and the extent to which the Recruits Privacy Policy and the Staff Privacy Policy apply to you as a Temporary Worker depends on local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Temp Relationship Activities
- We've listed below various ways in which we will use and process your personal data in connection with our Temp Relationship, where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if it is necessary for us to carry out our obligations under a contract that we have entered into with you or if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests.
- Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.”
- Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.”
- We don't think that any of the activities in relation to which we rely on the legitimate interests condition prejudice Temporary Workers in any way – in fact, they help us to offer you a more tailored, efficient service. However, you do have the right to object to us processing your personal data on this basis. If you would like to know more about how to do so, please refer to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- When we process your information for recruitment activities based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on such consent before the consent is withdrawn. You can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to facilitate the Temp Relationship, including by: - Facilitating payroll and invoicing processes - Determining the terms on which Temporary Workers work during the Temp Relationship - Storing Temporary Worker details on database (including start dates and duration of the length of assignment, hours worked during assignments, and (in some jurisdictions) records of any promotions, salary rises or bonuses awarded) - Assessing Temporary Workers' performance - Giving Temporary Workers feedback in relation to assignments - Managing absences |
- Temporary worker information - Special category information |
If you have entered into a Temp Relationship with us, we will rely on the performance of a contract legal basis to the extent that the processing activity that we are seeking to conduct is necessary for the purposes of the contract that we have entered into with you We will otherwise rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to facilitate the Temp Relationship If we need to process your special category data (e.g. details of any sickness absence including health-related information), we will process your personal data in this way if we have a legitimate interest in and it is necessary for us to process your data for health and social care purposes and local laws allow us to process your data in this way without obtaining your consent. If local law requires us to obtain your consent, we will do so. |
Sharing of data
- If we employ or engage you directly as a Temporary Worker, we may share your personal data with a number of additional parties in order to ensure the smooth running of our Temp Relationship. For example, we may share your personal data with appropriate colleagues within Hays (this may include colleagues in overseas offices), with a Client and, if appropriate, medical professionals such as your GP or an occupational health specialist (for instance, for the purpose of any work adjustment assessments if applicable).
- We will generally rely on the same legal bases referred to in the section addressing Temp Relationship Activities above depending on the context.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Clients.
Clients include our customers, clients, and others to whom Hays provides services in the course of its business or whom Hays reasonably considers would be interested in our services. In certain circumstances, Hays provides services to individual employees who work for Client organisations, such as training courses to teaching staff who work for Clients in the education sector. Please note that in this context, Hays requires Clients to communicate the relevant parts of this Privacy Policy (namely the sections directed at Clients, Visitors and Website Users) to their employees.
What kind of personal information do we collect?
So you're looking for a bit more insight into what data we collect about you? Here's a more detailed look at the sorts of information that we will collect. The information described below is, of course, in addition to any personal data we are required by law to process in any given situation.
The data we collect about Clients is actually very limited. We generally only need to have your contact details or the details of individual contacts at your organisation to enable us to ensure that we can reach out to you about our services, ensure our relationship runs smoothly and in certain circumstances, provide services to your employees. We also hold information relating to your online engagement with Candidate profiles and other material published by Hays, which we use to ensure that our marketing communications to you are relevant and timely. We may also hold extra information that someone in your organisation has chosen to tell us. In certain circumstances, such as when you engage with our Finance and Debt Recovery teams, our calls with you may be recorded, depending on the applicable local laws and requirements. If we need any additional personal data for any reason, we will let you know:
Key identification and contact information
- About yourself or individual contacts at your organisation, including:
- Names;
- Job titles;
- Telephone numbers
- Email addresses;
- Automatically collected information
- Information relating to your online engagement with Candidate profiles;
- Information relating to your online engagement with other material published by Hays;
- IP address;
- Extra Usage information that you choose to tell us; including the dates, times and frequency with which you access our services;
- User choices (e.g. marketing preferences);
- User reports;
- Log and troubleshooting information;
- Device information when you install, access or use our services;
- Website browsing data e.g. pages viewed (limited to Hays websites);
- Email engagement with Hays;
- Location information (inferred from jobs, IP address, application history or system stored data);
- Account access information (e.g. PIN numbers for account verification purposes);
- Information that others provide about you
Extra information that our Candidates may tell us about you, or that we find from other third party sources; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
Extra information that you or someone in your organisation has chosen to tell us, including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
To the extent that you access our website or click through any links in an email or text message from us, we will also collect certain data from you. If you would like more information about this, please refer to the Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy that applies to Website Users.
How do we collect your personal data?
We collect Client personal data in the following ways:
- Personal data that we receive from you;
- Personal data that we collect or receive from other sources; and
- Personal data that we collect automatically.
Personal data that we receive directly from you
- We both share the same goal – to make sure that you have the best staff for and at your organisation. We will receive data directly from you in two ways:
- Where you contact us proactively, usually by phone or email; and/or
- Where we contact you, either by phone or email, or through our consultants' business development activities more generally.
- The types of information that we receive from you in this way include:
- Key identification and contact information; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we receive from other sources
- Where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, we will seek more information about you or your colleagues from other sources generally by way of due diligence or other market intelligence:
- From third party market research and by analysing online and offline media (which we will do ourselves or employ other organisations to do for us);
- From reputable vendors of business-to-business data lists to the extent we are able to use such data from such sources in compliance with the GDPR;
- From delegate lists at relevant events; and
- From other limited sources and third parties, for example, from our Candidates to the extent that they provide us with your details to act as a referee for them or where they give feedback on a particular assignment.
- The types of information that we receive about you in this way may include information that others provide about you as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we collect via our website or through links and emails
- To the extent that you access our website or read or click on an email or text message from us, where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, we will also collect your data automatically or through you providing it to us. For more information, please refer to the Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy that applies to Website Users.
- The types of information that we collect about you in this way include the automatically collected information as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
We use Client information for:
- Providing our services;
- Marketing Activities; and
- To help us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
Providing our services
- Our services broadly consist of: (i) providing you with Candidates; (ii) RPO services; (iii) MSP programmes; and (iv) consultancy and advisory services. We've listed below the various ways in which we use your data in order to facilitate this.
- We also provide services to your employees such as training courses to teaching staff who work for our Clients in the education sector, which will require us to use their personal data in order to grant them access to these services.
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests.
- Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.”
- We don't think that any of the activities in relation to which we rely on the legitimate interests condition prejudice Clients in any way. However, you do have the right to object to us processing your personal data on this basis. If you would like to know more about how to do so, please refer to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to reach out to Clients about our services, including by: - Storing Client details (and updating them when necessary) on Hays' database, so that Hays can contact Clients in relation to our services; - Keeping records of Hays' conversations and meetings with Clients, so that Hays can provide targeted services to Clients |
- Key identification and contact information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests: - for us to reach out to you about our services in order to provide you or your organisation with suitable Candidates, an MSP programme; RPO services and/or consultancy and advisory services |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to: - provide services to colleagues/employees of Hays' Clients - make video recordings of Clients' (and colleagues/employees of Clients) participation in training sessions or meetings for internal training/monitoring purposes and/or maintaining internal compliance standards |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Video recording footage |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests: - for us to, in certain circumstances, reach out to your colleagues/employees about our services, such as training courses To the extent that we record a video of you, we will ask for your consent before we start recording, but will rely on legitimate interests in relation to our use of the data for training/monitoring and for maintaining compliance standards |
Collecting and processing Client data in the course of carrying out: - customer satisfaction surveys - Hays market research which Hays will use to inform its marketing materials and other informational materials, such as whitepapers, reports and articles (e.g. Hays' salary guides) To the extent that any data is published, this will be in aggregated/anonymised form only |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to: - improve and develop the recruitment services that we provide to you by considering your feedback and feeding this into our processes where we deem necessary |
Processing Client data in the course of carrying out Hays' obligations arising from any contracts entered into between Hays and third parties in relation to recruitment, such as potential Candidates who Hays identifies as suitable for a role in a Client organisation |
- Key identification and contact information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to fulfil our obligations under agreements with third parties such as potential Candidates, so that we can help you find suitable employees |
In certain jurisdictions, using a web-based video identity verification process to verify a Client's identity and document this process |
- Key identification and contact information (including a copy of driving licence and/or passport/identity card) - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Video recording footage |
To the extent that this is carried out in your jurisdiction, we will ask for your consent before we start recording but rely on compliance with a legal obligation to the extent that we are compelled by applicable law to verify your identity (e.g. in the context of payments services) For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here |
Collecting and processing Client data in the course of obtaining Candidate references from Clients, and sharing this data with third parties who require these references where appropriate |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Reference about a Candidate |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to obtain Candidate references in the course of carrying out our services, and to verify details they have provided |
Marketing activities
- Subject to any applicable local laws and requirements, we will not, as a matter of course, seek your consent when sending marketing materials such as our Global Skills Index to a corporate postal or email address.
- If you are not happy about this, you have the right to opt out of receiving marketing materials from us and can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements regarding marketing activities. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Processing Client data for the purpose of targeting appropriate marketing campaigns for Hays' services |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information |
Legitimate interests, namely if we wish to reach out to you to tell you about our services, and we consider that it would be in your interests to hear about similar services to those that you have already expressed an interest in. |
Profiling, algorithms and automated decision making
- Profiling is a type of processing activity which enables us better to understand the information that we collect about you, to help us to develop a personalised “profile” for you. This helps us to gain a better idea of how you like to interact with us and our services, the sorts of requests you like to make of us and, of course, the sorts of things you don’t like. The purpose of our building this personalised profile is to enable us to provide the best possible service to you and maximise the chances that we will be able quickly and efficiently to provide you with access to content that is most likely to be relevant and helpful to you.
- We will use profiling methods in relation to your personal data if we consider this is necessary for our legitimate interests as detailed in the table below. If you are not happy about this, in certain circumstances you have the right to object and can find out more about how and when to do this by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- As new and better technology becomes more prevalent, some of our profiling activities and our processing activities which use automated systems such as those described above, may amount to Automated Decision Making within the meaning of Article 22 of the GDPR. This means a process of making a decision by automated means with limited, or even no, human intervention in reaching the decision. We will only use automated decision making in relation to your personal data where we consider this is necessary for the completion of pre-contractual steps taken at your request.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collection of data via personalisation cookies/pixels and use of this data for profiling purposes so that Hays can show Clients both targeted and personalised content This will include: - personalising Clients' website experience, including in relation to the roles that are brought to their attention when visiting the website - making recommendations for editorial content that we think may be of interest to Clients (e.g. reports about developments in the relevant industry) - personalising the marketing content that Clients receive via the website, email and other marketing channels (where they have consented to that marketing) These personalisation cookies/pixels are used to understand how Clients engage with the website by recording their visit to the website, the pages they have visited, the interactions they have made and the links they have followed. Hays will use this information to understand what they may be interested in and tailor what it shows and sends to them accordingly |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information More specifically, this will include: - Personal information and information about the Client's job search (i.e. as submitted via form or pulled through from our Systems) - Details of Clients' interactions with the website (e.g. applications, web page visits), and other information pulled through from the Systems (e.g. job title, past applications) - Location data - either inferred from jobs, IP, or application history, or system stored data - Digital identifiers - IP address, personalisation cookies - Website browsing data, form submission data and email engagement data - Marketing preferences |
We will obtain your consent via the Cookie Preferences link on our website before we place personalisation cookies/pixels on your device and enable this functionality. If you do not wish to provide your consent to us placing a personalisation cookie on your device, please turn off the “Functionality Cookies” and “Advertising Cookies” options (please refer to our Cookies Policy) Please note that if you access Hays' services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices Notwithstanding our collection of consent prior to placing personalisation cookies/pixels onto your device, we will rely on the legitimate interests condition in relation to the personalisation activities that we subsequently carry out We consider that it is in our interests (and sometimes your interests) to: - increase engagement with and improve the experience of using our services by increasing the relevance of the content that you see across the Hays websites and email campaigns - increase application numbers, conversion rates and application usefulness through providing tailored job recommendations to you - encourage you to come back to our website by making this most helpful experience possible - reduce website bounce rate - increase email engagement rate (i.e. the frequency with which users click through) |
Hays may capture and analyse Clients' web-based behaviours using various items of data e.g. number of web visits made, number of candidates searched) in order to award a Client a weighted “approachability score” with a view to providing insights into Clients' needs and to allow Hays to follow up where needed Consultants will use these scores as part of the shortlisting and ranking activities described in more detail below and as a factor in determining whether to approach/show roles to a Client (and what to show them), which will serve to supplement other data that Hays holds about the Client Hays collection of web-based data will rely on the personalisation cookies/pixels that it places on Clients' devices as part of the personalisation activities described above |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
We will obtain your consent via the Cookie Preferences link on our website before we place personalisation cookies/pixels on your device If you do not wish to provide your consent to us placing a personalisation cookie on your device, please turn off the “Functionality Cookies” and “Advertising Cookies” options (please refer to our Cookies Policy) Please note that if you access Hays' services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices However, please note that we may still carry out engagement scoring activities even if a personalisation cookie is not placed on your device (e.g. we may consider the data that we already hold on our systems about you with a view to allocating you an engagement score even if you have opted out of the personalisation cookie) Notwithstanding our collection of consent prior to placing personalisation cookies/pixels onto your device, we will rely on the legitimate interests condition in relation to allocating you an engagement score and our subsequent use of this score We consider that it is in our legitimate interests to allocate you with an engagement score in order to help our consultants to make decisions in relation to suggesting relevant services and sending relevant communications to you |
Hays may use the data that it collects via personalisation cookies/pixels e.g. web-based behaviours such as details of Clients' interactions with the website (e.g. applications, web page visits), to enrich the Client data and existing profiles about them that Hays already holds on its Systems |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information |
We will obtain your consent via the Cookie Preferences link on our website before we place personalisation cookies/pixels on your device
Please note that if you access Hays' services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices Notwithstanding our collection of consent prior to placing personalisation cookies/pixels onto your device, we will rely on the legitimate interests condition in relation to using data that we collect about you to enrich your existing profile on our Systems We consider that it is in our legitimate interests to enrich the data that we hold about you to help our consultants to make decisions in relation to suggesting relevant services and sending relevant communications to you |
Sharing of data
- We will share your data: (i) primarily to ensure that we provide you with a suitable pool of Candidates; (ii) to provide you with an MSP programme (or assist another organisation to do so); (iii) to provide you with RPO services (or assist another organisation to do so); to (iv) provide you with consultancy and advisory services and/or (v) to provide services to your employees, such as training courses to teaching staff who work for our Clients in the education sector. Unless you specify otherwise, we will share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers to help us meet these aims.
- If you would like to see a more detailed list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy. Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Disclosing Clients' data to the recipients listed in the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with”, including the transfer, storage and processing of such data outside of the UK/European Economic Area for the purposes listed in the preceding tables |
The actual information used depends on the factual circumstances, but could include any of the following: - Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
- The disclosure (e.g. to our professional advisers) is necessary to help us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims - The disclosure is necessary for the purposes of ‘legitimate interests’ pursued by us (as detailed in the tables above) |
To help us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims
- In more unusual circumstances, we will use your personal data in reliance on the legitimate interests legal basis to help us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Preserving, sharing and otherwise processing Client data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims |
The actual information used depends on the factual circumstances, but could include any of the following: - Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to seek and receive legal advice should we need it and to protect ourselves in the context of litigation and other disputes |
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Clients.
Clients include our customers, clients, and others to whom Hays provides services in the course of its business or whom Hays reasonably considers would be interested in our services. In certain circumstances, Hays provides services to individual employees who work for Client organisations, such as training courses to teaching staff who work for Clients in the education sector. Please note that in this context, Hays requires Clients to communicate the relevant parts of this Privacy Policy (namely the sections directed at Clients, Visitors and Website Users) to their employees.
What kind of personal information do we collect?
So you're looking for a bit more insight into what data we collect about you? Here's a more detailed look at the sorts of information that we will collect. The information described below is, of course, in addition to any personal data we are required by law to process in any given situation.
The data we collect about Clients is actually very limited. We generally only need to have your contact details or the details of individual contacts at your organisation to enable us to ensure that we can reach out to you about our services, ensure our relationship runs smoothly and in certain circumstances, provide services to your employees. We also hold information relating to your online engagement with Candidate profiles and other material published by Hays, which we use to ensure that our marketing communications to you are relevant and timely. We may also hold extra information that someone in your organisation has chosen to tell us. In certain circumstances, such as when you engage with our Finance and Debt Recovery teams, our calls with you may be recorded, depending on the applicable local laws and requirements. If we need any additional personal data for any reason, we will let you know:
Key identification and contact information
- About yourself or individual contacts at your organisation, including:
- Names;
- Job titles;
- Telephone numbers
- Email addresses;
- Automatically collected information
- Information relating to your online engagement with Candidate profiles;
- Information relating to your online engagement with other material published by Hays;
- IP address;
- Extra Usage information that you choose to tell us; including the dates, times and frequency with which you access our services;
- User choices (e.g. marketing preferences);
- User reports;
- Log and troubleshooting information;
- Device information when you install, access or use our services;
- Website browsing data e.g. pages viewed (limited to Hays websites);
- Email engagement with Hays;
- Location information (inferred from jobs, IP address, application history or system stored data);
- Account access information (e.g. PIN numbers for account verification purposes);
- Information that others provide about you
Extra information that our Candidates may tell us about you, or that we find from other third party sources; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
Extra information that you or someone in your organisation has chosen to tell us, including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
To the extent that you access our website or click through any links in an email or text message from us, we will also collect certain data from you. If you would like more information about this, please refer to the Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy that applies to Website Users.
