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    Reference number: 799708/1

    Global Category Manager (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    Xellia Pharmaceuticals is looking for a Global Category Manager for Indirects, MRO & CAPEX to take on a strategic leadership role in the Global Procurement & External Supply department. This position will oversee the MRO and CAPEX procurement activities across multiple manufacturing sites in Copenhagen, Budapest, and Oslo. You will lead a team of Category Specialists and coordinate sourcing activities globally, implementing cohesive category strategies to meet business objectives.

    This is a high-impact role where you will act as the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for CAPEX procurement, particularly in relation to large-scale expansion projects, positioning yourself as a key partner within the global procurement team. You will drive strategic leadership through collaboration with cross-functional stakeholders and senior management, ultimately helping shape procurement strategy for the future.

    Your Key Responsibilities
    • Strategic Procurement Leadership: Develop and implement procurement strategies in line with Xellia's global company strategy, collaborating with senior stakeholders to align business objectives with sourcing activities.
    • Team Leadership: Lead and mentor a team of procurement professionals, fostering a high-performance culture while providing guidance and performance management.
    • MRO & CAPEX Procurement: Oversee global and regional MRO & CAPEX procurement activities, including engineering services, OEM process equipment, construction, and CQV services.
    • Supplier Relationship Management: Manage supplier KPIs, performance evaluations, disputes, supplier visits, and ensure a strong supplier network that meets Xellia’s goals.
    • Risk & Compliance Management: Identify and mitigate risks, enforce compliance with Xellia’s Procurement Policy and process, and ensure adherence to GxP regulations.
    • Savings & Efficiency Projects: Initiate and manage cost-saving and efficiency projects to optimize procurement processes and achieve financial objectives.
    • Reporting: Monitor spend and savings, report on performance metrics and relevant activities, ensuring the achievement of KPIs.
    • Supply Chain & OTIF (On Time In Full): Act as an escalation point to ensure CAPEX & MRO projects follow defined timelines, contributing to maintaining supplier OTIF in line with Xellia's target.

    You will report directly to the Head of Procurement. The office location is in Copenhagen, but you should expect regular travel—approximately 4 to 5 days per month—for onsite visits to the manufacturing facility in Budapest, as well as occasional events, meetings, supplier visits, and training.
    Online since: Thu Mar 20 15:44:02 CET 2025
    Reference number: 788774/1

    Solution Manager (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    • Oversee the collective architecture discipline within Production IT Infrastructure, ensuring alignment with business and technical objectives.
    • Develop and maintain an architectural runway, including relevant artifacts, and ensure they are communicated and understood across teams.
    • Prioritize epic features and enablers, plan ceremonies, and manage resources and budgets effectively.
    • Collaborate closely with Product Owners, Enterprise Architects, Application Architects, Security Architects, and Infrastructure Architects to integrate company-wide architectures and resolve challenges.
    • Drive the progression of agreed architectures and designs, ensuring they meet quality and performance standards.
    • Lead and inspire a team of infrastructure architects, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement.
    Online since: Tue Mar 04 15:08:15 CET 2025
    Reference number: 806527/1

    Manager for Operations (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    As Manager for Operations, you will step into a position with the responsibility of producing next-generation technology and solutions contributing to greater quality of life for end-users. You will be responsible for facility management, and you will be heading the entire Operations setup in Struer and be accountable for setting the direction as well as driving and further developing Operations in alignment with the overall strategy and targets.

    As Manager for Operations, you will become a part of the Management Team. You will have three people in direct report who oversee each of their own area, i.e., Production, New Product Introduction (NPI), and Supply Chain. All three leaders who will be reporting to the Manager for Operations are independent functions but as Manager for Operations it will be your responsibility to ensure continuous improvement, facilitate organizational changes to support the business, take ownership of financial performance for Operations, and drive the business area for profitable growth while ensuring that client expectations are met, and agreements are delivered upon in relation to manufacturing of commercial, clinical medical devices.
    As a leader, you will be responsible for promoting collaboration across the organization, contributing to good corporation, and developing best practises across the 26 global production sites meanwhile creating a healthy work environment. You will be responsible for ensuring a high level of communication with stakeholders, and it will be upon you to build and maintain customer relationships.

