A new job
Making the transition
Should I stay or should I go?
If you're beginning to feel less motivated when Monday comes around, it can be difficult to decide whether it's time to see if the grass really is greener on the other side. But before you do, here's a few things to consider:
If you look back at the last couple of years, and you don't really know what you've achieved or if you're routinely doing the same job, it's probably a good time to consider your options. While you may actually like the routine and consistency of your job, your enthusiasm is likely suffering and with time, your performance will too.
If you really like your place of work, finding opportunities to develop your skills and expertise in your current role or taking on more responsibility elsewhere in the organisation can be a great option. However, start to consider looking elsewhere if these opportunities are not available to you, or if you're direct leader is not ambitious enough on your behalf.
If you've just had a poor performance review or just feel downbeat about your own accomplishments, you may feel tempted to look for a new job where you can thrive better. But first, you should try to remove the emotions and consider whether you can improve your performance in your current role – because if nothing changes, you're also less likely to be successful in your new role.
However, this may not always be the right choice, so if you do decide to move, make sure to look for an environment where you feel you will be enabled to thrive and you're supported to achieve better results.
Do you expect to be able to progress within your current organisation? Think about where you want to be in the long term, and whether you can take the next step towards that in your current organisation. If you or your manager can't see a way to move upwards or forwards, then it's probably to look elsewhere.
Often a change in the team, or the team dynamic, will influence your decision to stay or to go. It could be a new boss, your favourite colleague leaving or a restructure which changes the team dynamic. Our best advice is to give it some time, to see if it'll settle down or if permanent changes are underway.
However, staying in a job with extreme conflicts can be stressful and demoralising. Don't let things get this bad, even if things used to be really good and you're clinging onto the hope it'll return to 'normal'.
You may be enjoying your role and the work that you do, but feel underpaid. Then it's time to investigate the market – compare your salary to your peers and prepare for a conversation with your boss about your next step. Don't just wait for them to approach you regarding the subject. You should always try to address your salary expectations first before deciding to look elsewhere, if you're happy in your current role.
Taking the next step
So you've made up your mind and accepted a new job offer. The most urgent task is of course to inform your manager that you've decided to resign. In this article, we do a deep dive into the art of resigning – including how to actually tell your boss that you're quitting and how to leave on a positive note, but also how to deal with the feelings you may experience prior to and after.
Receiving a counter offer
After you've resigned, you may receive a counter offer to rival the one you've received from your future employer, to try to convince you to stay. This can take many forms: an increase in salary, additional company benefits, a promotion or new job title, additional responsibility, changes in role – or any combination of these.
However, if you've already gone through the above things to consider when deciding whether to leave, and you haven't been able to improve your current situation with the cooperation of your boss, there's rarely a good reason to accept a counter offer and stay where you are.
Think about these factors:
- From the day of your resignation, your loyalty will be under scrutiny
- Your proven desire to move elsewhere may be an obstacle to future promotions
- Why did they refuse to offer you what your deserve before your resignation?
- Has the real reason you resigned been adequately addressed? What will actually change?
In short, do not let an unexpected counter offer stop you. Thank your employer for the opportunity and reaffirm your intention to leave.
However, should you decide to accept, be aware that your resignation has likely not been forgotten. You will have to work hard to win back your employer's trust, and depending on why you wanted to leave in the first place, your employer will have to work hard to win your loyalty too.
Starting a new job
Whether you're a graduate, senior professional or executive, it's always intimidating to start a new job. But you were likely not the only candidate for the position, and your new employer has chosen you for a reason; they feel that you're the best fit for the team and the company. To help you settle the first day nerves, here's a few tips that may make the transition into your new job easier.
Get in touch before you start
The job is yours, but it'll likely be a few months before you actually start. Keep in touch with your new employer during this time! If they invite you to come see the office or meet with the team for a drink, you should make an effort to prioritise it and show up.
Remember peoples' names
If you're not naturally great with names, it may be a good idea to make a note of people and their position. Especially if it's someone you will have regular contact with. It's easy and low-effort rapport building.
Listen, but ask insightful questions
In the early stages, you will likely be listening a lot more than talking. And while you should ask questions if you're in doubt about anything, try to keep them insightful and make quality notes.
Keep focused on what's important
Study your new job description and review it continuously. Reflect on how what you're learning ties to what is expected of you and how you will achieve success.
Don't try to change everything on your first day
Even if you've been hired for a people management position or to change processes, take it slow. Pay due respect to the people and the company by understanding how and why things have been done, before you initiate changes.
Be optimistic
You're not going to amaze people with your talent on the first day – it's not the time or the place. But it's a good opportunity to demonstrate your attitude and approach to the job, which is equally vital for your longer term success.
Let your recruiter know how it went
If you've worked with a recruiter to get the job, make sure to let them know how your first day or week has been. Talk through the people you met, the projects and your first impressions. It can be nice to talk to someone who has an insight into the company and position, but who's not your new colleagues or boss.
It's also important to share any questions you may have at this early stage, so your consultant can help find any information on your behalf or clarify questions or concerns with your employer.
Are you having second thoughts?
You may feel that you've made a mistake or that you won't get along with your new colleagues – but don't panic. It will take some time for you to settle into a new company, and it's natural to have doubts, especially if you left a job that you actually liked. However, before you raise any concerns (unless very urgent) with your manager, you should complete at least one full week, and preferably two.
Don't do anything rash like handing in your notice. Any good manager will take time to listen to your concerns and help make you feel more comfortable. Once you have voiced your concerns and your manager has had a chance to respond to them, you'll be able to make an informed decision as to whether or not you wish to stay.
Settling into a new team
Our relationship to our colleagues is an important part of our social life, and settling into your new team is one of the biggest challenges when starting a new job. But becoming a valued team member is key to your job satisfaction, workplace happiness and ultimately, your success – here's how.
Finding a mentor
Find a mentor who can help you settle, but also help you thrive and develop. A mentor is more of a guide than a teacher, so make use of their knowledge and know that you also bring something to the relationship; a mentorship is beneficial to grow both parties.
Building a relationship with your mentor will help you become accustomed to, and understand the company culture and personality.
Get involved
Depending on who you are as a person, you may or may not find it easy to settle socially. But no matter what, getting involved is a great way to show your team that you're engaged. Attend as many social events as you can and feel comfortable with, as they're the perfect way to get away from your desk and get to know your colleagues.
Build relationships
Spend extra time getting to know the colleagues that you will be working closely with. Ask them questions to get to know them and the work that they do; most people enjoy talking about themselves and their accomplishments.
Find out what you have in common –it's a great way to build individual bonds. Being approachable is also a fundamental part of building strong relationships. Even if you're struggling or if you're socially drained, more people will come and introduce themselves if you wear a smile.
Ensure that you build relationships with all the people who will help you to do your job well. This is not just your immediate team, but could be anyone from the sales manager to the director's personal assistant.
Embrace change
When you first start out, it's easy to criticise practices that you're not used to, or which you believe were better solved at your previous workplace. However, no one wants to hear about how much better your old job was.
Try to bring solutions instead of criticism, and wait until you have a better understanding of why things are done the way they are. Adapt yourself to your new team's way of doing things instead of expecting them to adjust to yours. This applies from the small things such as booking meeting rooms up to embracing the wider ethos of the company.
What can you add?
All teams have strengths and weaknesses, and being able to show the value you're adding to the team is vital to a quick integration. So take the time to figure out what your colleagues are great at, and then where your own strengths can be best applied.

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