How do we collect your personal data?
We collect Client personal data in the following ways:
- Personal data that we receive from you;
- Personal data that we collect or receive from other sources; and
- Personal data that we collect automatically.
Personal data that we receive directly from you
- We both share the same goal – to make sure that you have the best staff for and at your organisation. We will receive data directly from you in two ways:
- Where you contact us proactively, usually by phone or email; and/or
- Where we contact you, either by phone or email, or through our consultants' business development activities more generally.
- The types of information that we receive from you in this way include:
- Key identification and contact information; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we receive from other sources
- Where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, we will seek more information about you or your colleagues from other sources generally by way of due diligence or other market intelligence:
- From third party market research and by analysing online and offline media (which we will do ourselves or employ other organisations to do for us);
- From reputable vendors of business-to-business data lists to the extent we are able to use such data from such sources in compliance with the GDPR;
- From delegate lists at relevant events; and
- From other limited sources and third parties, for example, from our Candidates to the extent that they provide us with your details to act as a referee for them or where they give feedback on a particular assignment.
- The types of information that we receive about you in this way may include information that others provide about you as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we collect via our website or through links and emails
- To the extent that you access our website or read or click on an email or text message from us, where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, we will also collect your data automatically or through you providing it to us. For more information, please refer to the Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy that applies to Website Users.
- The types of information that we collect about you in this way include the automatically collected information as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
We use Client information for:
- Providing our services;
- Marketing Activities; and
- To help us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
Providing our services
- Our services broadly consist of: (i) providing you with Candidates; (ii) RPO services; (iii) MSP programmes; and (iv) consultancy and advisory services. We've listed below the various ways in which we use your data in order to facilitate this.
- We also provide services to your employees such as training courses to teaching staff who work for our Clients in the education sector, which will require us to use their personal data in order to grant them access to these services.
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests.
- Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.”
- We don't think that any of the activities in relation to which we rely on the legitimate interests condition prejudice Clients in any way. However, you do have the right to object to us processing your personal data on this basis. If you would like to know more about how to do so, please refer to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to reach out to Clients about our services, including by: - Storing Client details (and updating them when necessary) on Hays' database, so that Hays can contact Clients in relation to our services; - Keeping records of Hays' conversations and meetings with Clients, so that Hays can provide targeted services to Clients |
- Key identification and contact information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests: - for us to reach out to you about our services in order to provide you or your organisation with suitable Candidates, an MSP programme; RPO services and/or consultancy and advisory services |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to: - provide services to colleagues/employees of Hays' Clients - make video recordings of Clients' (and colleagues/employees of Clients) participation in training sessions or meetings for internal training/monitoring purposes and/or maintaining internal compliance standards |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Video recording footage |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests: - for us to, in certain circumstances, reach out to your colleagues/employees about our services, such as training courses To the extent that we record a video of you, we will ask for your consent before we start recording, but will rely on legitimate interests in relation to our use of the data for training/monitoring and for maintaining compliance standards |
Collecting and processing Client data in the course of carrying out: - customer satisfaction surveys - Hays market research which Hays will use to inform its marketing materials and other informational materials, such as whitepapers, reports and articles (e.g. Hays' salary guides) To the extent that any data is published, this will be in aggregated/anonymised form only |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to: - improve and develop the recruitment services that we provide to you by considering your feedback and feeding this into our processes where we deem necessary |
Processing Client data in the course of carrying out Hays' obligations arising from any contracts entered into between Hays and third parties in relation to recruitment, such as potential Candidates who Hays identifies as suitable for a role in a Client organisation |
- Key identification and contact information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to fulfil our obligations under agreements with third parties such as potential Candidates, so that we can help you find suitable employees |
In certain jurisdictions, using a web-based video identity verification process to verify a Client's identity and document this process |
- Key identification and contact information (including a copy of driving licence and/or passport/identity card) - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Video recording footage |
To the extent that this is carried out in your jurisdiction, we will ask for your consent before we start recording but rely on compliance with a legal obligation to the extent that we are compelled by applicable law to verify your identity (e.g. in the context of payments services) For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here |
Collecting and processing Client data in the course of obtaining Candidate references from Clients, and sharing this data with third parties who require these references where appropriate |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Reference about a Candidate |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to obtain Candidate references in the course of carrying out our services, and to verify details they have provided |
Marketing activities
- Subject to any applicable local laws and requirements, we will not, as a matter of course, seek your consent when sending marketing materials such as our Global Skills Index to a corporate postal or email address.
- If you are not happy about this, you have the right to opt out of receiving marketing materials from us and can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements regarding marketing activities. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Processing Client data for the purpose of targeting appropriate marketing campaigns for Hays' services |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information |
Legitimate interests, namely if we wish to reach out to you to tell you about our services, and we consider that it would be in your interests to hear about similar services to those that you have already expressed an interest in. |
Profiling, algorithms and automated decision making
- Profiling is a type of processing activity which enables us better to understand the information that we collect about you, to help us to develop a personalised “profile” for you. This helps us to gain a better idea of how you like to interact with us and our services, the sorts of requests you like to make of us and, of course, the sorts of things you don’t like. The purpose of our building this personalised profile is to enable us to provide the best possible service to you and maximise the chances that we will be able quickly and efficiently to provide you with access to content that is most likely to be relevant and helpful to you.
- We will use profiling methods in relation to your personal data if we consider this is necessary for our legitimate interests as detailed in the table below. If you are not happy about this, in certain circumstances you have the right to object and can find out more about how and when to do this by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- As new and better technology becomes more prevalent, some of our profiling activities and our processing activities which use automated systems such as those described above, may amount to Automated Decision Making within the meaning of Article 22 of the GDPR. This means a process of making a decision by automated means with limited, or even no, human intervention in reaching the decision. We will only use automated decision making in relation to your personal data where we consider this is necessary for the completion of pre-contractual steps taken at your request.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collection of data via personalisation cookies/pixels and use of this data for profiling purposes so that Hays can show Clients both targeted and personalised content This will include: - personalising Clients' website experience, including in relation to the roles that are brought to their attention when visiting the website - making recommendations for editorial content that we think may be of interest to Clients (e.g. reports about developments in the relevant industry) - personalising the marketing content that Clients receive via the website, email and other marketing channels (where they have consented to that marketing) These personalisation cookies/pixels are used to understand how Clients engage with the website by recording their visit to the website, the pages they have visited, the interactions they have made and the links they have followed. Hays will use this information to understand what they may be interested in and tailor what it shows and sends to them accordingly |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information More specifically, this will include: - Personal information and information about the Client's job search (i.e. as submitted via form or pulled through from our Systems) - Details of Clients' interactions with the website (e.g. applications, web page visits), and other information pulled through from the Systems (e.g. job title, past applications) - Location data - either inferred from jobs, IP, or application history, or system stored data - Digital identifiers - IP address, personalisation cookies - Website browsing data, form submission data and email engagement data - Marketing preferences |
We will obtain your consent via the Cookie Preferences link on our website before we place personalisation cookies/pixels on your device and enable this functionality. If you do not wish to provide your consent to us placing a personalisation cookie on your device, please turn off the “Functionality Cookies” and “Advertising Cookies” options (please refer to our Cookies Policy) Please note that if you access Hays' services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices Notwithstanding our collection of consent prior to placing personalisation cookies/pixels onto your device, we will rely on the legitimate interests condition in relation to the personalisation activities that we subsequently carry out We consider that it is in our interests (and sometimes your interests) to: - increase engagement with and improve the experience of using our services by increasing the relevance of the content that you see across the Hays websites and email campaigns - increase application numbers, conversion rates and application usefulness through providing tailored job recommendations to you - encourage you to come back to our website by making this most helpful experience possible - reduce website bounce rate - increase email engagement rate (i.e. the frequency with which users click through) |
Hays may capture and analyse Clients' web-based behaviours using various items of data e.g. number of web visits made, number of candidates searched) in order to award a Client a weighted “approachability score” with a view to providing insights into Clients' needs and to allow Hays to follow up where needed Consultants will use these scores as part of the shortlisting and ranking activities described in more detail below and as a factor in determining whether to approach/show roles to a Client (and what to show them), which will serve to supplement other data that Hays holds about the Client Hays collection of web-based data will rely on the personalisation cookies/pixels that it places on Clients' devices as part of the personalisation activities described above |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
We will obtain your consent via the Cookie Preferences link on our website before we place personalisation cookies/pixels on your device If you do not wish to provide your consent to us placing a personalisation cookie on your device, please turn off the “Functionality Cookies” and “Advertising Cookies” options (please refer to our Cookies Policy) Please note that if you access Hays' services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices However, please note that we may still carry out engagement scoring activities even if a personalisation cookie is not placed on your device (e.g. we may consider the data that we already hold on our systems about you with a view to allocating you an engagement score even if you have opted out of the personalisation cookie) Notwithstanding our collection of consent prior to placing personalisation cookies/pixels onto your device, we will rely on the legitimate interests condition in relation to allocating you an engagement score and our subsequent use of this score We consider that it is in our legitimate interests to allocate you with an engagement score in order to help our consultants to make decisions in relation to suggesting relevant services and sending relevant communications to you |
Hays may use the data that it collects via personalisation cookies/pixels e.g. web-based behaviours such as details of Clients' interactions with the website (e.g. applications, web page visits), to enrich the Client data and existing profiles about them that Hays already holds on its Systems |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information |
We will obtain your consent via the Cookie Preferences link on our website before we place personalisation cookies/pixels on your device
Please note that if you access Hays' services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices Notwithstanding our collection of consent prior to placing personalisation cookies/pixels onto your device, we will rely on the legitimate interests condition in relation to using data that we collect about you to enrich your existing profile on our Systems We consider that it is in our legitimate interests to enrich the data that we hold about you to help our consultants to make decisions in relation to suggesting relevant services and sending relevant communications to you |
Sharing of data
- We will share your data: (i) primarily to ensure that we provide you with a suitable pool of Candidates; (ii) to provide you with an MSP programme (or assist another organisation to do so); (iii) to provide you with RPO services (or assist another organisation to do so); to (iv) provide you with consultancy and advisory services and/or (v) to provide services to your employees, such as training courses to teaching staff who work for our Clients in the education sector. Unless you specify otherwise, we will share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers to help us meet these aims.
- If you would like to see a more detailed list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy. Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Disclosing Clients' data to the recipients listed in the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with”, including the transfer, storage and processing of such data outside of the UK/European Economic Area for the purposes listed in the preceding tables |
The actual information used depends on the factual circumstances, but could include any of the following: - Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
- The disclosure (e.g. to our professional advisers) is necessary to help us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims - The disclosure is necessary for the purposes of ‘legitimate interests’ pursued by us (as detailed in the tables above) |
To help us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims
- In more unusual circumstances, we will use your personal data in reliance on the legitimate interests legal basis to help us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Preserving, sharing and otherwise processing Client data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims |
The actual information used depends on the factual circumstances, but could include any of the following: - Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to seek and receive legal advice should we need it and to protect ourselves in the context of litigation and other disputes |
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Suppliers.
Suppliers include partnerships and companies (including sole traders), and atypical workers such as independent contractors and freelance workers, who provide services to Hays. In certain circumstances Hays will sub-contract the services it provides to Clients to third party suppliers who perform services on Hays' behalf. In this context, suppliers that are individual contractors, freelance workers, or employees of suppliers will be treated as Candidates for data protection purposes. Please note that in this context, Hays requires Suppliers to communicate the relevant parts of this Privacy Policy (namely the sections directed at Candidates) to their employees.
This section of the Privacy Policy also applies to other parties with which we have a business or other type of relationship (ranging from investors to charitable organisations).
What kind of personal information do we collect?
We don't collect much data about Suppliers and other third parties with which we conduct a business relationship (e.g. investors) – we simply need to make sure that our relationship runs smoothly. We'll collect the details of contacts within your organisation, such as names, telephone numbers and email addresses. In the case of Suppliers, we'll also collect bank details, so that we can pay you. We may also hold extra information that someone in your organisation has chosen to tell us. In certain circumstances, such as when a Supplier engages with our Finance and Debt Recovery teams, our calls with you may be recorded, depending on the applicable local laws and requirements:
- Key identification and contact information
- About yourself or individual contacts at your organisation, including:
- Names;
- Job titles;
- Telephone numbers;
- Email addresses;
- Business account bank details;
- Identification number;
- Information that others provide about you
- Extra information that our Candidates or Clients may tell us about you, or that we find from other third party sources; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
- Extra information that you or someone in your organisation has chosen to tell us, including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
To the extent that you access our website or click through any links in an email or text message from us, we will also collect certain data from you. If you would like more information about this, please refer to the Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy that applies to Website Users.
How do we collect your personal data?
We collect Supplier and other third party personal data in the following ways:
- Personal data that we receive from you; and
- Personal data that we collect or receive from other sources.
Personal data that we receive directly from you
- We will receive data directly from you in two ways:
- Where you contact us proactively, usually by phone or email; and/or
- Where we contact you, either by phone or email.
- The types of information that we receive from you in this way include:
- Key identification and contact information; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we receive from other sources
- Where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, we will seek more information about you or your colleagues from other sources generally by way of due diligence or other market intelligence:
- From third party market research and by analysing online and offline media (which we will do ourselves or employ other organisations to do for us);
- From delegate lists at relevant events; and
- From other limited sources and third parties.
- The types of information that we receive about you in this way may include information that others provide about you as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem this to be necessary for our legitimate interests.
- We will not, as a matter of course, seek your consent when sending marketing messages to a corporate postal or email address.
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests. Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.”
- We don't think that any of the following activities prejudice Suppliers or other third parties in any way. However, you do have the right to object to us processing your personal data on this basis. If you would like to know more about how to do so, please refer to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Storing Supplier and other third party details (and updating them where necessary) on Hays' database, so that Hays can contact Suppliers and third parties in relation to Hays' agreements and business relationships with these parties |
- Key identification and contact information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests: - for us to reach out to you about the arrangements that we have in place |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to receive support and services from Suppliers and maintain business relationships with other third parties |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to: - for us to, in certain circumstances, receive information from you about your services - conduct our business relationship with you If you are an individual (e.g. a Supplier that operates as a sole trader) or you have entered or are about to enter into a contract with us or if you are making a request in the course of doing so, we may rely on the performance of a contract legal basis In limited circumstances, we may need to rely on the compliance with a legal obligation legal basis to the extent that we are compelled by applicable law to conduct various checks in relation to our Suppliers and other third parties e.g. in relation to verifying that social contributions are being paid and obtaining lists of overseas employees) |
Preserving, sharing and otherwise processing Supplier and third party data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims |
The actual information used depends on the factual circumstances, but could include: - Key identification and contact information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to seek and receive legal advice should we need it and to protect ourselves in the context of litigation and other disputes |
In certain jurisdictions, using a web-based video identity verification process to verify a Supplier or third party's identity and document this process |
- Key identification and contact information (including a copy of driving licence and/or passport/identity card) - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Video recording footage |
To the extent that this is carried out in your jurisdiction, we will ask for your consent before we start recording but rely on: - compliance with a legal obligation to the extent that we are compelled by applicable law to verify your identity (e.g. in the context of payments services) - the legitimate interests condition to the extent that we are not legally required to verify your identity but it is in our legitimate interests to do so in order to maintain internal compliance standards For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here |
Sharing of data
- Where we have identified you as a Supplier or other third party and unless you specify otherwise, we may share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers in order to get in touch with you about our services.
- We will generally rely on the same legal bases that we have referred to in the section above.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Suppliers.
Suppliers include partnerships and companies (including sole traders), and atypical workers such as independent contractors and freelance workers, who provide services to Hays. In certain circumstances Hays will sub-contract the services it provides to Clients to third party suppliers who perform services on Hays' behalf. In this context, suppliers that are individual contractors, freelance workers, or employees of suppliers will be treated as Candidates for data protection purposes. Please note that in this context, Hays requires Suppliers to communicate the relevant parts of this Privacy Policy (namely the sections directed at Candidates) to their employees.
This section of the Privacy Policy also applies to other parties with which we have a business or other type of relationship (ranging from investors to charitable organisations).