    • Defining and implementing the operations strategy and leading towards it 
    • Setting KPIs in alignment with the overall strategy and ensure weekly follow-ups at board meetings
    • Internal stakeholder management (QA, sales, product development) and external stakeholder management (customers, suppliers, consultancies)
    • Building and strengthening relationships with key customers
    • Accountability for P&L for Operations with the objective of establishing a profitable production
    • Responsibility for Global Innovation & Development, EU sign-off on product agreements for commercial manufacturing and late-stage projects (NPI), customer budgets as well as delivery timelines
    • Driving and ensuring full GMP/GDP compliance in operations as well as monitoring and maintaining installations/facility to operate in compliance
    • Responsibility for sourcing and approval of components from suppliers and delivery of products in compliance with requirements and forecast
    • Design transfer and upscale
    • Supporting sales and customer facing activities (capability presentations, new orders etc.)
    • Responsibility for potential recall issues as legal manufacturer of certain products and accountability for resolving and reporting deviations
    • Leading, developing and mentoring the management team in Operations and responsibility for project/manufacturing execution according to QMS
    • Participation in GID-EU leadership meetings every second week
    Online since: Mon Feb 24 13:43:49 CET 2025
    Reference number: 806486/1

    Engineering Team Leader (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    • Ensuring the successful completion of commercial engineering projects
    • Working with design concepts to solve customer wastewater discharge and reuse objectives.
    • Leading the design process from concept to commissioning in close collaboration with the rest of the team and stakeholders.
    • Performing risk assessments, ensuring process and equipment complying with safety and quality standards.
    • Line management of the Engineering team
    • Streamline workflow processes and structure for the department by designing standard solutions to have a leading position in the market. Work tasks:
    • Visiting customer sites to evaluate design opportunities.
    • Evaluating and procuring equipment for process systems/plant.
    • Developing and optimizing system design for growing client requirement.
    • Being the anchor point for process flow diagrams, P&IDs, process control strategies, and layouts.
    • Maintain project portfolio overview and financial status reports.
    • Project planning and stakeholder management.
    Online since: Thu Feb 20 13:34:46 CET 2025
    Reference number: 806501/1

    Senior Project Manager (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    Du får mulighed for at lede komplekse byggerier inden for Pharma og Life Science gennem alle projektets faser fra de tidlige ideoplæg via projektering til den endelige aflevering af byggeriet. I samarbejde med kompetente og engagerede kollegaer får du mulighed for at præge opbygningen af AFRYs Life Science afdeling og blive en del af et hold, som trives ved at lave tværfaglige kvalitetsløsninger til Pharma & Life Science industrien.

    Som Senior Project Manager forventes du at opbygge et godt projektteam, skabe et godt projektmiljø, lære fra dig for at sikre en høj faglighed gennem hele projektet og levere på projektmål.

    Det er afgørende, at du i samspil med AFRYs tværfaglige projektteams formår at løfte komplekse projekter for virksomhedens kunder i Pharma- og Life Science industrien. Du skal have forståelse for kundefaser, leverancer og kundens behov, og det er essentielt, at du besidder reel rådgivererfaring, forstår ydelsesbeskrivelserne, hvad der skal leveres, hvad der er af krav og kender til diverse faldgruber.

    Det forventes, at du som Senior Project Manager kender til relevante begreber som GxP (herunder GMP og GSP) og ved, hvad disse betyder for projekteksekveringen, så du kan drive projektet effektivt.

    • Lede tværfaglige design teams på 15-40 kollegaer
    • Drive projekt- og projekteringsledelse på opgaver inden for design, projektering og udførelse i komplekse byggerier
    • Yde innovativ og helhedsorienteret rådgivning til vores kunder
    • Ansvarlig for økonomi, planlægning og tidsstyring i dine projekter
    • Sikre kvalitet, faglig og tværfaglig granskning i dine projekter
    • Statusrapportering til interne og eksterne styregrupper 
    • Deltage i afdelingens faglige udvikling og hjælpe med at løfte fagligheden hos mindre erfarne kollegaer
    Online since: Wed Feb 19 13:45:18 CET 2025
    Reference number: 806498/1