What kind of personal information do we collect?
We don't collect much data about Suppliers and other third parties with which we conduct a business relationship (e.g. investors) – we simply need to make sure that our relationship runs smoothly. We'll collect the details of contacts within your organisation, such as names, telephone numbers and email addresses. In the case of Suppliers, we'll also collect bank details, so that we can pay you. We may also hold extra information that someone in your organisation has chosen to tell us. In certain circumstances, such as when a Supplier engages with our Finance and Debt Recovery teams, our calls with you may be recorded, depending on the applicable local laws and requirements:
- Key identification and contact information
- About yourself or individual contacts at your organisation, including:
- Names;
- Job titles;
- Telephone numbers;
- Email addresses;
- Business account bank details;
- Identification number;
- Information that others provide about you
- Extra information that our Candidates or Clients may tell us about you, or that we find from other third party sources; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
- Extra information that you or someone in your organisation has chosen to tell us, including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
To the extent that you access our website or click through any links in an email or text message from us, we will also collect certain data from you. If you would like more information about this, please refer to the Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy that applies to Website Users.
How do we collect your personal data?
We collect Supplier and other third party personal data in the following ways:
- Personal data that we receive from you; and
- Personal data that we collect or receive from other sources.
Personal data that we receive directly from you
- We will receive data directly from you in two ways:
- Where you contact us proactively, usually by phone or email; and/or
- Where we contact you, either by phone or email.
- The types of information that we receive from you in this way include:
- Key identification and contact information; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we receive from other sources
- Where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, we will seek more information about you or your colleagues from other sources generally by way of due diligence or other market intelligence:
- From third party market research and by analysing online and offline media (which we will do ourselves or employ other organisations to do for us);
- From delegate lists at relevant events; and
- From other limited sources and third parties.
- The types of information that we receive about you in this way may include information that others provide about you as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem this to be necessary for our legitimate interests.
- We will not, as a matter of course, seek your consent when sending marketing messages to a corporate postal or email address.
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests. Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.”
- We don't think that any of the following activities prejudice Suppliers or other third parties in any way. However, you do have the right to object to us processing your personal data on this basis. If you would like to know more about how to do so, please refer to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Storing Supplier and other third party details (and updating them where necessary) on Hays' database, so that Hays can contact Suppliers and third parties in relation to Hays' agreements and business relationships with these parties |
- Key identification and contact information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests: - for us to reach out to you about the arrangements that we have in place |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to receive support and services from Suppliers and maintain business relationships with other third parties |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to: - for us to, in certain circumstances, receive information from you about your services - conduct our business relationship with you If you are an individual (e.g. a Supplier that operates as a sole trader) or you have entered or are about to enter into a contract with us or if you are making a request in the course of doing so, we may rely on the performance of a contract legal basis In limited circumstances, we may need to rely on the compliance with a legal obligation legal basis to the extent that we are compelled by applicable law to conduct various checks in relation to our Suppliers and other third parties e.g. in relation to verifying that social contributions are being paid and obtaining lists of overseas employees) |
Preserving, sharing and otherwise processing Supplier and third party data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims |
The actual information used depends on the factual circumstances, but could include: - Key identification and contact information - Information that others provide about you - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to seek and receive legal advice should we need it and to protect ourselves in the context of litigation and other disputes |
In certain jurisdictions, using a web-based video identity verification process to verify a Supplier or third party's identity and document this process |
- Key identification and contact information (including a copy of driving licence and/or passport/identity card) - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Video recording footage |
To the extent that this is carried out in your jurisdiction, we will ask for your consent before we start recording but rely on: - compliance with a legal obligation to the extent that we are compelled by applicable law to verify your identity (e.g. in the context of payments services) - the legitimate interests condition to the extent that we are not legally required to verify your identity but it is in our legitimate interests to do so in order to maintain internal compliance standards For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here |
Sharing of data
- Where we have identified you as a Supplier or other third party and unless you specify otherwise, we may share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers in order to get in touch with you about our services.
- We will generally rely on the same legal bases that we have referred to in the section above.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to People Whose Data we receive from Candidates and Hays' Staff. These may include emergency contacts and referees. We will only contact them in appropriate circumstances.
What kind of personal information do we collect and how do we collect it?
All we need from referees is confirmation of what you already know about our Candidate or prospective member of Staff, so that they can secure that job they really want. Emergency contact details give us somebody to call on in an emergency. To ask for a reference, we'll obviously need the referee's contact details (such as name, email address and telephone number). We'll also need these details if our Candidate or a member of our Staff has put you down as their emergency contact so that we can contact you in the event of an accident or an emergency.
We will collect your date of birth, contact details and potentially some health information if a member of our Staff has put you down as a dependant or any other kind of beneficiary for a benefit connected with their employment or if a member of our Staff exercises certain employment rights. We may also be provided (by inference) with some limited information about your sexual orientation if a member of our Staff identifies you as a spouse or partner when putting you down as a dependant, next of kin or emergency contact:
- Key identification and contact information
- Name;
- Age/date of birth;
- Marital status;
- Contact details;
- Use of Staff member' company vehicle;
- Special category information
- Details of sexual orientation (inferred) and physical or mental health, for example if this is necessary in connection with a beneficiary's entitlement to a benefit connected with their employment or where you disclose this through providing next-of-kin details;
- Information that others provide about you
- Extra information that your referrer chooses to tell us about you;
- Extra information that a member of Staff may tell us about you; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
- Any other information that you may provide to us including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.To the extent that you access our website or click through any links in an email from us, we will also collect certain data from you. If you would like more information about this, please refer to the Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy that applies to Website Users.
- Any other information that you may provide to us including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
How do we use your personal data?
We will only use the information that our Candidates or Staff give us about you for the following purposes:
- If our Candidates or Staff members put you down on our form as an emergency contact, we'll contact you in the case of an accident or emergency affecting them;
- If you were put down by a Staff member or Temporary Worker as a next of kin or dependant or any other kind of beneficiary, we will store your personal data to ensure the personnel records of that Staff member or Temporary Worker are correct, and use your personal data where necessary to provide employee benefits and pay remuneration and disclose your data to the relevant benefits provider; or
- If you were put down by a Candidate or prospective Staff member as a referee, we will contact you to get a reference or give your details to a third party to do this on our behalf. Where you are being asked to give a reference based on their professional experience of a Candidate, and where we think that you may be interested in becoming a Client of ours, we may also use your details to reach out to get in touch in that alternative capacity (subject to any local laws and requirements).
We will use your personal data for these purposes if we deem this to be necessary for our legitimate interests or in accordance with applicable employment law.
If you are not happy about this, you have the right to object and can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to: - respond to accidents and emergencies, including by storing data of people whose data Hays receives from Candidates and Staff, such emergency contacts and dependants, on database - provide employee benefits and pay remuneration, including by storing data of people whose data Hays receives from Staff and Temporary Workers, such dependants, on database, and sharing these with benefits providers where appropriate |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us (e.g. information that you tell us in a recording) - Information that others provide about you |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to: - have the means to contact you in the event of an accident or emergency; - provide any pay or remuneration due to you as part of Staff or Temporary worker benefits |
Collecting and processing data of people whose data Hays receives from Candidates and Staff, such as referees, in the course of communicating with referees in order to obtain Candidate or Staff references, and sharing this data with third parties who require references where appropriate |
- Key identification and contact information; - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Reference about a Candidate |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to obtain Staff and Candidate references in the course of carrying out our services, and to verify details they have provided |
Using the data of people whose data Hays receives from Candidates and Staff, such as referees, emergency contacts and dependants, to carry out marketing activities to promote Hays' services where Hays thinks the individual may be interested in becoming a Client (subject to any local laws and requirements) | - Key identification and contact information |
We will obtain your opt-in consent |
Sharing of data
- Unless you specify otherwise, we will share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers and organisations to whom we provide services.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to People Whose Data we receive from Candidates and Hays' Staff. These may include emergency contacts and referees. We will only contact them in appropriate circumstances.
What kind of personal information do we collect and how do we collect it?
All we need from referees is confirmation of what you already know about our Candidate or prospective member of Staff, so that they can secure that job they really want. Emergency contact details give us somebody to call on in an emergency. To ask for a reference, we'll obviously need the referee's contact details (such as name, email address and telephone number). We'll also need these details if our Candidate or a member of our Staff has put you down as their emergency contact so that we can contact you in the event of an accident or an emergency.
We will collect your date of birth, contact details and potentially some health information if a member of our Staff has put you down as a dependant or any other kind of beneficiary for a benefit connected with their employment or if a member of our Staff exercises certain employment rights. We may also be provided (by inference) with some limited information about your sexual orientation if a member of our Staff identifies you as a spouse or partner when putting you down as a dependant, next of kin or emergency contact:
- Key identification and contact information
- Name;
- Age/date of birth;
- Marital status;
- Contact details;
- Use of Staff member' company vehicle;
- Special category information
- Details of sexual orientation (inferred) and physical or mental health, for example if this is necessary in connection with a beneficiary's entitlement to a benefit connected with their employment or where you disclose this through providing next-of-kin details;
- Information that others provide about you
- Extra information that your referrer chooses to tell us about you;
- Extra information that a member of Staff may tell us about you; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
- Any other information that you may provide to us including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.To the extent that you access our website or click through any links in an email from us, we will also collect certain data from you. If you would like more information about this, please refer to the Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy that applies to Website Users.
- Any other information that you may provide to us including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
How do we use your personal data?
We will only use the information that our Candidates or Staff give us about you for the following purposes:
- If our Candidates or Staff members put you down on our form as an emergency contact, we'll contact you in the case of an accident or emergency affecting them;
- If you were put down by a Staff member or Temporary Worker as a next of kin or dependant or any other kind of beneficiary, we will store your personal data to ensure the personnel records of that Staff member or Temporary Worker are correct, and use your personal data where necessary to provide employee benefits and pay remuneration and disclose your data to the relevant benefits provider; or
- If you were put down by a Candidate or prospective Staff member as a referee, we will contact you to get a reference or give your details to a third party to do this on our behalf. Where you are being asked to give a reference based on their professional experience of a Candidate, and where we think that you may be interested in becoming a Client of ours, we may also use your details to reach out to get in touch in that alternative capacity (subject to any local laws and requirements).
We will use your personal data for these purposes if we deem this to be necessary for our legitimate interests or in accordance with applicable employment law.
If you are not happy about this, you have the right to object and can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to: - respond to accidents and emergencies, including by storing data of people whose data Hays receives from Candidates and Staff, such emergency contacts and dependants, on database - provide employee benefits and pay remuneration, including by storing data of people whose data Hays receives from Staff and Temporary Workers, such dependants, on database, and sharing these with benefits providers where appropriate |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us (e.g. information that you tell us in a recording) - Information that others provide about you |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to: - have the means to contact you in the event of an accident or emergency; - provide any pay or remuneration due to you as part of Staff or Temporary worker benefits |
Collecting and processing data of people whose data Hays receives from Candidates and Staff, such as referees, in the course of communicating with referees in order to obtain Candidate or Staff references, and sharing this data with third parties who require references where appropriate |
- Key identification and contact information; - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Reference about a Candidate |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to obtain Staff and Candidate references in the course of carrying out our services, and to verify details they have provided |
Using the data of people whose data Hays receives from Candidates and Staff, such as referees, emergency contacts and dependants, to carry out marketing activities to promote Hays' services where Hays thinks the individual may be interested in becoming a Client (subject to any local laws and requirements) | - Key identification and contact information |
We will obtain your opt-in consent |
Sharing of data
- Unless you specify otherwise, we will share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers and organisations to whom we provide services.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Website Users.
Website Users include any individual who accesses any of the Hays websites or any of the Hays mobile applications (apps).
What kind of personal information do we collect?
We collect a limited amount of data from our Website Users which we use to help us to improve your experience when using our website or mobile apps and to help us manage the services we provide. This comprises information such as how you use our website or our mobile apps, the frequency with which you access our website or mobile apps, your browser type, your type of device, the location you view our website from, the language you choose to view it in and the times that our website is most popular. If you contact us via the website or the mobile apps, for example by using the chat function, or when you register for one of our newsletters, webinars or participate in any further offer of our website or mobile apps, we will collect any information that you provide to us, for example your name and contact details:
- Key identification and contact information
- Names;
- Telephone numbers;
- Email addresses;
- Automatically collected information
- Information relating to your online engagement with material published by Hays;
- IP address;
- Extra Usage information that you choose to tell us; including the dates, times and frequency with and location from which you access our services;
- User choices;
- User reports;
- Log and troubleshooting information;
- Device information when you install, access or use our services;
- Account access information (e.g. PIN numbers for account verification purposes); and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
- Any other information that you may provide to us including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise,
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
How do we collect your personal data?
When you visit our website or mobile apps there is certain information that we will automatically collect, whether or not you decide to use our services namely your IP address, the date and the times and frequency with which you access the website or the mobile apps, the way you browse its content and other technical information. We will also collect data from you when you contact us via the website or the mobile apps, for example by using the chat function or when you register for one of our newsletters, webinars or participate in any further offer of our website or mobile apps.
We collect your data automatically via cookies or similar technology such as tracking pixels and HTML5 Local Storage in line with the cookie settings that you specify via the “Cookie Preferences” link at either the top or bottom of the website, or the settings in your browser. If you are also a Candidate or a Client of Hays, we will use data from your use of our websites to enhance other aspects of our communications with or service to you. If you would like to find out more about cookies or similar technology, including how we use them and what choices are available to you, please refer to the section entitled “Cookies” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
The types of information that we collect about you in this way include:
- Key identification and contact information; and
- Automatically collected information,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
We use your data to:
- provide you with the service you registered for or the services you participated in, for example sending you a newsletter or taking part in an online survey;
- protect our Systems from attacks and other illegal activities; and
- to help us to improve your experience of using our website or our mobile apps, for example by analysing your recent job search criteria to help us to present jobs or Candidates to you that we think you'll be interested in.
We will use your personal data for these purposes if we deem this to be necessary for our legitimate interests. If you are not happy about this, you have the right to object and can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
If you would like to find out more about cookies or similar technology, including how we use them and what choices are available to you, please refer to the section entitled “Cookies” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to provide Website Users with services they register for, including newsletters and online surveys |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
We will rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to provide you with these services and for you to receive them in support of our core business activities relating to recruitment If you have entered or are about to enter into a contract with us or if you are making a request in the course of doing so, we may rely on the performance of a contract legal basis to the extent that the processing activity that we are seeking to conduct is necessary for the purposes of the contract or your request We will obtain opt-in consent before sending you any marketing materials |
Collection of data via personalisation cookies/pixels and use of this data for profiling purposes so that Hays can show Website Users both targeted and personalised content. This will include: - personalising Website Users' website experience, including in relation to the roles that are brought to their attention when visiting the website - making recommendations for editorial content that Hays thinks may be of interest to Website Users - personalising the marketing content that Website Users receive via the website, email and other marketing channels (where they have consented to that marketing) These personalisation cookies/pixels are used to understand how Website Users engage with the website by recording their visit to the website, the pages they have visited, the interactions they have made and the links they have followed. Hays will use this information to understand what Website Users may be interested in and tailor what they are shown and sent accordingly. |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information More specifically, this will include: - Personal information and information about the Website Users searches (i.e. as submitted via form or pulled through from our Systems) - Details of the Website Users' interactions with the website (e.g. applications, web page visits), and other information pulled through from the Systems (e.g. job title, past applications) - Location data - either inferred from jobs, IP, or application history, or system stored data - Digital identifiers - IP address, personalisation cookies - Website browsing data, form submission data and email engagement data - Marketing preferences |
We will obtain your consent via the Cookie Preferences link on our website before we place personalisation cookies/pixels on your device and enable this functionality If you do not wish to provide your consent to us placing a personalisation cookie on your device, please turn off the “Functionality Cookies” and “Advertising Cookies” options (please refer to our Cookies Policy) Please note that if you access our services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices Notwithstanding our collection of consent prior to placing personalisation cookies/pixels onto your device, we will rely on the legitimate interests condition in relation to the personalisation activities that we subsequently carry out We consider that it is in our interests (and sometimes your interests) to: - increase engagement with and improve the experience of using our services by increasing the relevance of the content that you see across the Hays websites and email campaigns - increase application numbers, conversion rates and application usefulness - encourage you to come back to our website by making the most helpful experience possible - reduce website bounce rate - increase email engagement rate (i.e. the frequency with which users click through) |
To prevent and take measures against fraud, illegal activities, infringement of Hays' rights or interests, or other attacks to Hays' Systems |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Automatically collected information |
Legitimate interests, namely: - it is in our interests and your interests for us to prevent and take measures against fraud, unauthorized use of our System and other illegal or harmful activity - it is in our interests to protect ourselves, you. and others even if we are not under a legal obligation to share or otherwise process your data, we will, under certain circumstances, have a legitimate interest in cooperating with law enforcement agencies, regulators and other bodies If we are under a legal obligation to share or otherwise process your data, compliance with a legal obligation, for example if we receive a valid legal request from a law enforcement agency, regulator or other body |
Sharing of data
- Unless you specify otherwise, we may share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers in order to get in touch with you about our services.
- We will generally rely on the same legal bases that we have referred to in the section above.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy. Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Website Users.
Website Users include any individual who accesses any of the Hays websites or any of the Hays mobile applications (apps).
What kind of personal information do we collect?
We collect a limited amount of data from our Website Users which we use to help us to improve your experience when using our website or mobile apps and to help us manage the services we provide. This comprises information such as how you use our website or our mobile apps, the frequency with which you access our website or mobile apps, your browser type, your type of device, the location you view our website from, the language you choose to view it in and the times that our website is most popular. If you contact us via the website or the mobile apps, for example by using the chat function, or when you register for one of our newsletters, webinars or participate in any further offer of our website or mobile apps, we will collect any information that you provide to us, for example your name and contact details:
- Key identification and contact information
- Names;
- Telephone numbers;
- Email addresses;
- Automatically collected information
- Information relating to your online engagement with material published by Hays;
- IP address;
- Extra Usage information that you choose to tell us; including the dates, times and frequency with and location from which you access our services;
- User choices;
- User reports;
- Log and troubleshooting information;
- Device information when you install, access or use our services;
- Account access information (e.g. PIN numbers for account verification purposes); and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
- Any other information that you may provide to us including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise,
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
How do we collect your personal data?
When you visit our website or mobile apps there is certain information that we will automatically collect, whether or not you decide to use our services namely your IP address, the date and the times and frequency with which you access the website or the mobile apps, the way you browse its content and other technical information. We will also collect data from you when you contact us via the website or the mobile apps, for example by using the chat function or when you register for one of our newsletters, webinars or participate in any further offer of our website or mobile apps.
We collect your data automatically via cookies or similar technology such as tracking pixels and HTML5 Local Storage in line with the cookie settings that you specify via the “Cookie Preferences” link at either the top or bottom of the website, or the settings in your browser. If you are also a Candidate or a Client of Hays, we will use data from your use of our websites to enhance other aspects of our communications with or service to you. If you would like to find out more about cookies or similar technology, including how we use them and what choices are available to you, please refer to the section entitled “Cookies” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
The types of information that we collect about you in this way include:
- Key identification and contact information; and
- Automatically collected information,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
We use your data to:
- provide you with the service you registered for or the services you participated in, for example sending you a newsletter or taking part in an online survey;
- protect our Systems from attacks and other illegal activities; and
- to help us to improve your experience of using our website or our mobile apps, for example by analysing your recent job search criteria to help us to present jobs or Candidates to you that we think you'll be interested in.
We will use your personal data for these purposes if we deem this to be necessary for our legitimate interests. If you are not happy about this, you have the right to object and can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
If you would like to find out more about cookies or similar technology, including how we use them and what choices are available to you, please refer to the section entitled “Cookies” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to provide Website Users with services they register for, including newsletters and online surveys |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
We will rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to provide you with these services and for you to receive them in support of our core business activities relating to recruitment If you have entered or are about to enter into a contract with us or if you are making a request in the course of doing so, we may rely on the performance of a contract legal basis to the extent that the processing activity that we are seeking to conduct is necessary for the purposes of the contract or your request We will obtain opt-in consent before sending you any marketing materials |
Collection of data via personalisation cookies/pixels and use of this data for profiling purposes so that Hays can show Website Users both targeted and personalised content. This will include: - personalising Website Users' website experience, including in relation to the roles that are brought to their attention when visiting the website - making recommendations for editorial content that Hays thinks may be of interest to Website Users - personalising the marketing content that Website Users receive via the website, email and other marketing channels (where they have consented to that marketing) These personalisation cookies/pixels are used to understand how Website Users engage with the website by recording their visit to the website, the pages they have visited, the interactions they have made and the links they have followed. Hays will use this information to understand what Website Users may be interested in and tailor what they are shown and sent accordingly. |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information More specifically, this will include: - Personal information and information about the Website Users searches (i.e. as submitted via form or pulled through from our Systems) - Details of the Website Users' interactions with the website (e.g. applications, web page visits), and other information pulled through from the Systems (e.g. job title, past applications) - Location data - either inferred from jobs, IP, or application history, or system stored data - Digital identifiers - IP address, personalisation cookies - Website browsing data, form submission data and email engagement data - Marketing preferences |
We will obtain your consent via the Cookie Preferences link on our website before we place personalisation cookies/pixels on your device and enable this functionality If you do not wish to provide your consent to us placing a personalisation cookie on your device, please turn off the “Functionality Cookies” and “Advertising Cookies” options (please refer to our Cookies Policy) Please note that if you access our services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices Notwithstanding our collection of consent prior to placing personalisation cookies/pixels onto your device, we will rely on the legitimate interests condition in relation to the personalisation activities that we subsequently carry out We consider that it is in our interests (and sometimes your interests) to: - increase engagement with and improve the experience of using our services by increasing the relevance of the content that you see across the Hays websites and email campaigns - increase application numbers, conversion rates and application usefulness - encourage you to come back to our website by making the most helpful experience possible - reduce website bounce rate - increase email engagement rate (i.e. the frequency with which users click through) |
To prevent and take measures against fraud, illegal activities, infringement of Hays' rights or interests, or other attacks to Hays' Systems |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us - Automatically collected information |
Legitimate interests, namely: - it is in our interests and your interests for us to prevent and take measures against fraud, unauthorized use of our System and other illegal or harmful activity - it is in our interests to protect ourselves, you. and others even if we are not under a legal obligation to share or otherwise process your data, we will, under certain circumstances, have a legitimate interest in cooperating with law enforcement agencies, regulators and other bodies If we are under a legal obligation to share or otherwise process your data, compliance with a legal obligation, for example if we receive a valid legal request from a law enforcement agency, regulator or other body |
Sharing of data
- Unless you specify otherwise, we may share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers in order to get in touch with you about our services.
- We will generally rely on the same legal bases that we have referred to in the section above.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy. Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Staff Alumni.
Staff Alumni include former members of Staff who have expressed their wish to remain part of Hays' alumni network and to use Hays' alumni portal.
What kind of personal information do we collect?
If you are a former member of Staff and you want to be part of our alumni network and use our alumni portal, we will collect your name, the contact details that you would like us to use and any other information you would like to provide to us for staying in touch with you. We may also retain certain types of data that we held about you relating to your time with us as a member of Staff:
- Key identification and contact information
- Name;
- Age/date of birth;
- Sex/gender;
- Photograph;
- Marital status;
- Nationality/citizenship/place of birth;
- Contact details;
- Education and employment information
- Education details;
- Employment history; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
- Any other information that you may provide to us including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
How do we collect your personal data?
If you are a former member of Staff, we will ask you if you wish to remain part of our alumni network and use our alumni portal just before your departure. If you are interested, we will ask you to provide your name and contact details to us and give you the option to opt into receiving marketing communications that we think will be of interest to you as one of our alumni.
How do we use your personal data?
If you are a former member of Staff and you want to be part of our alumni network and use our alumni portal, we will use your data to engage and stay in touch with you in order to maintain our relationship with you, including by:
- sending you newsletters and reports;
- inviting you to events;
- informing you about special vacancies;
- sending you news about Hays;
- inviting you to participate in opinion polls; and
- sending you messages on special occasions such as your birthday.
In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests.
Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.” If you are not happy about this, you have the right to object and you can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to provide Staff Alumni with access to Hays' alumni network and alumni portal, including by storing Staff Alumni details on database |
- Key identification and contact information (including data to create your alumni portal account) - Education and employment information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to provide you with access to the alumni network, portal, and relevant resources |
Collecting and processing Staff Alumni data in the course of carrying out Hays opinion polls To the extent that any data is published, this will be in aggregated/anonymised form only |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to: - improve and develop the experience that we provide to you considering your feedback and feeding this into our processes where we deem necessary |
Collecting and processing Staff Alumni data in the course of communicating with Staff Alumni, including by: - Sending Staff Alumni newsletters and reports - Inviting Staff Alumni to events - Informing Staff Alumni of special vacancies - Sending Staff Alumni messages on special occasions |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
We will obtain your consent before using your data for marketing purposes. If you provide consent, you will be entitled to withdraw consent at any time We will otherwise rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to: - recommend and grant you with access to our alumni resources and events |
Sharing of data
- Unless you specify otherwise, we will share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers and organisations to whom we provide services.
- If you would like to see a more detailed list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Staff Alumni.
Staff Alumni include former members of Staff who have expressed their wish to remain part of Hays' alumni network and to use Hays' alumni portal.
What kind of personal information do we collect?
If you are a former member of Staff and you want to be part of our alumni network and use our alumni portal, we will collect your name, the contact details that you would like us to use and any other information you would like to provide to us for staying in touch with you. We may also retain certain types of data that we held about you relating to your time with us as a member of Staff:
- Key identification and contact information
- Name;
- Age/date of birth;
- Sex/gender;
- Photograph;
- Marital status;
- Nationality/citizenship/place of birth;
- Contact details;
- Education and employment information
- Education details;
- Employment history; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us
- Any other information that you may provide to us including when corresponding with us via email or otherwise.
How do we collect your personal data?
If you are a former member of Staff, we will ask you if you wish to remain part of our alumni network and use our alumni portal just before your departure. If you are interested, we will ask you to provide your name and contact details to us and give you the option to opt into receiving marketing communications that we think will be of interest to you as one of our alumni.
How do we use your personal data?
If you are a former member of Staff and you want to be part of our alumni network and use our alumni portal, we will use your data to engage and stay in touch with you in order to maintain our relationship with you, including by:
- sending you newsletters and reports;
- inviting you to events;
- informing you about special vacancies;
- sending you news about Hays;
- inviting you to participate in opinion polls; and
- sending you messages on special occasions such as your birthday.
In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests.
Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.” If you are not happy about this, you have the right to object and you can find out more about how to do so by referring to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing data in the course of and to the extent necessary to provide Staff Alumni with access to Hays' alumni network and alumni portal, including by storing Staff Alumni details on database |
- Key identification and contact information (including data to create your alumni portal account) - Education and employment information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to provide you with access to the alumni network, portal, and relevant resources |
Collecting and processing Staff Alumni data in the course of carrying out Hays opinion polls To the extent that any data is published, this will be in aggregated/anonymised form only |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
Legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to: - improve and develop the experience that we provide to you considering your feedback and feeding this into our processes where we deem necessary |
Collecting and processing Staff Alumni data in the course of communicating with Staff Alumni, including by: - Sending Staff Alumni newsletters and reports - Inviting Staff Alumni to events - Informing Staff Alumni of special vacancies - Sending Staff Alumni messages on special occasions |
- Key identification and contact information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
We will obtain your consent before using your data for marketing purposes. If you provide consent, you will be entitled to withdraw consent at any time We will otherwise rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to: - recommend and grant you with access to our alumni resources and events |
Sharing of data
- Unless you specify otherwise, we will share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers and organisations to whom we provide services.
- If you would like to see a more detailed list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Visitors.
Visitors include individuals who visit our premises but who are not members of our Staff.
What kind of personal information do we collect?
So you're looking for a bit more insight into what data we collect about you? Here's a more detailed look at the sorts of information that we will collect. The information described below is, of course, in addition to any personal data we are required by law to process in any given situation.
Depending on the relevant circumstances and applicable local laws and requirements, we will collect some or all of the information listed below. In some jurisdictions, we are restricted from processing some of the data outlined below. In such cases, we will only process the data in those jurisdictions to the extent and under the circumstances permitted by law:
- Key identification and contact information
- Name;
- Age/date of birth;
- A copy of your driving licence and/or passport/identity card;
- Vehicle registration number;
- Email address;
- Education and employment information
- Current job title/specialism/industry sector;
- Special category information
- Details of your current health status (e.g. possible COVID-19 symptoms);
- Temperature checks;
- Vaccination history (including medical conditions relating to or affecting vaccination);
- Details of travel arrangements where appropriate;
- Automatically collected information
- IP address;
- MAC address;
- Device information when you install, access or use our services;
- Location information (inferred from jobs, IP address, application history or system stored data);
- Account access information (e.g. PIN numbers for account verification purposes);
- CCTV footage;
- Additional information that you choose to tell us in connection with your visit
- Registration details for facilities and sites; and
- Purpose of your visit.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
To the extent that you are visiting our premises as a Candidate, Client, Supplier/other third party or Temporary Worker, please also refer to the relevant Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy which contains information about how we process your data in each of these scenarios in addition to the processing activities set out in this section.
How do we collect your personal data?
We collect Visitor personal data in the following ways:
- Personal data that you, the Visitor, give to us; and
- Personal data that we collect automatically.
Personal data you give to us
Hays needs to know certain information about you in order to provide you with access to its premises.
Hays will usually collect this information from you upon your arrival at our premises.
The types of information that receive from you in this way include:
- Key identification and contact information;
- Education and employment information;
- Special category information; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we collect automatically
To the extent that you connect to our Wi-Fi services, or are captured on our CCTV systems, where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, we will also collect your data automatically (e.g. via website tracking scripts such as cookies or pixels) or through you providing it to us.
The types of information that collect about you in this way includes the Automatically collected information described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
We generally use Visitor data for Visitor Management purposes.
Visitor Management
- We have listed below various ways in which we will use and process your personal data for this visitor management purposes, where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests. Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.”
- We don't think that any of the activities in relation to which we rely on the legitimate interests condition prejudice Visitors in any way. However, you do have the right to object to us processing your personal data on this basis. If you would like to know more about how to do so, please refer to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- We may collect and use your health-related special category data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for vital or public interests. Article 6(1)(d) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person”. GDPR Recital 46 adds that: “Some types of processing may serve both important grounds of public interest and the vital interests of the data subject as for instance when processing is necessary for humanitarian purposes, including for monitoring epidemics and their spread”. Article 9(2)(i) of the GDPR says that we can process your special category data where it “is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health, such as protecting against serious cross-border threats to health”.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing personal data to the extent necessary to keep a record of Visitors to our premises, including by: - Collecting data from Visitors upon arrival - Storing Visitor details on our Systems |
- Key identification and contact information - Education and employment information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
We will rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to keep a record of all visitors to our premises for visitor management purposes, and to ensure the protection and security of our premises |
Collecting health and travel-related special category information to maintain the health and safety of Staff and other Visitors and to prevent the spread of and assess the risk of COVID-19 and other infectious viruses and diseases | - Special category information |
We rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to protect our business from COVID-19 and other infectious viruses and diseases by monitoring the health and travel background of our visitors. We have to make sure our business runs smoothly and our Staff and other Visitors may be put at risk if we do not implement appropriate measures to ensure that our Visitors pass the appropriate checks. We may also rely on the vital interests and the public interest lawful bases, namely to protect against serious cross-border threats to health We may process your health and travel-related information pursuant to Article 9(2)(i) of the GDPR to enable us to process health-related information arising from or in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic or as otherwise applicable to enable us to take steps, where appropriate, to ensure the health and safety of Staff and other Visitors and to prevent the spread of and assess the risk of COVID-19 and other infectious viruses and diseases |
Recording and processing images and videos of Visitors captured by Hays' CCTV systems | - Automatically collected information |
We will rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to maintain and protect the security of our premises and our Staff and other by preventing and detecting security threats or other criminal or harmful activities |
Retaining and processing electronic identification data collected from Visitors and their electronic devices to enable them to access IT services e.g. guest Wi-Fi |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information |
We will rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to provide IT related services on our premises, such as guest Wi-Fi services |
Sharing of data
- Where we have identified you as a Visitor and unless you specify otherwise, we may share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers in order to get in touch with you about our services.
- We will generally rely on the same legal bases that we have referred to in the section above.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
This section of the Privacy Policy applies to Visitors.
Visitors include individuals who visit our premises but who are not members of our Staff.
What kind of personal information do we collect?
So you're looking for a bit more insight into what data we collect about you? Here's a more detailed look at the sorts of information that we will collect. The information described below is, of course, in addition to any personal data we are required by law to process in any given situation.
Depending on the relevant circumstances and applicable local laws and requirements, we will collect some or all of the information listed below. In some jurisdictions, we are restricted from processing some of the data outlined below. In such cases, we will only process the data in those jurisdictions to the extent and under the circumstances permitted by law:
- Key identification and contact information
- Name;
- Age/date of birth;
- A copy of your driving licence and/or passport/identity card;
- Vehicle registration number;
- Email address;
- Education and employment information
- Current job title/specialism/industry sector;
- Special category information
- Details of your current health status (e.g. possible COVID-19 symptoms);
- Temperature checks;
- Vaccination history (including medical conditions relating to or affecting vaccination);
- Details of travel arrangements where appropriate;
- Automatically collected information
- IP address;
- MAC address;
- Device information when you install, access or use our services;
- Location information (inferred from jobs, IP address, application history or system stored data);
- Account access information (e.g. PIN numbers for account verification purposes);
- CCTV footage;
- Additional information that you choose to tell us in connection with your visit
- Registration details for facilities and sites; and
- Purpose of your visit.