    Project Director (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    Du får mulighed for at lede komplekse byggerier inden for Pharma og Life Science gennem alle projektets faser fra de tidlige ideoplæg via projektering til den endelige aflevering af byggeriet. I samarbejde med kompetente og engagerede kollegaer får du mulighed for at præge opbygningen af AFRYs Life Science afdeling og blive en del af et hold, som trives ved at lave tværfaglige kvalitetsløsninger til Pharma & Life Science industrien.
    Som Project Director bliver det dit ansvar at opbygge et godt projektteam, skabe kundetillid og levere på projektmål, og det forventes, at du bidrager til AFRYs positionering og evner at indgå i tværkulturelle samarbejder på tværs af AFRYs organisation.
    Som Project Director får du stor beslutningskompetence, og det er derfor vigtigt, at dine strategiske og kommercielle projektforståelse er på plads. Som Project Director skal du have grundig forståelse for kundefaser og -leverancer og kunne sætte dig ind i kundens behov. Det forventes, at du er skarp på stakeholder management og formår at kommunikere på højt niveau, da du både vil være ansvarlig for at varetage kommunikationen op imod kunder og ned mod projektorganisationen, og som Project Director skal du derfor forstå, hvad der kan kommunikeres hvor.
    Det er kritisk for denne rolle, at du formår at bidrage til AFRYs positionering og dermed formår at opbygge kundetillid. Et afgørende succeskriterie er derfor, at du som Project Director både formår at etablere og bygge det gode team og samtidig lykkes med at bygge relationer til kunder og indgå og drive tværfaglige samarbejder.
    For at sikre en effektiv projektstyring er det væsentligt, at du indtager rollen som synlig leder og formår at skabe et godt projektmiljø og drive projektorganisationen på empatisk vis.
    Det forventes desuden, at du kender til relevante begreber som GxP (herunder GMP og GSP) og ved, hvad disse betyder for projekteksekveringen, så du kan indgå dialog med kvalitetsfolkene og drive projektet effektivt.

    • Lede tværfaglige design teams på 20-100 kollegaer
    • Drive projekt- og projekteringsledelse på opgaver inden for design, projektering og udførelse i komplekse byggerier
    • Yde innovativ og helhedsorienteret rådgivning til vores kunder
    • Ansvarlig for økonomi, planlægning og tidsstyring i dine projekter
    • Sikre kvalitet, faglig og tværfaglig granskning i dine projekter
    • Statusrapportering til interne og eksterne styregrupper
    • Deltage i den strategiske udvikling af AFRYs forretning inden for Pharma & Life Science i samarbejde med afdelingsledelsen
    Online since: Wed Feb 19 13:43:07 CET 2025
    Reference number: 729371/1

    Refrigeration Technician (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    • Are you a quality-conscious and travel-loving refrigeration technician? Do you think –80°C, cascade system, PLC control and full redundancy sounds interesting Then you now have the opportunity to join LOWENCO - one of the world's leading manufacturers of ultra-low temperature freezers for the pharmaceutical industrySee Tasks Below:
    • Deliver top quality refrigeration products
    • Plan the installation work at the customers, including ensuring that the containers ready for shipping
    • Prepare the necessary documentation that accompanies our projects
    • Contribute to the development of our refrigeration apprentices
    • Actively participate in the development and optimisation of work processes and products
    Online since: Mon Feb 17 13:36:59 CET 2025
    Reference number: 804161/1

    Production Planner (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    • Som Production Planner hos Betech bliver du sammen med din kollega ansvarlig for Produktionsplanlægningen i Bramming. Du vil samarbejde på tværs med bl.a. Produktionen, Internt salg, de produktansvarlige samt kvalitets- og indkøbsafdelingen. Helt generelt vil du:
    • Sikre optimal planlægning af produktion, under hensyntagen til ressourcer, økonomi og leveringstider.
    • Beregne kostpriser ud fra de givne forudsætninger.
    • Udarbejdelse og opfølgning på tilbud til kunderne.
    • Aflæse tekniske tegninger mm.
    • Tilrette og vedligeholde stamdata.
    • Opfølgning på kapacitet og materialer samt sikkerhedsbeholdninger.
    Online since: Thu Feb 13 12:59:29 CET 2025
    Reference number: 801350/1

    Afdelingschef (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Som leder af Norconsult vil du styre vores projekter, kommercielle aktiviteter samt sikre og opretholde en stærk økonomisk position og kultur. Du vil bidrage med omfattende viden til Norconsults miljø- og geotekniske divisioner, samtidig med at du har en passion for kommercielle aktiviteter. Derudover vil du fungere som sparringspartner og overordnet projektleder. Som afdelingsleder vil du lede afdelingen og alle divisioner inden for denne del af Norconsult. Samlet set vil du drive forretningsudviklingen for geotekniske og miljømæssige divisioner. Dine primære opgaver og ansvarsområder vil omfatte:
    • Etablering og vedligeholdelelse med kontakt til de øvrige kontorer, herunder det nye kontor i Jylland
    • Håndtering af relationer til hovedkontoret gennem møder og seminarer
    • At stå til rådighed og håndtering ved kundetilfredshedsudfordringer
    • Overordnet ansvar for afdelingens økonomi
    • At overvåge indkøb og skære unødvendige udgifter fra
    • Implementering af ensartede retningslinjer på tværs af virksomheden
    • Personaleledelse, herunder udviklingssamtaler og trivsel
    • Lønforhandlinger
    • Ansvarlighed for ansættelser og afskedigelser i afdelingen
    • Overvågning af fakturering
    • At inspirere teamledere og øvrige medarbejdere
    Online since: Mon Jan 20 14:32:44 CET 2025
    Reference number: 813530/1