Please note that the above list of categories of personal data we collect is not exhaustive.
To the extent that you are visiting our premises as a Candidate, Client, Supplier/other third party or Temporary Worker, please also refer to the relevant Context-Specific section of this Privacy Policy which contains information about how we process your data in each of these scenarios in addition to the processing activities set out in this section.
How do we collect your personal data?
We collect Visitor personal data in the following ways:
- Personal data that you, the Visitor, give to us; and
- Personal data that we collect automatically.
Personal data you give to us
Hays needs to know certain information about you in order to provide you with access to its premises.
Hays will usually collect this information from you upon your arrival at our premises.
The types of information that receive from you in this way include:
- Key identification and contact information;
- Education and employment information;
- Special category information; and
- Additional information that you choose to tell us,
as described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
Personal data we collect automatically
To the extent that you connect to our Wi-Fi services, or are captured on our CCTV systems, where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements, we will also collect your data automatically (e.g. via website tracking scripts such as cookies or pixels) or through you providing it to us.
The types of information that collect about you in this way includes the Automatically collected information described in the section entitled “What Kind of Personal Information Do We Collect?” above.
How do we use your personal data?
We generally use Visitor data for Visitor Management purposes.
Visitor Management
- We have listed below various ways in which we will use and process your personal data for this visitor management purposes, where appropriate and in accordance with any local laws and requirements. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
- In most cases, we will use your personal data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests. Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights or freedoms of you which require protection of personal data.”
- We don't think that any of the activities in relation to which we rely on the legitimate interests condition prejudice Visitors in any way. However, you do have the right to object to us processing your personal data on this basis. If you would like to know more about how to do so, please refer to the section entitled “How can you access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- We may collect and use your health-related special category data for the purposes below if we deem it necessary to do so for vital or public interests. Article 6(1)(d) of the GDPR says that we can process your data where it “is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person”. GDPR Recital 46 adds that: “Some types of processing may serve both important grounds of public interest and the vital interests of the data subject as for instance when processing is necessary for humanitarian purposes, including for monitoring epidemics and their spread”. Article 9(2)(i) of the GDPR says that we can process your special category data where it “is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health, such as protecting against serious cross-border threats to health”.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Why and how we process your information | Types of personal data used | Legal basis relied upon |
Collecting and processing personal data to the extent necessary to keep a record of Visitors to our premises, including by: - Collecting data from Visitors upon arrival - Storing Visitor details on our Systems |
- Key identification and contact information - Education and employment information - Additional information that you choose to tell us |
We will rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to keep a record of all visitors to our premises for visitor management purposes, and to ensure the protection and security of our premises |
Collecting health and travel-related special category information to maintain the health and safety of Staff and other Visitors and to prevent the spread of and assess the risk of COVID-19 and other infectious viruses and diseases | - Special category information |
We rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests to protect our business from COVID-19 and other infectious viruses and diseases by monitoring the health and travel background of our visitors. We have to make sure our business runs smoothly and our Staff and other Visitors may be put at risk if we do not implement appropriate measures to ensure that our Visitors pass the appropriate checks. We may also rely on the vital interests and the public interest lawful bases, namely to protect against serious cross-border threats to health We may process your health and travel-related information pursuant to Article 9(2)(i) of the GDPR to enable us to process health-related information arising from or in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic or as otherwise applicable to enable us to take steps, where appropriate, to ensure the health and safety of Staff and other Visitors and to prevent the spread of and assess the risk of COVID-19 and other infectious viruses and diseases |
Recording and processing images and videos of Visitors captured by Hays' CCTV systems | - Automatically collected information |
We will rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests to maintain and protect the security of our premises and our Staff and other by preventing and detecting security threats or other criminal or harmful activities |
Retaining and processing electronic identification data collected from Visitors and their electronic devices to enable them to access IT services e.g. guest Wi-Fi |
- Key identification and contact information - Automatically collected information |
We will rely on legitimate interests, namely it is in our interests and your interests for us to provide IT related services on our premises, such as guest Wi-Fi services |
Sharing of data
- Where we have identified you as a Visitor and unless you specify otherwise, we may share your information with any of our group companies and associated third parties such as our service providers in order to get in touch with you about our services.
- We will generally rely on the same legal bases that we have referred to in the section above.
- If you would like to see a full list of who we will share your personal data with, please refer to the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” in the General Privacy Information section of this Privacy Policy.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
General privacy information
Where appropriate and in accordance with local laws and requirements, we generally share your personal data with the following categories of people:
- Any of our group companies;
- Appropriate colleagues within Hays (this may include colleagues in overseas offices);
- Individuals and organisations who hold information related to your reference or application to work with us, such as current, past or prospective employers, educators and examining bodies and employment and recruitment agencies;
- Tax, audit, or other authorities, when we believe in good faith that the law or other regulation requires us to share this data (for example, because of a request by a tax authority or in connection with any anticipated litigation);
- Service providers (whether third parties or our group companies) who perform functions on our behalf (including external consultants, business associates and professional advisers such as lawyers, auditors and accountants, administration functions, technical support functions and IT consultants carrying out testing and development work on our business technology Systems);
- Third party outsourced IT and document storage providers where we have an appropriate processing agreement (or similar protections) in place;
- Marketing technology platforms and suppliers; and
- If Hays merges with or is acquired by another business or company in the future, (or is in meaningful discussions about such a possibility) we may share your personal data with the (prospective) new owners of the business or company.
There are also certain categories of people that we share your personal data with if you are a Candidate, Temporary Worker, Person whose data we receive (e.g. a referee) or Staff Alumni.
If you are a Candidate, we may also share your personal data with the following categories of people:
- potential employers and other recruitment agencies/organisations to increase your chances of finding employment;
- third party partners, job boards, job platforms, job aggregators, software providers and cloud based databases where we consider this will improve the chances of finding you the right job or improving recruitment processes more generally;
- MSP suppliers as part of our Clients' MSP programmes;
- third parties who we have retained to provide services such as reference, qualification and criminal convictions checks, to the extent that these checks are appropriate and in accordance with local laws;
- internal and external auditors of our Clients when we are required to share this data with them upon request in order to comply with our contractual or regulatory obligations; and
- third parties helping us by developing services and processes to optimise the Candidate selection process in order to improve the quality and efficiency of recruitment services.
Temporary Workers:
If you are a Temporary Worker, we may also share your personal data with the following categories of people:
- in limited circumstances as appropriate, medical professionals such as your GP or an occupational health specialist;
- the Client where you as a Temporary Worker are or will be working; and
- prospective employers (for example, when providing a reference, where permissible in accordance with local laws and requirements).
People whose data we receive:
If you are a referee of one of our Candidates, we may also share your personal data with the following categories of people:
- third parties who we have retained to provide services such as reference, qualification and criminal convictions checks, to the extent that these checks are appropriate and in accordance with local laws; and
- internal and external auditors of our Clients when we are required to share this data with them upon request in order to comply with our contractual or regulatory obligations.
Staff Alumni:
- If you are Staff Alumni, we may also share your personal data with a number of additional parties in order to facilitate our continuing relationship, for example, we may share your personal data with other Staff Alumni and associated third parties such as our service providers which operate our alumni portal.
Where appropriate and in accordance with local laws and requirements, we generally share your personal data with the following categories of people:
- Any of our group companies;
- Appropriate colleagues within Hays (this may include colleagues in overseas offices);
- Individuals and organisations who hold information related to your reference or application to work with us, such as current, past or prospective employers, educators and examining bodies and employment and recruitment agencies;
- Tax, audit, or other authorities, when we believe in good faith that the law or other regulation requires us to share this data (for example, because of a request by a tax authority or in connection with any anticipated litigation);
- Service providers (whether third parties or our group companies) who perform functions on our behalf (including external consultants, business associates and professional advisers such as lawyers, auditors and accountants, administration functions, technical support functions and IT consultants carrying out testing and development work on our business technology Systems);
- Third party outsourced IT and document storage providers where we have an appropriate processing agreement (or similar protections) in place;
- Marketing technology platforms and suppliers; and
- If Hays merges with or is acquired by another business or company in the future, (or is in meaningful discussions about such a possibility) we may share your personal data with the (prospective) new owners of the business or company.
There are also certain categories of people that we share your personal data with if you are a Candidate, Temporary Worker, Person whose data we receive (e.g. a referee) or Staff Alumni.
If you are a Candidate, we may also share your personal data with the following categories of people:
- potential employers and other recruitment agencies/organisations to increase your chances of finding employment;
- third party partners, job boards, job platforms, job aggregators, software providers and cloud based databases where we consider this will improve the chances of finding you the right job or improving recruitment processes more generally;
- MSP suppliers as part of our Clients' MSP programmes;
- third parties who we have retained to provide services such as reference, qualification and criminal convictions checks, to the extent that these checks are appropriate and in accordance with local laws;
- internal and external auditors of our Clients when we are required to share this data with them upon request in order to comply with our contractual or regulatory obligations; and
- third parties helping us by developing services and processes to optimise the Candidate selection process in order to improve the quality and efficiency of recruitment services.
Temporary Workers:
If you are a Temporary Worker, we may also share your personal data with the following categories of people:
- in limited circumstances as appropriate, medical professionals such as your GP or an occupational health specialist;
- the Client where you as a Temporary Worker are or will be working; and
- prospective employers (for example, when providing a reference, where permissible in accordance with local laws and requirements).
People whose data we receive:
If you are a referee of one of our Candidates, we may also share your personal data with the following categories of people:
- third parties who we have retained to provide services such as reference, qualification and criminal convictions checks, to the extent that these checks are appropriate and in accordance with local laws; and
- internal and external auditors of our Clients when we are required to share this data with them upon request in order to comply with our contractual or regulatory obligations.
Staff Alumni:
- If you are Staff Alumni, we may also share your personal data with a number of additional parties in order to facilitate our continuing relationship, for example, we may share your personal data with other Staff Alumni and associated third parties such as our service providers which operate our alumni portal.
- We are committed to taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the personal information that we hold from misuse, loss, or unauthorised access. We do this by having in place a range of appropriate technical and organisational measures. These include measures to deal with any suspected data breach.
- If you suspect any misuse or loss of or unauthorised access to your personal information please let us know immediately. Details of how to contact us can be found here.
- We are committed to taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the personal information that we hold from misuse, loss, or unauthorised access. We do this by having in place a range of appropriate technical and organisational measures. These include measures to deal with any suspected data breach.
- If you suspect any misuse or loss of or unauthorised access to your personal information please let us know immediately. Details of how to contact us can be found here.
- In determining the appropriate retention period for different types of personal data, we always consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data in question, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of that personal data, the purposes for which we need to process it and whether we can achieve those purposes by other means (in addition of course to ensuring that we comply with our legal, regulatory and risk-management obligations).
- We set out below the retention practices that we apply to certain categories of people.
- If you are a Candidate, we will keep your personal data on our Systems for a period of up to two years from the point that we collect such personal data or subsequently have meaningful contact with you (or, where appropriate, the company you are working for or with).After this period, it is likely your data will no longer be relevant for the purposes for which it was collected. We may keep your personal data on our Systems for a longer period than this if we believe in good faith that we need to do so, for example, because of our obligations to tax authorities or in connection with any anticipated litigation.
- We will consider there to be meaningful contact with you in this context if you, for example, submit a CV to us via our website, take part in any of our online training, communicate with us about potential roles (either by verbal or written communication) or click through from any of our marketing communications. Your receipt, opening or reading of an email or other digital message from us will not count as meaningful contact for these purposes, only where you click-through or reply directly – we will only deem that we have had meaningful contact with you if there is positive action on your part.
- For those Candidates whose services are provided via a third party company or other entity, meaningful contact with you means meaningful contact with the company or entity which supplies your services. Where we are notified by such company or entity that it no longer has that relationship with you, we will retain your data for no longer than two years from that point or, if later, for the period of two years from the point we subsequently have meaningful contact directly with you.
- If you have expressly indicated as a Candidate that you would rather we didn't retain your personal data, then we will Delete it from our Systems unless we believe in good faith that we need to preserve it, for example, because of our obligations to tax authorities or in connection with any anticipated litigation.
Temporary Workers:
- If we employ or engage you as a Temporary Worker directly, we will ordinarily process your data throughout the course of your Temp Relationship and will then retain it for a period after we have parted ways. The precise length of time will depend on the type of data, our legitimate business needs and other legal or regulatory rules that may require us to retain it for certain minimum periods. For example, we may be required to retain certain data for the purposes of tax reporting or responding to tax queries. We may also retain it if it might be relevant to any potential litigation. In jurisdictions that allow it, we will generally retain personal data relating to you where necessary to enable us to provide you or a future employer with a reference.
- If you are a Temporary Worker, we will also continue to process your personal data as a Candidate through the duration of your Temp Relationship and thereafter. The question of whether and the extent to which we will continue to process your personal data as Staff data through the duration of your Temp Relationship and thereafter depends on local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Clients and Suppliers:
- If you are a Client or a Supplier we will retain your personal data in order to provide you with services or to receive services from you, or to provide you with information about our services that we believe you may be interested in.
- If you have expressly indicated that you're not interested in our services, then we will Delete your personal data from our Systems unless we believe in good faith that we need to preserve it, for example, because of our obligations to tax authorities or in connection with any anticipated litigation.
Website Users:
- If you are a Website User we will retain your IP address and any other information that is required to operate the website or our mobile apps for 365 days.
Other Categories of people:
- We will otherwise retain your data for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose it was collected or processed for. If this time has come or you have expressly indicated that you’re not interested in one of our website or mobile app services anymore, we will Delete it from our Systems unless we believe in good faith that we need to preserve it, for example, because of our obligations to tax authorities or in connection with any anticipated litigation.
- In determining the appropriate retention period for different types of personal data, we always consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data in question, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of that personal data, the purposes for which we need to process it and whether we can achieve those purposes by other means (in addition of course to ensuring that we comply with our legal, regulatory and risk-management obligations).
- We set out below the retention practices that we apply to certain categories of people.
- If you are a Candidate, we will keep your personal data on our Systems for a period of up to two years from the point that we collect such personal data or subsequently have meaningful contact with you (or, where appropriate, the company you are working for or with).After this period, it is likely your data will no longer be relevant for the purposes for which it was collected. We may keep your personal data on our Systems for a longer period than this if we believe in good faith that we need to do so, for example, because of our obligations to tax authorities or in connection with any anticipated litigation.
- We will consider there to be meaningful contact with you in this context if you, for example, submit a CV to us via our website, take part in any of our online training, communicate with us about potential roles (either by verbal or written communication) or click through from any of our marketing communications. Your receipt, opening or reading of an email or other digital message from us will not count as meaningful contact for these purposes, only where you click-through or reply directly – we will only deem that we have had meaningful contact with you if there is positive action on your part.
- For those Candidates whose services are provided via a third party company or other entity, meaningful contact with you means meaningful contact with the company or entity which supplies your services. Where we are notified by such company or entity that it no longer has that relationship with you, we will retain your data for no longer than two years from that point or, if later, for the period of two years from the point we subsequently have meaningful contact directly with you.
- If you have expressly indicated as a Candidate that you would rather we didn't retain your personal data, then we will Delete it from our Systems unless we believe in good faith that we need to preserve it, for example, because of our obligations to tax authorities or in connection with any anticipated litigation.
Temporary Workers:
- If we employ or engage you as a Temporary Worker directly, we will ordinarily process your data throughout the course of your Temp Relationship and will then retain it for a period after we have parted ways. The precise length of time will depend on the type of data, our legitimate business needs and other legal or regulatory rules that may require us to retain it for certain minimum periods. For example, we may be required to retain certain data for the purposes of tax reporting or responding to tax queries. We may also retain it if it might be relevant to any potential litigation. In jurisdictions that allow it, we will generally retain personal data relating to you where necessary to enable us to provide you or a future employer with a reference.
- If you are a Temporary Worker, we will also continue to process your personal data as a Candidate through the duration of your Temp Relationship and thereafter. The question of whether and the extent to which we will continue to process your personal data as Staff data through the duration of your Temp Relationship and thereafter depends on local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Clients and Suppliers:
- If you are a Client or a Supplier we will retain your personal data in order to provide you with services or to receive services from you, or to provide you with information about our services that we believe you may be interested in.
- If you have expressly indicated that you're not interested in our services, then we will Delete your personal data from our Systems unless we believe in good faith that we need to preserve it, for example, because of our obligations to tax authorities or in connection with any anticipated litigation.
Website Users:
- If you are a Website User we will retain your IP address and any other information that is required to operate the website or our mobile apps for 365 days.
Other Categories of people:
- We will otherwise retain your data for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose it was collected or processed for. If this time has come or you have expressly indicated that you’re not interested in one of our website or mobile app services anymore, we will Delete it from our Systems unless we believe in good faith that we need to preserve it, for example, because of our obligations to tax authorities or in connection with any anticipated litigation.
- One of the GDPR's main objectives is to protect and clarify the rights of EU citizens and individuals in the EU with regards to data privacy. This means that you retain various rights in respect of your data, even once you have given it to us. These are described in more detail below.
- To get in touch about these rights, please contact us. We will seek to deal with your request without undue delay, and in any event within one month (subject to any extensions to which we are lawfully entitled). Please note that we will, where necessary, keep a record of your communications to help us resolve any issues which you raise.
- Right to object: this right enables you to object to us processing your personal data where we do so for one of the following four reasons: (i) our legitimate interests; (ii) to enable us to perform a task in the public interest or exercise official authority; (iii) to send you direct marketing materials; and (iv) for scientific, historical, research, or statistical purposes.
- The “legitimate interests” and “direct marketing” categories above are the ones most likely to apply to our Website Users, Candidates, Temporary Workers, Clients and Suppliers. If your objection relates to us processing your personal data because we deem it necessary for your legitimate interests, we must act on your objection by ceasing the activity in question unless:
- we can show that we have compelling legitimate grounds for processing which overrides your interests; or
- we are processing your data for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim.
- If your objection relates to direct marketing, we must act on your objection by ceasing this activity.
- Right to withdraw consent: Where we have obtained your consent to process your personal data for certain activities (for example, in order to use cookies or pixels in certain jurisdictions), you may withdraw this consent at any time and we will cease to carry out the particular activity that you previously consented to unless we consider that there is an alternative reason to justify our continued processing of your data for this purpose in which case we will inform you of this condition.
- Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR): You may ask us to confirm what information we hold about you at any time, and request us to modify, update or Delete such information. We may ask you to verify your identity and for more information about your request. If we provide you with access to the information we hold about you, we will not charge you for this unless your request is “manifestly unfounded or excessive”. If you request further copies of this information from us, we may charge you a reasonable administrative cost where legally permissible. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request. If we refuse your request we will always tell you the reasons for doing so.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements regarding data subject access requests and may refuse your request in accordance with such laws. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
- Right to erasure: You have the right to request that we erase your personal data in certain circumstances. Normally, the information must meet one of the following criteria:
- the data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which we originally collected and/or processed them;
- where previously given, you have withdrawn your consent to us processing your data, and there is no other valid reason for us to continue processing;
- the data has been processed unlawfully (i.e. in a manner which does not comply with the GDPR);
- it is necessary for the data to be erased in order for us to comply with our legal obligations as a data controller; or
- if we process the data because we believe it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests, you object to the processing and we are unable to demonstrate overriding legitimate grounds for our continued processing.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements regarding data subject right to erasure and may refuse your request in accordance with local laws. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
- We would only be entitled to refuse to comply with your request for one of the following reasons:
- to exercise the right of freedom of expression and information;
- to comply with legal obligations or for the performance of a public interest task or exercise of official authority;
- for public health reasons in the public interest;
- for archival, research or statistical purposes; or
- to exercise or defend a legal claim.
- When complying with a valid request for the erasure of data we will Delete the relevant data.
- Right to restrict processing: You have the right to request that we restrict our processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. This means that we can only continue to store your data and will not be able to carry out any further processing activities with it until either: (i) one of the circumstances listed below is resolved; (ii) you consent; or (iii) further processing is necessary for either the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, the protection of the rights of another individual, or reasons of important EU or Member State public interest.
- The circumstances in which you are entitled to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data are:
- where you dispute the accuracy of the personal data that we are processing about you. In this case, our processing of your personal data will be restricted for the period during which the accuracy of the data is verified;
- where you object to our processing of your personal data for our legitimate interests. Here, you can request that the data be restricted while we verify our grounds for processing your personal data;
- where our processing of your data is unlawful, but you would prefer us to restrict our processing of it rather than erasing it; and
- where we have no further need to process your personal data but you require the data to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims.
- If we have shared your personal data with third parties, we will notify them about the restricted processing unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate effort. We will, of course, notify you before lifting any restriction on processing your personal data.
- Right to rectification: You also have the right to request that we rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal data that we hold about you. If we have shared this personal data with third parties, we will notify them about the rectification unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate effort. Where appropriate, we will also tell you which third parties we have disclosed the inaccurate or incomplete personal data to. Where we think that it is reasonable for us not to comply with your request, we will explain our reasons for this decision.
- Right of data portability: If you wish, you have the right to transfer your personal data between data controllers. In effect, this means that you are able to transfer your Hays account details to another online platform. To allow you to do so, we will provide you with your data in a commonly used machine-readable format that is password-protected so that you can transfer the data to another online platform. Alternatively, we will directly transfer the data for you. This right of data portability applies to: (i) personal data that we process automatically (i.e. without any human intervention); (ii) personal data provided by you; and (iii) personal data that we process based on your consent or in order to fulfil a contract.
- Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. Details of how to contact them can be found here.
- If you would like to exercise any of these rights, or withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data (where consent is our legal basis for processing your personal data), details of how to contact us can be found here. Please note that we will, where necessary, keep a record of your communications to help us resolve any issues which you raise.
- You may ask to unsubscribe from job alerts and other marketing communications from us at any time. Details of how to do so can be found here.
- It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal information changes during the period for which we hold your data.
- One of the GDPR's main objectives is to protect and clarify the rights of EU citizens and individuals in the EU with regards to data privacy. This means that you retain various rights in respect of your data, even once you have given it to us. These are described in more detail below.
- To get in touch about these rights, please contact us. We will seek to deal with your request without undue delay, and in any event within one month (subject to any extensions to which we are lawfully entitled). Please note that we will, where necessary, keep a record of your communications to help us resolve any issues which you raise.
- Right to object: this right enables you to object to us processing your personal data where we do so for one of the following four reasons: (i) our legitimate interests; (ii) to enable us to perform a task in the public interest or exercise official authority; (iii) to send you direct marketing materials; and (iv) for scientific, historical, research, or statistical purposes.
- The “legitimate interests” and “direct marketing” categories above are the ones most likely to apply to our Website Users, Candidates, Temporary Workers, Clients and Suppliers. If your objection relates to us processing your personal data because we deem it necessary for your legitimate interests, we must act on your objection by ceasing the activity in question unless:
- we can show that we have compelling legitimate grounds for processing which overrides your interests; or
- we are processing your data for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim.
- If your objection relates to direct marketing, we must act on your objection by ceasing this activity.
- Right to withdraw consent: Where we have obtained your consent to process your personal data for certain activities (for example, in order to use cookies or pixels in certain jurisdictions), you may withdraw this consent at any time and we will cease to carry out the particular activity that you previously consented to unless we consider that there is an alternative reason to justify our continued processing of your data for this purpose in which case we will inform you of this condition.
- Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR): You may ask us to confirm what information we hold about you at any time, and request us to modify, update or Delete such information. We may ask you to verify your identity and for more information about your request. If we provide you with access to the information we hold about you, we will not charge you for this unless your request is “manifestly unfounded or excessive”. If you request further copies of this information from us, we may charge you a reasonable administrative cost where legally permissible. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request. If we refuse your request we will always tell you the reasons for doing so.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements regarding data subject access requests and may refuse your request in accordance with such laws. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
- Right to erasure: You have the right to request that we erase your personal data in certain circumstances. Normally, the information must meet one of the following criteria:
- the data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which we originally collected and/or processed them;
- where previously given, you have withdrawn your consent to us processing your data, and there is no other valid reason for us to continue processing;
- the data has been processed unlawfully (i.e. in a manner which does not comply with the GDPR);
- it is necessary for the data to be erased in order for us to comply with our legal obligations as a data controller; or
- if we process the data because we believe it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests, you object to the processing and we are unable to demonstrate overriding legitimate grounds for our continued processing.
- Please note that in certain of the jurisdictions in which we operate, we comply with additional local law requirements regarding data subject right to erasure and may refuse your request in accordance with local laws. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
- We would only be entitled to refuse to comply with your request for one of the following reasons:
- to exercise the right of freedom of expression and information;
- to comply with legal obligations or for the performance of a public interest task or exercise of official authority;
- for public health reasons in the public interest;
- for archival, research or statistical purposes; or
- to exercise or defend a legal claim.
- When complying with a valid request for the erasure of data we will Delete the relevant data.
- Right to restrict processing: You have the right to request that we restrict our processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. This means that we can only continue to store your data and will not be able to carry out any further processing activities with it until either: (i) one of the circumstances listed below is resolved; (ii) you consent; or (iii) further processing is necessary for either the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, the protection of the rights of another individual, or reasons of important EU or Member State public interest.
- The circumstances in which you are entitled to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data are:
- where you dispute the accuracy of the personal data that we are processing about you. In this case, our processing of your personal data will be restricted for the period during which the accuracy of the data is verified;
- where you object to our processing of your personal data for our legitimate interests. Here, you can request that the data be restricted while we verify our grounds for processing your personal data;
- where our processing of your data is unlawful, but you would prefer us to restrict our processing of it rather than erasing it; and
- where we have no further need to process your personal data but you require the data to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims.
- If we have shared your personal data with third parties, we will notify them about the restricted processing unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate effort. We will, of course, notify you before lifting any restriction on processing your personal data.
- Right to rectification: You also have the right to request that we rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal data that we hold about you. If we have shared this personal data with third parties, we will notify them about the rectification unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate effort. Where appropriate, we will also tell you which third parties we have disclosed the inaccurate or incomplete personal data to. Where we think that it is reasonable for us not to comply with your request, we will explain our reasons for this decision.
- Right of data portability: If you wish, you have the right to transfer your personal data between data controllers. In effect, this means that you are able to transfer your Hays account details to another online platform. To allow you to do so, we will provide you with your data in a commonly used machine-readable format that is password-protected so that you can transfer the data to another online platform. Alternatively, we will directly transfer the data for you. This right of data portability applies to: (i) personal data that we process automatically (i.e. without any human intervention); (ii) personal data provided by you; and (iii) personal data that we process based on your consent or in order to fulfil a contract.
- Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. Details of how to contact them can be found here.
- If you would like to exercise any of these rights, or withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data (where consent is our legal basis for processing your personal data), details of how to contact us can be found here. Please note that we will, where necessary, keep a record of your communications to help us resolve any issues which you raise.
- You may ask to unsubscribe from job alerts and other marketing communications from us at any time. Details of how to do so can be found here.
- It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal information changes during the period for which we hold your data.
- So you want to know more about how we store and transfer your data internationally? In order to provide you with the best service and to carry out the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, your data will be transferred:
- between and within Hays entities;
- to third parties (such as advisers or other Suppliers to the Hays business);
- to overseas Clients where applicable;
- to Clients within your country, where applicable, who may, in turn, transfer your data internationally;
- to a cloud-based storage provider; and
- to other third parties as set out in the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” above.
- We want to make sure that your data are stored and transferred in a way which is secure. We will therefore only transfer data outside of the European Economic Area or EEA (i.e. the Member States of the European Union, together with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) where it is compliant with data protection legislation and the means of transfer provides adequate safeguards in relation to your data, for example:
- by way of data transfer agreement, incorporating the current standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission for the transfer of personal data by data controllers in the EEA to data controllers and processors in jurisdictions without adequate data protection laws; or
- transferring your data to a country where there has been a finding of adequacy by the European Commission in respect of that country's levels of data protection via its legislation; or
- by way of scheme approved by the European Commission (whether as a successor to the Privacy Shield or otherwise) which regulates exchanges of person data between jurisdictions; or
- where it is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between ourselves and a third party and the transfer is in your interests for the purposes of that contract (for example, if we need to transfer data outside the EEA in order to meet our obligations under that contract if you are a Client of ours); or
- where you have consented to the data transfer.
- To ensure that your personal information receives an adequate level of protection, we have put in place appropriate procedures with the third parties we share your personal data with to ensure that your personal information is treated by those third parties in a way that is consistent with and which respects the law on data protection.
- So you want to know more about how we store and transfer your data internationally? In order to provide you with the best service and to carry out the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, your data will be transferred:
- between and within Hays entities;
- to third parties (such as advisers or other Suppliers to the Hays business);
- to overseas Clients where applicable;
- to Clients within your country, where applicable, who may, in turn, transfer your data internationally;
- to a cloud-based storage provider; and
- to other third parties as set out in the section entitled “Who do we share your personal data with” above.
- We want to make sure that your data are stored and transferred in a way which is secure. We will therefore only transfer data outside of the European Economic Area or EEA (i.e. the Member States of the European Union, together with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) where it is compliant with data protection legislation and the means of transfer provides adequate safeguards in relation to your data, for example:
- by way of data transfer agreement, incorporating the current standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission for the transfer of personal data by data controllers in the EEA to data controllers and processors in jurisdictions without adequate data protection laws; or
- transferring your data to a country where there has been a finding of adequacy by the European Commission in respect of that country's levels of data protection via its legislation; or
- by way of scheme approved by the European Commission (whether as a successor to the Privacy Shield or otherwise) which regulates exchanges of person data between jurisdictions; or
- where it is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between ourselves and a third party and the transfer is in your interests for the purposes of that contract (for example, if we need to transfer data outside the EEA in order to meet our obligations under that contract if you are a Client of ours); or
- where you have consented to the data transfer.
- To ensure that your personal information receives an adequate level of protection, we have put in place appropriate procedures with the third parties we share your personal data with to ensure that your personal information is treated by those third parties in a way that is consistent with and which respects the law on data protection.
What's a cookie?
- A “cookie“ (or similar technology such as a tracking pixel) (“Cookie”) is a very small text file or graphic that is placed on your device when you visit a webpage or open an email and which records your behaviour (such as navigation of a website). Cookies are used to enhance your use of the various Hays digital channels, for example by enabling us to present tailored content and options based on the information stored about your last visit. Cookies can also be used to analyse traffic and for advertising and marketing purposes.
- Cookies are used by nearly all digital channels and do not harm your system. We use them irrespective of whether you interact with Hays via our website, an app or other digital channel, and regardless of whether you are a Candidate, Temporary Worker, Client, Supplier, Website User or someone else.
- If you want to check or change what types of Cookies you accept, this can usually be altered using the privacy settings within your browser, or you can do so very easily using the “Cookie Preferences” link at either the top or bottom of the website. Please note that if you access Hays' services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices.
How do we use Cookies?
- We use Cookies to do the following:
- to personalise your experience of our digital channels and to enhance their functionality, for example:
- to keep you signed in to your account throughout your visit;
- to tailor and increase the relevance of the content that you see (which may vary depending on whether you are a Candidate, Temporary Worker, Client, Supplier, Website User or someone else, and also according to your preferences) which we hope will in turn increase engagement with and improve the experience of using our services (and encourage you to return);
- if you are a Candidate, to personalise marketing content that we make available to you via our digital channels (where you have consented to that marketing) which we hope will increase application numbers, conversion rates and application usefulness;
- to understand how you engage with our website and other digital channels, for example by tracking the pages you have visited, the interactions you have made, the links you have followed, and the number of job ads and articles read. This enables us to understand how you use our digital channels, tailor what we show and send to you, and track any patterns that emerge individually or from larger groups. This helps us to develop and improve our digital channels and services in response to what our visitors want and need (and we understand that those wants and needs vary depending on whether you are a Candidate, Temporary Worker, Client, Supplier, Website User or someone else) which in turn helps us increase engagement with and improve the experience of using our services by increasing the relevance of the content that we serve. Also, as described above in the sections on “Profiling, Algorithms and Automated Decision Making”, the process of analysing web-based behaviours enables us to award Candidates a weighted “approachability score” with a view to providing insights into Candidates' needs and allow Hays to follow up where needed, and Consultants use these scores as part of shortlisting and ranking Candidates and as a factor in determining whether to approach/show roles to a Candidate, which will serve to supplement other data that Hays holds about the Candidate; and
- if you are a Candidate:
- to help us advertise jobs to you that we think you'll be interested in, by personalising the roles that are brought to your attention;
- to personalise our recommendations for editorial content (such as reports about developments in your industry) that we think may be of interest;
- to enrich Candidate data and existing profiles about Candidates that we already hold on our Systems;
- analysing data obtained by tracking and monitoring Candidates’ experience and account activity in order to profile Candidates and allocate them to “talent pools” based on their attributes and behaviours (e.g. previous roles, skills, industry experience, location, or when a Candidate is willing to work) – as described above in the sections on “Profiling, Algorithms and Automated Decision Making”, the assignment of Candidates to talent pools is a fully automated process and can involve the use of bots.