    (Senior) Fixed Income Sales Trader (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    Frankfurt am Main
    • Trading for commission in all relevant fixed income segments and all currencies
    • Understand drivers of relevant markets and establish a high degree of competence with clients around executing trades
    • Enhancing relationships with clients, providing advice on Fixed Income market developments and key issues that may affect their trading strategies
    • Provide support analysis of economic, market trends and other financial data to identify undervalued and overvalued Fixed Income products
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 16:53:43 CET 2025
    Reference number: 813702/1

    Projekt Manager Sales Consultant (m/f/d)

    Freelance/Contracting project
    • Sales Manager
    • Establishing connections with suppliers in the plywood industry
    • Searching for high-performance partners;
    • Networking and generating leads
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 16:19:44 CET 2025
    Reference number: 814187/1

    TCP/IP Development Supporter (m/f/d)

    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    • Design and implement embedded devices using real-time operating systems (RTOS)
    • Integrate and manage TCP/IP stacks on non-Linux embedded devices
    • Implement TLS1.3 for secure communication protocols
    • Develop and provide REST APIs on embedded devices
    • Utilize Eclipse ThreadX for real-time applications
    • Implement security solutions using ARM TrustZone and Trusted Firmware-M
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 14:42:18 CET 2025
    Reference number: 794107/1

    Sales Manager Wood Central Europe and Nordics (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    • Responsible for the sales of wood products such as plywood and lumber, applying sound commercial strategies to achieve sales targets
    • Conduct market analyses to identify and secure new customer contacts in line with guidelines and strategic objectives
    • Create precise and reliable sales forecasts to optimize the balance between supply and demand, adhering to budget requirements regarding volume, price, and margin
    • Build and maintain strong, long-term customer relationships by understanding customer needs and acting as a trusted partner with extensive market knowledge
    • Prepare and maintain price lists and create sales and volume reports as needed
    • Collaborate with the Global Commercial Team, Operations, and Supply Chain
    • Direct reporting line to the Sales Director
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 14:18:33 CET 2025
    Reference number: 814172/1

    Technical Consultant – Interfaces & Process Management / Integration Manager (m/f/d)

    Freelance/Contracting project
    • Support general IT topics with a strong focus on integrations
    • Design and implement ERP and system integrations utilizing SAP S/4HANA, Microsoft D365, and modern API architectures
    • Utilize middleware and integration platforms such as SAP PI/PO, Azure Integration Services, Boomi, MuleSoft, and Celigo
    • Develop and manage API and data exchange formats including REST, SOAP, GraphQL, EDIFACT, XML, JSON, and CSV
    • Monitor and troubleshoot integration processes, perform error handling, and analyze logs using tools like Azure Monitor, Splunk, Dynatrace, and Kibana
    • Analyze processes, optimize workflows, automate data flows, and map end-to-end processes in various functional areas such as procurement, production, logistics, and finance
    • Coordinate interface lifecycle, manage DevOps pipelines, and contribute to change and release management processes
    • Engage in Agile project steering using methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, ITIL, and SAFe
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 14:14:16 CET 2025
    Reference number: 814171/1

    PIM Specialist / Product Owner (m/f/d)

    Freelance/Contracting project
    • Transition from Crossbase on-prem to a cloud-based SaaS PIM solution
    • Understand and manage SaaS architecture
    • Integrate via REST APIs, GraphQL
    • Connect D365 F&O to PIM
    • Utilize middleware expertise such as Boomi, MuleSoft, Celigo, SAP BTP
    • Manage data modeling (product master data, pricing, variants, assets, translations)
    • Streamline retail & manufacturing workflows including e-commerce, POS, wholesale data flows
    • Implement PIM strategy & project management, focusing on data governance strategy design and workflow optimization
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 14:13:28 CET 2025
    Reference number: 813894/1