- to personalise your experience of our digital channels and to enhance their functionality, for example:
Hopefully this means less time for you trawling through endless pages and will get you into the employment you want more quickly.
- Cookies are either:
- Session cookies: these are only stored on your device during your browser session and automatically expire when you close your browser – they allow the website to recognise and link your actions during a browsing session and usually store an anonymous session ID allowing you to browse a website without having to log in to each page, but they do not collect any information from your device; or
- Persistent cookies: a persistent cookie is stored on your device in between browsing sessions and so it remains there when you close your web browser. The cookie can be read by the website that created it when you visit that website again. We use persistent cookies for Google Analytics and for personalisation (see above for more information about what personalisation may involve and also the sections above on “Profiling, Algorithms and Automated Decision Making”).
- Cookies can also be categorised as follows:
- Strictly required cookies: These cookies are essential to enable you to use the website effectively, such as when applying for a job, and therefore cannot be turned off. Without these cookies, the services available to you on our website cannot be provided. These cookies do not gather information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you have been on the internet.
- Functionality cookies: These cookies enable us to monitor and improve the performance of our website. For example, they allow us to count visits, identify traffic sources and see which parts of the site are most popular. Furthermore these cookies allow our website to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language or the region you are in) and provide enhanced features. For instance, we may be able to provide you with news or updates relevant to the services you use. These cookies can also be used to remember changes you have made to text size, font and other parts of web pages that you can customise. They may also be used to provide services you have requested such as viewing a video or commenting on a blog. The information these cookies collect is usually anonymised.
- Advertisement cookies: These cookies help us to advertise details of potential job opportunities that we think may be of interest. These cookies are persistent (for as long as you are registered with us) and mean that when you log in or return to the website, you may see advertising for jobs that are similar to jobs that you have previously browsed.
The Cookie Preferences link on our website provides a list of the Cookies we use in your jurisdiction, why we use them and what types of Cookies they are.
How to manage or reject Cookies
- When you first visit our website(s) you will be asked to choose what kind of Cookies you want to receive. We ask for your prior consent for some Cookies via the Cookie Preferences link, while we may set strictly necessary Cookies without your consent. You may also use the privacy settings within your browser to do this. Please be aware that rejecting all Cookies through your browser’s privacy settings will mean that you may not be able to take full advantage of all our website's features. Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your Cookie preferences.
- You can update your given consent at any time via the Cookie Preferences link. You may also choose to opt-out of Cookies which are not strictly necessary to perform basic features of our website by changing your browser settings. If you use the Cookie Preferences link to update your choice of Cookies, please note that this does not result in deletion of already placed Cookies on your device. If you want to delete these Cookies you should do so using your browser’s privacy settings.
- If you choose to delete all Cookies through your browser’s privacy settings, this will also delete any record of having opted-out that may be stored by a Cookie on your device (so that the opt-out can continue to be actioned) and you may need to actively opt-out again.
What's a cookie?
- A “cookie“ (or similar technology such as a tracking pixel) (“Cookie”) is a very small text file or graphic that is placed on your device when you visit a webpage or open an email and which records your behaviour (such as navigation of a website). Cookies are used to enhance your use of the various Hays digital channels, for example by enabling us to present tailored content and options based on the information stored about your last visit. Cookies can also be used to analyse traffic and for advertising and marketing purposes.
- Cookies are used by nearly all digital channels and do not harm your system. We use them irrespective of whether you interact with Hays via our website, an app or other digital channel, and regardless of whether you are a Candidate, Temporary Worker, Client, Supplier, Website User or someone else.
- If you want to check or change what types of Cookies you accept, this can usually be altered using the privacy settings within your browser, or you can do so very easily using the “Cookie Preferences” link at either the top or bottom of the website. Please note that if you access Hays' services across multiple devices, you may need to adjust your settings via the Cookie Preferences link on each of your devices.
How do we use Cookies?
- We use Cookies to do the following:
- to personalise your experience of our digital channels and to enhance their functionality, for example:
- to keep you signed in to your account throughout your visit;
- to tailor and increase the relevance of the content that you see (which may vary depending on whether you are a Candidate, Temporary Worker, Client, Supplier, Website User or someone else, and also according to your preferences) which we hope will in turn increase engagement with and improve the experience of using our services (and encourage you to return);
- if you are a Candidate, to personalise marketing content that we make available to you via our digital channels (where you have consented to that marketing) which we hope will increase application numbers, conversion rates and application usefulness;
- to understand how you engage with our website and other digital channels, for example by tracking the pages you have visited, the interactions you have made, the links you have followed, and the number of job ads and articles read. This enables us to understand how you use our digital channels, tailor what we show and send to you, and track any patterns that emerge individually or from larger groups. This helps us to develop and improve our digital channels and services in response to what our visitors want and need (and we understand that those wants and needs vary depending on whether you are a Candidate, Temporary Worker, Client, Supplier, Website User or someone else) which in turn helps us increase engagement with and improve the experience of using our services by increasing the relevance of the content that we serve. Also, as described above in the sections on “Profiling, Algorithms and Automated Decision Making”, the process of analysing web-based behaviours enables us to award Candidates a weighted “approachability score” with a view to providing insights into Candidates' needs and allow Hays to follow up where needed, and Consultants use these scores as part of shortlisting and ranking Candidates and as a factor in determining whether to approach/show roles to a Candidate, which will serve to supplement other data that Hays holds about the Candidate; and
- if you are a Candidate:
- to help us advertise jobs to you that we think you'll be interested in, by personalising the roles that are brought to your attention;
- to personalise our recommendations for editorial content (such as reports about developments in your industry) that we think may be of interest;
- to enrich Candidate data and existing profiles about Candidates that we already hold on our Systems;
- analysing data obtained by tracking and monitoring Candidates’ experience and account activity in order to profile Candidates and allocate them to “talent pools” based on their attributes and behaviours (e.g. previous roles, skills, industry experience, location, or when a Candidate is willing to work) – as described above in the sections on “Profiling, Algorithms and Automated Decision Making”, the assignment of Candidates to talent pools is a fully automated process and can involve the use of bots.
- to personalise your experience of our digital channels and to enhance their functionality, for example:
Hopefully this means less time for you trawling through endless pages and will get you into the employment you want more quickly.
- Cookies are either:
- Session cookies: these are only stored on your device during your browser session and automatically expire when you close your browser – they allow the website to recognise and link your actions during a browsing session and usually store an anonymous session ID allowing you to browse a website without having to log in to each page, but they do not collect any information from your device; or
- Persistent cookies: a persistent cookie is stored on your device in between browsing sessions and so it remains there when you close your web browser. The cookie can be read by the website that created it when you visit that website again. We use persistent cookies for Google Analytics and for personalisation (see above for more information about what personalisation may involve and also the sections above on “Profiling, Algorithms and Automated Decision Making”).
- Cookies can also be categorised as follows:
- Strictly required cookies: These cookies are essential to enable you to use the website effectively, such as when applying for a job, and therefore cannot be turned off. Without these cookies, the services available to you on our website cannot be provided. These cookies do not gather information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you have been on the internet.
- Functionality cookies: These cookies enable us to monitor and improve the performance of our website. For example, they allow us to count visits, identify traffic sources and see which parts of the site are most popular. Furthermore these cookies allow our website to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language or the region you are in) and provide enhanced features. For instance, we may be able to provide you with news or updates relevant to the services you use. These cookies can also be used to remember changes you have made to text size, font and other parts of web pages that you can customise. They may also be used to provide services you have requested such as viewing a video or commenting on a blog. The information these cookies collect is usually anonymised.
- Advertisement cookies: These cookies help us to advertise details of potential job opportunities that we think may be of interest. These cookies are persistent (for as long as you are registered with us) and mean that when you log in or return to the website, you may see advertising for jobs that are similar to jobs that you have previously browsed.
The Cookie Preferences link on our website provides a list of the Cookies we use in your jurisdiction, why we use them and what types of Cookies they are.
How to manage or reject Cookies
- When you first visit our website(s) you will be asked to choose what kind of Cookies you want to receive. We ask for your prior consent for some Cookies via the Cookie Preferences link, while we may set strictly necessary Cookies without your consent. You may also use the privacy settings within your browser to do this. Please be aware that rejecting all Cookies through your browser’s privacy settings will mean that you may not be able to take full advantage of all our website's features. Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your Cookie preferences.
- You can update your given consent at any time via the Cookie Preferences link. You may also choose to opt-out of Cookies which are not strictly necessary to perform basic features of our website by changing your browser settings. If you use the Cookie Preferences link to update your choice of Cookies, please note that this does not result in deletion of already placed Cookies on your device. If you want to delete these Cookies you should do so using your browser’s privacy settings.
- If you choose to delete all Cookies through your browser’s privacy settings, this will also delete any record of having opted-out that may be stored by a Cookie on your device (so that the opt-out can continue to be actioned) and you may need to actively opt-out again.
- In the course of using our services, Candidates, Temporary Workers and Staff Alumni may wish to access independent websites and third party services (e.g. job platforms) which are not operated by us. Such independent sites and third parties are not under our control, and we are not responsible for and have not checked and approved their content or their privacy policies (if any). You will need to make your own independent judgement about whether to use any such independent sites, including whether to use any services offered by the third party.
- Occasionally, third party service providers that we have engaged will process personal data that we given to them as a data controller in their own right, for example, for the purposes of: (i) conducting their own internal reporting, (ii) preventing or responding to threats to the security or integrity of their systems; (iii) establishing, exercising or defending their own legal claims; (iv) complying with legal obligations that apply to them; and (v) using personal data in anonymised or aggregated form to improve their own products and services. They will usually have their own privacy policies which set out more detail in relation to these processing activities.
- In the course of using our services, Candidates, Temporary Workers and Staff Alumni may wish to access independent websites and third party services (e.g. job platforms) which are not operated by us. Such independent sites and third parties are not under our control, and we are not responsible for and have not checked and approved their content or their privacy policies (if any). You will need to make your own independent judgement about whether to use any such independent sites, including whether to use any services offered by the third party.
- Occasionally, third party service providers that we have engaged will process personal data that we given to them as a data controller in their own right, for example, for the purposes of: (i) conducting their own internal reporting, (ii) preventing or responding to threats to the security or integrity of their systems; (iii) establishing, exercising or defending their own legal claims; (iv) complying with legal obligations that apply to them; and (v) using personal data in anonymised or aggregated form to improve their own products and services. They will usually have their own privacy policies which set out more detail in relation to these processing activities.
Country in which you use Hays' services or supply Hays with services | Denmark |
Hays entity responsible for processing the personal data of Website Users | Hays Specialist Recruitment (Danmark) A/S |
The Hays entity responsible for processing the personal data of Candidates, Clients, Suppliers and the emergency contacts and referees of Candidates and Hays' Staff will depend on which of the below companies is the counterparty associated with the relevant arrangement |
Hays Specialist Recruitment (Danmark) A/S |
How you can get in touch with us: - to access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us; - if you suspect any misuse or loss of or unauthorised access to your personal information; - to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data (where consent is the legal basis on which we process your personal data); - with any comments or suggestions concerning this Privacy Polic |
You can write to us at the following address: Hays Specialist Recruitment (Danmark) A/S Alternatively, you can send an email to our Data Protection Officer and the data protection team: privacy@hays.dk |
How you can get in touch with us to update your marketing preferences |
You can do this by updating your profile here Alternatively you can email us at: privacy@hays.dk or by clicking the unsubscribe link in any marketing e-mail we send to you. |
In the event that more than one of the Hays entities listed above jointly determines the means and purposes of processing personal data of the types of individuals listed above, the Hays entities will process such personal data as joint controllers for the purpose of Article 26(1) of the GDPR.
We adhere to the requirements imposed by the GDPR in relation to the establishment of joint controller relationships between Hays entities.
If you wish to exercise your rights under the GDPR in relation to the processing of your personal data by Hays entities operating on a joint controller basis, please contact us using the channels set out above.
Country in which you use Hays' services or supply Hays with services | Denmark |
Hays entity responsible for processing the personal data of Website Users | Hays Specialist Recruitment (Danmark) A/S |
The Hays entity responsible for processing the personal data of Candidates, Clients, Suppliers and the emergency contacts and referees of Candidates and Hays' Staff will depend on which of the below companies is the counterparty associated with the relevant arrangement |
Hays Specialist Recruitment (Danmark) A/S |
How you can get in touch with us: - to access, amend or take back the personal data that you have given to us; - if you suspect any misuse or loss of or unauthorised access to your personal information; - to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data (where consent is the legal basis on which we process your personal data); - with any comments or suggestions concerning this Privacy Polic |
You can write to us at the following address: Hays Specialist Recruitment (Danmark) A/S Alternatively, you can send an email to our Data Protection Officer and the data protection team: privacy@hays.dk |
How you can get in touch with us to update your marketing preferences |
You can do this by updating your profile here Alternatively you can email us at: privacy@hays.dk or by clicking the unsubscribe link in any marketing e-mail we send to you. |
In the event that more than one of the Hays entities listed above jointly determines the means and purposes of processing personal data of the types of individuals listed above, the Hays entities will process such personal data as joint controllers for the purpose of Article 26(1) of the GDPR.
We adhere to the requirements imposed by the GDPR in relation to the establishment of joint controller relationships between Hays entities.
If you wish to exercise your rights under the GDPR in relation to the processing of your personal data by Hays entities operating on a joint controller basis, please contact us using the channels set out above.
Country in which you use Hays' services or supply Hays with services | Details of your local supervisory authority |
Denmark |
The Danish Data Protection Agency (“Datatilsynet”). You can contact them in the following ways: - Phone: (+45) 33 19 32 00 - Email: dt@datatilsynet.dk - Post: Datatilsynet, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby, Denmark - Fax: (+45) 33 19 32 18 |
Country in which you use Hays' services or supply Hays with services | Details of your local supervisory authority |
Denmark |
The Danish Data Protection Agency (“Datatilsynet”). You can contact them in the following ways: - Phone: (+45) 33 19 32 00 - Email: dt@datatilsynet.dk - Post: Datatilsynet, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby, Denmark - Fax: (+45) 33 19 32 18 |
Country-specific legal requirement - Jurisdiction Denmark
Use of sensitive or special category Candidate Data
National Identification Numbers
We will only collect and process your national ID number where this is required by law, where you have provided your explicit consent, where the conditions for processing this type of Sensitive Personal Data are met or where another legal basis for processing is available. We may also disclose information about your national ID number if this is necessary in order to enable identification of you.
Criminal Convictions
We may collect and process details of any criminal convictions but will only do so where you have provided us with your explicit consent or where it is necessary for us to process this information to fulfil our legitimate interests and these legitimate interests clearly override your interests in respect of our processing of this information.
In accordance with local law, we have the right to refuse to disclose certain information in response to a DSAR in circumstances where your interests are overridden by crucial private interests, including your own interest. For example, this may be the case if Hays deems that denying access to your information is necessary in order to protect trade secrets which are crucial to Hays or if Hays deems that denying access to your information is necessary for the enforcement of civil law claims.
Right to erasure
In accordance with local law, where processing is based on our legitimate interests, we have the right to refuse to erase your data in circumstances where your interests are overridden by other legitimate interests. When personal data is deleted, it will be deleted from active IT-systems and archives and will be deleted from back-up files if technically feasible.
Marketing and Retargeting and Market Research Purposes
As described in the main body of our Privacy Policy, we are entitled to rely on "soft opt-in" consent in respect of certain marketing messages that we wish to send to you. We will not send such marketing messages to you if you are registered in the Danish Central National Register ('Robinson list').
In all other e-marketing circumstances, we are required to obtain your specific "opt-in" consent and we are required to keep records of such consent having been received. We undertake what is commonly known as the "double opt-in" consent procedure, which is where we first ask you to opt-in to receive e-marketing, and we then send you an email asking you to confirm that you have given your consent. We may only add you to our marketing list once we have received this second email confirmation.
When you consented to the transfer of data to our advertising partners we send your data (e.g. your email address, your name, your phone number) in an encrypted and pseudonymised way (so called “hashed”) to our advertising partners (for a list of our advertising partners, see below). They compare this data with the data they already process about you and if they match, the partners enable us to run targeted advertising on those matches or on similar groups of people like you, which means the partners display on their platforms Hays advertising which are specially designed for you or for people like you. After the creation of the matches, your encrypted data is automatically deleted again at our partners. The partners do not gain new addresses as a result of this. We think this is a great benefit for you as you get only those advertising which suits your needs.
Hays group companies & Hays advertising partners
When we mention Hays group companies in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland in the context of our advertising consent wording, we mean the following legal entities:
- Hays AG, based in Germany
- Hays Professional Solutions GmbH, based in Germany
- Hays Talent Solutions GmbH, based in Germany
- Emposo GmbH, based in Germany
- Hays Holding GmbH, based in Germany
- Hays Beteiligungs GmbH & Co.KG, based in Germany
- Hays Vorrat 01 GmbH, based in Germany
- Hays (Schweiz) AG, based in Switzerland
- Hays Talent Solutions (Schweiz) GmbH, based in Switzerland
- Hays Österreich GmbH, based in Austria
- Hays Professional Solutions Österreich GmbH, based in Austria
- Hays Specialist Recruitment Denmark A/S, based in Denmark
When we talk about advertising partners in the context of our advertising consent wording, we mean the following partners:
- Facebook Inc, based in the USA, (https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/update)
- LinkedIn Corporation based in the USA, (https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?trk=homepage-basic_footer-privacy-policy)
- Google Ireland Limited, based in Ireland (https://policies.google.com/privacy)
Transfer outside of the EWR
Where we have asked you for your marketing consent regarding our advertising partners and where those parties are located outside of the European Economic Area, you consent (Art. 49 I a GDPR) to a transfer outside of the European Economic Area, and you are aware that there might be a lower level of data protection with these providers/countries than it is the case in the European Economic Area.
There might be in particular a risk that your data may be accessed through authorities for surveillance purposes, even without legal redress procedures. Exercising data protection rights, you know, and you are familiar with under the GDPR may be more difficult or even impossible.
Market Research Purposes
When you consented to the use of your personal data for market research purposes, this means that we will run surveys regarding satisfaction, NetPromoterScore, personnel topics, wishes, offers, socio-demographic characteristics, new platform testing, test groups, UX testing and brand panels.
Recording of telephone conversations with Customer and Suppliers
Hays in Denmark will only record a telephone conversation with you if we have obtained your explicit consent prior to the recording taking place.
Collection of references from former employers etc.
Hays in Denmark will not collect references about you from former employers or others without obtaining your specific and explicit consent in advance.
When we send out emails containing your Sensitive Personal Data or other confidential information about you, we will ensure that we have implemented appropriate security measures to safeguard such transmission of data using appropriate encryption techniques, such as end-to-end encryption, encryption of the transport layer or password protecting attachments as appropriate. In addition, when we need you to provide us with Sensitive Personal Data or other confidential information about you, we will specify how we would like you to send this to us. The method of communication is unlikely to be via email.
Country-specific legal requirement - Jurisdiction Denmark
Use of sensitive or special category Candidate Data
National Identification Numbers
We will only collect and process your national ID number where this is required by law, where you have provided your explicit consent, where the conditions for processing this type of Sensitive Personal Data are met or where another legal basis for processing is available. We may also disclose information about your national ID number if this is necessary in order to enable identification of you.
Criminal Convictions
We may collect and process details of any criminal convictions but will only do so where you have provided us with your explicit consent or where it is necessary for us to process this information to fulfil our legitimate interests and these legitimate interests clearly override your interests in respect of our processing of this information.
In accordance with local law, we have the right to refuse to disclose certain information in response to a DSAR in circumstances where your interests are overridden by crucial private interests, including your own interest. For example, this may be the case if Hays deems that denying access to your information is necessary in order to protect trade secrets which are crucial to Hays or if Hays deems that denying access to your information is necessary for the enforcement of civil law claims.
Right to erasure
In accordance with local law, where processing is based on our legitimate interests, we have the right to refuse to erase your data in circumstances where your interests are overridden by other legitimate interests. When personal data is deleted, it will be deleted from active IT-systems and archives and will be deleted from back-up files if technically feasible.
Marketing and Retargeting and Market Research Purposes
As described in the main body of our Privacy Policy, we are entitled to rely on "soft opt-in" consent in respect of certain marketing messages that we wish to send to you. We will not send such marketing messages to you if you are registered in the Danish Central National Register ('Robinson list').
In all other e-marketing circumstances, we are required to obtain your specific "opt-in" consent and we are required to keep records of such consent having been received. We undertake what is commonly known as the "double opt-in" consent procedure, which is where we first ask you to opt-in to receive e-marketing, and we then send you an email asking you to confirm that you have given your consent. We may only add you to our marketing list once we have received this second email confirmation.
When you consented to the transfer of data to our advertising partners we send your data (e.g. your email address, your name, your phone number) in an encrypted and pseudonymised way (so called “hashed”) to our advertising partners (for a list of our advertising partners, see below). They compare this data with the data they already process about you and if they match, the partners enable us to run targeted advertising on those matches or on similar groups of people like you, which means the partners display on their platforms Hays advertising which are specially designed for you or for people like you. After the creation of the matches, your encrypted data is automatically deleted again at our partners. The partners do not gain new addresses as a result of this. We think this is a great benefit for you as you get only those advertising which suits your needs.
Hays group companies & Hays advertising partners
When we mention Hays group companies in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland in the context of our advertising consent wording, we mean the following legal entities:
- Hays AG, based in Germany
- Hays Professional Solutions GmbH, based in Germany
- Hays Talent Solutions GmbH, based in Germany
- Emposo GmbH, based in Germany
- Hays Holding GmbH, based in Germany
- Hays Beteiligungs GmbH & Co.KG, based in Germany
- Hays Vorrat 01 GmbH, based in Germany
- Hays (Schweiz) AG, based in Switzerland
- Hays Talent Solutions (Schweiz) GmbH, based in Switzerland
- Hays Österreich GmbH, based in Austria
- Hays Professional Solutions Österreich GmbH, based in Austria
- Hays Specialist Recruitment Denmark A/S, based in Denmark
When we talk about advertising partners in the context of our advertising consent wording, we mean the following partners:
- Facebook Inc, based in the USA, (https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/update)
- LinkedIn Corporation based in the USA, (https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?trk=homepage-basic_footer-privacy-policy)
- Google Ireland Limited, based in Ireland (https://policies.google.com/privacy)
Transfer outside of the EWR
Where we have asked you for your marketing consent regarding our advertising partners and where those parties are located outside of the European Economic Area, you consent (Art. 49 I a GDPR) to a transfer outside of the European Economic Area, and you are aware that there might be a lower level of data protection with these providers/countries than it is the case in the European Economic Area.
There might be in particular a risk that your data may be accessed through authorities for surveillance purposes, even without legal redress procedures. Exercising data protection rights, you know, and you are familiar with under the GDPR may be more difficult or even impossible.
Market Research Purposes
When you consented to the use of your personal data for market research purposes, this means that we will run surveys regarding satisfaction, NetPromoterScore, personnel topics, wishes, offers, socio-demographic characteristics, new platform testing, test groups, UX testing and brand panels.
Recording of telephone conversations with Customer and Suppliers
Hays in Denmark will only record a telephone conversation with you if we have obtained your explicit consent prior to the recording taking place.
Collection of references from former employers etc.
Hays in Denmark will not collect references about you from former employers or others without obtaining your specific and explicit consent in advance.
When we send out emails containing your Sensitive Personal Data or other confidential information about you, we will ensure that we have implemented appropriate security measures to safeguard such transmission of data using appropriate encryption techniques, such as end-to-end encryption, encryption of the transport layer or password protecting attachments as appropriate. In addition, when we need you to provide us with Sensitive Personal Data or other confidential information about you, we will specify how we would like you to send this to us. The method of communication is unlikely to be via email.
- Candidates - include individuals with whom Hays has not had prior contact, but whom Hays reasonably considers would be interested in, or might benefit from, Hays’ services and being considered for any roles advertised or promoted by Hays including permanent, part-time and temporary positions and freelance roles with Hays' Clients (including those individuals who want to become Temporary Workers). Candidates also include applicants for such roles, as well as people who have supplied a speculative CV to Hays not in relation to a specific job, and/or who have engaged with Hays about Hays’ services and/or any roles advertised or promoted by Hays. Individual contractors, freelance workers and employees of suppliers or other third parties put forward for roles with Hays' Clients as part of an MSP offering or otherwise will be treated as Candidates for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.
- Clients - while it speaks for itself, this category covers our customers, clients, and others to whom Hays provides services in the course of its business or whom Hays reasonably considers would be interested in our services. In certain circumstances, Hays provides services to individual employees who work for Client organisations, such as training courses to teaching staff who work for Clients in the education sector. Please note that in this context, Hays requires Clients to communicate the relevant parts of this Privacy Policy (namely the sections directed at Clients) to their employees.
- Delete – In this day and age it is virtually impossible to guarantee the permanent and irretrievable deletion of electronic data. In addition, as we have explained to you in this Privacy Policy, sometimes we will be obliged by law or regulation, or need for risk-management reasons, to retain the ability to access certain elements of personal data. However, our commitment to you is that once your personal data reaches the end of its nominal retention period, or where we receive a valid request from you to erase it, we will put in place specific operational and Systems measures to ensure that your data is “put beyond use”. By this we mean that while the data will still technically exist on an archive system, we will ensure that it cannot be readily accessed by any of our operational Systems, processes or Staff. Only a very (and we mean exceptionally) small number of senior Staff, in very (and, again, we mean exceptionally) limited and carefully prescribed situations, will be able to restore your personal data so that it can be viewed for those legitimate purposes. Once we are clear that all relevant legally mandated retention periods have expired (which, for present purposes, we expect to be the period of seven years), we will go the additional final step of undertaking a “hard delete”, whereby not even that very limited number of senior Staff would be able to restore your personal data.
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – a European Union statutory instrument which aims to harmonise European data protection laws. It has an effective date of 25 May 2018, and any references to it should be construed accordingly to include any related national data protection legislation.
- Managed Service Provider (MSP) programmes – Clients' outsourcing of the management of external staff (including freelance workers, independent contractors and temporary employees) to an external recruitment provider.
- Other people whom Hays may contact – these may include Candidates' and Hays' Staff emergency contacts and referees. We will only contact them in appropriate circumstances.
- Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) services – full or partial outsourcing of the recruitment process for permanent employees to a recruitment provider.
- Staff – includes current and former employees and interns engaged directly in the business of Hays (or who have accepted an offer to be engaged) as well as certain other workers who are or were engaged in the business of providing services to Hays (even though they are not classed as employees). For these purposes we also include employees of Hays who are engaged to work on Clients' premises under the terms of RPO or MSP agreements. To be clear, 'Staff' does not include individuals hired by Hays for the purpose of being placed with Clients outside of an RPO/MSP arrangement. These individuals are treated in the same way as Hays' Candidates and are covered by this Privacy Policy. Likewise, independent contractors and consultants performing services for Hays fall within the definition of a 'Supplier' for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.
- Suppliers – refers to partnerships and companies (including sole traders), and atypical workers such as independent contractors and freelance workers, who provide services to Hays. In certain circumstances Hays will sub-contract the services it provides to Clients to third party suppliers who perform services on Hays' behalf. In this context, suppliers that are individual contractors, freelance workers, or employees of suppliers will be treated as Candidates for data protection purposes. Please note that in this context, Hays requires Suppliers to communicate the relevant parts of this Privacy Policy (namely the sections directed at Candidates) to their employees.
- Staff Alumni – refers to former members of Staff who have expressed their wish to remain part of Hays' alumni network and to use Hays' alumni portal.
- Systems – telephone, computer, internet and Wi-Fi systems, software and portals, accounts and/or networks belonging, controlled or used by Hays that are used to transmit, undertake and/or receive communications or are otherwise used in the course of Hays' business, including candidate portal software and CRM systems.
- Temp Relationship – means our contractual relationship with Temporary Workers while they are employed or engaged directly by us.
- Temporary Workers – includes someone who becomes employed or engaged by Hays for the purposes of undertaking temporary work for a Client or other Hays group company. If you are a Temporary Worker, we will also continue to process your personal data as a Candidate throughout the duration of your temporary work assignment and thereafter, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. The question of whether and the extent to which the Recruits Privacy Policy and the Staff Privacy Policy apply to you as a Temporary Worker depends on local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
- UK GDPR – the GDPR as it forms part of the Laws of the UK by virtue of Section 3 of the UK European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.
- Visitors – means individuals who visit Hays premises but who are not members of Hays' Staff.
- Website Users – any individual who accesses any of the Hays websites or any of the Hays mobile applications (apps).
- Candidates - include individuals with whom Hays has not had prior contact, but whom Hays reasonably considers would be interested in, or might benefit from, Hays’ services and being considered for any roles advertised or promoted by Hays including permanent, part-time and temporary positions and freelance roles with Hays' Clients (including those individuals who want to become Temporary Workers). Candidates also include applicants for such roles, as well as people who have supplied a speculative CV to Hays not in relation to a specific job, and/or who have engaged with Hays about Hays’ services and/or any roles advertised or promoted by Hays. Individual contractors, freelance workers and employees of suppliers or other third parties put forward for roles with Hays' Clients as part of an MSP offering or otherwise will be treated as Candidates for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.
- Clients - while it speaks for itself, this category covers our customers, clients, and others to whom Hays provides services in the course of its business or whom Hays reasonably considers would be interested in our services. In certain circumstances, Hays provides services to individual employees who work for Client organisations, such as training courses to teaching staff who work for Clients in the education sector. Please note that in this context, Hays requires Clients to communicate the relevant parts of this Privacy Policy (namely the sections directed at Clients) to their employees.
- Delete – In this day and age it is virtually impossible to guarantee the permanent and irretrievable deletion of electronic data. In addition, as we have explained to you in this Privacy Policy, sometimes we will be obliged by law or regulation, or need for risk-management reasons, to retain the ability to access certain elements of personal data. However, our commitment to you is that once your personal data reaches the end of its nominal retention period, or where we receive a valid request from you to erase it, we will put in place specific operational and Systems measures to ensure that your data is “put beyond use”. By this we mean that while the data will still technically exist on an archive system, we will ensure that it cannot be readily accessed by any of our operational Systems, processes or Staff. Only a very (and we mean exceptionally) small number of senior Staff, in very (and, again, we mean exceptionally) limited and carefully prescribed situations, will be able to restore your personal data so that it can be viewed for those legitimate purposes. Once we are clear that all relevant legally mandated retention periods have expired (which, for present purposes, we expect to be the period of seven years), we will go the additional final step of undertaking a “hard delete”, whereby not even that very limited number of senior Staff would be able to restore your personal data.
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – a European Union statutory instrument which aims to harmonise European data protection laws. It has an effective date of 25 May 2018, and any references to it should be construed accordingly to include any related national data protection legislation.
- Managed Service Provider (MSP) programmes – Clients' outsourcing of the management of external staff (including freelance workers, independent contractors and temporary employees) to an external recruitment provider.
- Other people whom Hays may contact – these may include Candidates' and Hays' Staff emergency contacts and referees. We will only contact them in appropriate circumstances.
- Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) services – full or partial outsourcing of the recruitment process for permanent employees to a recruitment provider.
- Staff – includes current and former employees and interns engaged directly in the business of Hays (or who have accepted an offer to be engaged) as well as certain other workers who are or were engaged in the business of providing services to Hays (even though they are not classed as employees). For these purposes we also include employees of Hays who are engaged to work on Clients' premises under the terms of RPO or MSP agreements. To be clear, 'Staff' does not include individuals hired by Hays for the purpose of being placed with Clients outside of an RPO/MSP arrangement. These individuals are treated in the same way as Hays' Candidates and are covered by this Privacy Policy. Likewise, independent contractors and consultants performing services for Hays fall within the definition of a 'Supplier' for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.
- Suppliers – refers to partnerships and companies (including sole traders), and atypical workers such as independent contractors and freelance workers, who provide services to Hays. In certain circumstances Hays will sub-contract the services it provides to Clients to third party suppliers who perform services on Hays' behalf. In this context, suppliers that are individual contractors, freelance workers, or employees of suppliers will be treated as Candidates for data protection purposes. Please note that in this context, Hays requires Suppliers to communicate the relevant parts of this Privacy Policy (namely the sections directed at Candidates) to their employees.
- Staff Alumni – refers to former members of Staff who have expressed their wish to remain part of Hays' alumni network and to use Hays' alumni portal.
- Systems – telephone, computer, internet and Wi-Fi systems, software and portals, accounts and/or networks belonging, controlled or used by Hays that are used to transmit, undertake and/or receive communications or are otherwise used in the course of Hays' business, including candidate portal software and CRM systems.
- Temp Relationship – means our contractual relationship with Temporary Workers while they are employed or engaged directly by us.
- Temporary Workers – includes someone who becomes employed or engaged by Hays for the purposes of undertaking temporary work for a Client or other Hays group company. If you are a Temporary Worker, we will also continue to process your personal data as a Candidate throughout the duration of your temporary work assignment and thereafter, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. The question of whether and the extent to which the Recruits Privacy Policy and the Staff Privacy Policy apply to you as a Temporary Worker depends on local law requirements. For more information in relation to your jurisdiction, please click here.
- UK GDPR – the GDPR as it forms part of the Laws of the UK by virtue of Section 3 of the UK European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.
- Visitors – means individuals who visit Hays premises but who are not members of Hays' Staff.
- Website Users – any individual who accesses any of the Hays websites or any of the Hays mobile applications (apps).