    Design Engineer - Environmental Safety (m/f/d)

    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    • Lead the implementation of EHS standards and practices throughout the project lifecycle
    • Collaborate with design teams to ensure safety, environmental, and sustainability aspects are embedded into project designs
    • Participate to risk assessments, including HAZOP, ATEX, containment, and fire safety evaluations during the different project phase (from feasibility to detail design)
    • Maintain accurate records of basic container data to facilitate on-demand reporting and dashboard creation, including regular inspections to verify current conditions
    • Ensure compliance with local, national, and international EHS regulations and standards (e.g., SUVA)
    • Ensure preparation of documentation for apply for necessary approvals for project execution
    • Maintain documentation to support regulatory audits and compliance checks
    • Act as the primary EHS representative for projects, working closely with engineering teams
    • Develop and manage EHS deliverables, including initial assessments, CAR reviews, and operational safety plans
    • Monitor project progress against defined EHS milestones, providing updates to stakeholders
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 14:03:48 CET 2025
    Reference number: 814169/1

    ERP Specialist / Product Owner (m/f/d)

    Freelance/Contracting project
    • Provide technical support for various Porsche projects such as Jarvis, D2C, Aspire, PDTP, CBTP, etc.
    • Utilize in-depth ERP knowledge, including SAP S/4HANA and Microsoft Dynamics 365, for system configuration and customizing
    •  Configure system settings such as tenant setup, master data, and workflow configuration
    • Perform adjustments to finance, procurement, and sales processes
    • Set up pricing, discount, and inventory strategies
    • Handle data migration and mapping between SAP and D365
    • Implement API integration with POS, CRM, and e-commerce platforms
    • Use Azure Logic Apps, Power Automate, and SAP PI/PO for interface and integration tasks
    • Enhance workflows and automate processes to improve efficiency
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 14:03:02 CET 2025
    Reference number: 814127/1

    Marketing Technologies Communications Lead (m/f/d)

    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Basel Stadt
    • Develop, lead, and orchestrate the execution of communications strategy and plan
    • Be a strategic/senior partner that collaborates with the New Customer Engagement Platform Leaders and senior leaders across our Roche partner ecosystem to drive proposals for scope/allocation/interaction models for the project
    • Orchestrate the project change/communications strategy and editorial calendar to reach business/project stakeholder segments to drive business results (e.g. assess stakeholders needs impacted by change; coordinate with cross-functional teams, sponsors, leaders, and impacted parties to ensure alignment with, and effectiveness of, change management and communications plans)
    • Participate in RFP process, vendor assessment, and selection for project change/communication support
    • Working across the project lifecycle (e.g. with design, building, testing, learning teams) to plan and orchestrate the execution of town halls, roadshows, service/solution demos, user engagement sessions, briefings, scripts/messages, conferences/events etc. to increase their awareness, buy-in, readiness, and adoption
    • Shape project communication/change campaigns that touch the heart and minds of our internal customers (e.g. Affiliates, Global Functions, IIX, etc.) that articulate the differentiated value and thought leadership of the project
    • Prepare performance reports to assess share of voice, communication effectiveness and implement continuous improvement measures etc.
    • Leading and managing internal communications and implementing multi-internal stakeholder engagement strategies
    • Set an example as change/communication leader and for cross-functional collaboration; effectively navigating the complexities of working in a matrixed organization
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 13:58:08 CET 2025
    Reference number: 813090/1

    Fullstack Application Developer (Security) (m/f/d)

    Freelance/Contracting project
    North Rhine-Westphalia
    • Fullstack Development of containerized Microservices for Curve Markig System including algorithmic price curve generation for Risk and PnL
    • Understand user requirements for UI from Trading desks and other locations and implement features with Dev Team.
    • Making the environment safe in two cloud systems so that everything is clean and safe
    • Secure the infrastructure, to make existing projects safe
    • Create backups
    • Angular, focus is Infrastructure Driven
    • C# as communication
    Online since: Tue Mar 25 11:35:23 CET 2025
    Reference number: 813861/1

    Plant Manager for New Production Facility in India (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    • Establish and lead the new production facility with up to 80 employees
    • Ensure adherence to production goals and quality standards
    • Implement and optimize production processes and technologies
    • Plan and control the budget for the facility
    • Lead and develop the team, including training and performance evaluations.
    • Collaborate with other departments and external partners to ensure smooth operations
    • Report to the executive management on progress, challenges, and successes of the facility
    Online since: Mon Mar 24 16:17:27 CET 2025

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